Monday, March 23, 2020

Having Gathered All Six Stupidity Stones...

...the Mad Spraytan used their power to lie about a pandemic for months because that would be a great way to get himself re-elected.

And if that didn't work -- if all the pathological lying and half-assing ended up getting lots of Americans killed and driving a stake through the heart of the economy -- so what?  He could just use the Fox News Stupidity Stone to blame Democrats, China and the Black President.

And also maybe loot the treasury for a shitload of money along the way.

Help Flatten The Conservative Viral Curve.


dinthebeast said...

I have an idea: when the goddamn Republicans ask for a half-trillion dollar slush fund from which Fergus can enrich his businesses without oversight instead of helping poor people survive the apocalypse, we get together as a party and tell them to go fuck themselves.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Robt said...

Attaining those stones is something no one ever predicted, expected or ever succeeded at attempting. Except other republicans.

it entitled him to say, " I take no responsibility"

And then,
On a 1 to 10 scale. "rating himself for his actions on all that virus stuff (that NO one could have known). Not even the Stable Genius? Rated himself a 10.............

I am rating myself a 10 for my actions on the corona-virus that I have no responsibility for"

bowtiejack said...

Just excellent !

bowtiejack said...

I was telling my daughter L:exi that if the mortality rate on COVID-19 is 2% and half the US population gets it, that will mean 3 million deaths. Nobody knows for sure because the data is so spotty or non-existent. It could be worse. Much worse.

Two of the mega Wall Street firms (Citibank and JP Morgan) have almost $3 TRILLION of an animal called a Credit Default Swap. Basically an insurance policy on debt. It the debtor can't pay, Citibank (or JP Morgan) pays, now owns the debt and tries to collect to get some of their money back. BUT if the economy crashes because of COVID-19, nobody's going to be able to pay any debts and Citibank and JP Morgan will be out that $3 TRILLION (which they don't have - the basic theory of the insurance business is that not everybody dies at once. But what if they do?).

At that point Wall Street will try the same rigamarole they did in 2008 - get the gummint to bail them out.
But, as I told my daughter, I think we're in different territory now. If all this happens, we could be in 1789 French Revolution territory.

To which, my daughter replied, "But the only people ready for that will be those stupid Doomsday Preppers people!"

I love my daughter.

Kevin Holsinger said...

Good morning, Mr. Glass.

I was gonna suggest something about Coronavirus and Thanos a few days ago, but forgot what it was. Though it now occurs to me...what if Donos snaps his fingers to wipe out half the population, but it's his supporters who die?

Be seeing you.

Robt said...

So what if we find out that a single refer of panama Red , Once per day for two weeks is the Covid-19 vaccine we are looking for?

Will Republicans refuse the refer vaccine?

What if republicans (hello Rand Paul), Who catch Covid-19. We find has a permanent after effect that makes them have gay urges? Or, weakens their mental process to restrain their previous gay tendencies, *Hello Lindsey).