Sunday, February 02, 2020

Today In Late-Breaking, Nobody-Cares News

I felt that the number of suddenly-woke Republicans now swearing to God that they had no idea their party was a shitpile of bigots and imbeciles until five minutes ago deserved a new graphic.

For example, suddenly-woke African-American Republican Sophia Nelson:
Here’s Why I Left the GOP


The Republican party that drew me in as a young black woman is gone. This new Republican Party is beholden to a lawless, immoral, godless man.

Sophia A. Nelson -- Updated Feb. 02, 2020 4:00PM ET / Published Feb. 01, 2020 5:00AM ET

As always, it's the bit about "This new Republican Party" that makes it art.

It's also what buys her a seat on the Beltway media lifeboat.

So if I were in the predicting business, I'd predict Ms. Nelson will be gifted all usual, complimentary media attention which is lavished on all suddenly-woke Republicans by all the usual suspects.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


jimbo26 said...

Within this Month , the United States of America WILL be the United Republican States of America under Mr Dictator Trump . Commander Brainspur is looking forward to it .

Vache Folle said...

The Republican Party has been a cesspit my entire adult life (I'm in my sixties). There were a few half decent old timers who hung around for a while, but it was fully taken over after '76 by the eat the poor or incite the poor to eat each other wing.

Robt said...

Not for this agnostic leaning atheist to criticize someones religion. Except when they infuse that religion into politics in a manner that Their GOP is God's party and the Dems are the party of Satan's evil.

This Sophia Nelson, it is possible she is young and impressionable by the likes of the College republicans recruiting by their Alt right, Fascist recruiting organizations on campuses across America. Funded by right wingers who decry victimhood that they are not alloud to indulge unrestrained with White Supremacy in the name of the GOP God. To do this on the campus of liberal bastion control that has suppressed the humble KKK/ NAZI white nationalists who loyally align with Putin.

When stated, "This new Republican Party is beholden to a lawless, immoral, godless man."

Immoral man would be satisfactory. Omitting the "Godless" would provide more thoughtful credibility. In my opinion.

For this insinuates, the Good Sumaratan she read in the Bible for not being of her GOD is an immoral brain tumor.
I just think she (as others) using the GOD thing for morality makes the proclamation that anyone that is not religious and of a faith recognizable to ones religion. They are evil doers and that is absurd.
There are many I will stand in word defense, their lack of religion/God did not deminish their highly moral humane rational way of approaching life and people.

Perhaps I go to far in this iota of Sophia Nelson.
The Jesus in her Bible states, to pray in private without public display. The loss of sincerity in public prayer comes from the need to perform and get ratings from the audience./

But, After you pray, then what? Pray for morality all you want. Living it, rehearsing it, over and over. Teaching it and reaping the rewards. Instead of waiting around for your
God to answer with a burning bush tweet.

One thing for sure. All her republican pals are going to unleash on Sophia and stone her to death with all their liberal hatred because in their view of her now, she is a traitor and a Godless libtard, etc., etc.,
You know, like when she was calling Liberals or even moderate Democrats, for that matter conservative Democrats. Called them all Godless. You know she did. I know she did and I didn't have to be there to hear it first hand.

Robt said...

There used to be the "Ann Landers" type column in the papers. They had many names. They took letter for advice. Advice on their cheating spouse to their husband coming out of the closet.
Ann Landers always had the answers for them.

maybe social media needs to open up a "Ann Landers" so folks like Sophia can Twit in and get that needed advice to leave her abusive political party husband.

tony in san diego said...

The surest proof that none of those Republicans believe in god, is that they took that oath with "so help me God" at the end of it.

Anonymous said...

