Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Re-Halperining Continues

This was predictable and predicted.
There is obviously a directive coming from very high up in the Beltway media ecosystem to get Mark Fucking Halperin back in front of a microphone no matter what.

I would like to meet the person who issued this directive.

Find out their reasons for issuing it.

And then cockpunch them hard enough to make their great-grandparents pass out.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


steeve said...

This sort of thing never makes any sense even from their perspective. There are plenty of corporate bootlickers who can be wrong as fluently as Halperin. They can deliver anything Halperin can deliver.

It's easy to answer why they put a burned-out idiot hack on the air. But I can't answer why they climb over non-burned-out idiot hacks to do it.

Robt said...

Like the Medal Of Freedom Award should be given to Alex Acosta for answering the call when his republican government called on him to serve.
The sacrifice he made by intervening in the awful un American attack in Florida on Jeffery Epstein.
Trump made his attempt to reward him for his unselfish patriotism by honoring us all with Acosta's deep care to serve all Americans who Labor for a living.
Dazzling us with his special sweet heart of the deal talents displayed at the Department of Labor sitting across the wine and dine tables with corporate execs. Doing the will of the people.If it wasn't for Kavanaugh Acosta would have a lifetime job to reward Acosta for his heroism..

Not to worry. Acosta's service will not be forgotten, only delay his honorable deserves.

Halperin can end up in Porter's job. He fits the criteria.