Saturday, March 21, 2020

Science Fiction University, Episode 4 -- Neuromancer and 2001: A Space Odyssey

All episodes available at our Science Fiction University website here.


dinthebeast said...

I was seven in '68 when 2001 came out, so there was a whole bunch of things I didn't get until I finally got around to reading the book in 2013. Even as a kid, though, the whole cold war sensibility of the story was evident to me.
As for Neuromancer, some friends of mine all started pressuring me to read it in a sort of dark time in my life, when everything was falling apart (1987 if I remember correctly) and I finally did read it (and then pretty much everything else he has written), and I have two things about it to share.
One is the recurrence of methamphetamine imagery and culture that is woven through those first three books like a tapestry, and the other is a thing that happened in 1989, when we were quasi-homeless and killing time in Berkeley before our friend got off work to let us into where we were temporarily staying. We went for a walk in an ornate cemetery in the Berkeley hills on a foggy morning and walked up on this big granite mausoleum with WINTERMUTE carved into the arch at the front of it. One of those chills up and down your spine moments.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Robt said...

This is like my dog watching , "the adventures of Space force Squirrel"

Now I know why my dog enjoys it so.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that I listened to this podcast. I've never been a Sci-Fi fan, but enjoyed watching 2001 as visually stunning, but I never understood the story. Thank you, now I will have to watch it again. Unfortunately I don't live in Illinois or another state where marijuana is legal...