Friday, April 24, 2020

"The Devil Made Me Do It" Is Not a Defense

No Half Measures


Anonymous said...

He's not even pretending to care anymore--it's all just gibberish, flailing and shit flinging. Not holding out hope that Republicans will make any effort to distance themselves from their failed & rejected (and quite deadly) Trump Experiment. It's what they wanted--it's what they DEMANDED.

Robt said...

Welcome to the FOX corp States of republicans.

We need a Manhattan type project.

That will figure out a way to disinfect the white house of the disease.

Using radioactive Pinesol disinfectant ( because it smelts nice too) .

Perhaps Starting with Pence and moving trough all Trump's best people. When Trump suggests a cure and what do you have to lose.

For instance, Trump offers his genius to bleach the virus out of our lungs. VP Pence goes directly to the medical room in the White House and leads the way as a volunteer to have it done on him.

If we lose Pence in the sacrifice trump issues a medal. Let them lead by example for the Greatest republican ever. Prove they aren't just nodding yes bobble heads and be the one who has nothing to lose for Trump and show that loyalty.
Don't be a RINO...!

DocAmazing said...

I actually feel very sorry for Dr. Birx. She's a public health hero who has become Trumps dancing monkey because she thinks (possibly correctly) that it is the only way she will be able to get accurate information to the public. Now even that ha been taken from her.

Collaborating in hope of helping the masses is still collaborating.

rapier said...

Come on. You've got to. The day that both siderism achieved its Mount Olympus. Behold the perfect diamond crystal crown of both siderism. Awe inspiring, majestic. it beauty almost too much to comprehend.