Friday, August 30, 2019

There Is a Bear in the Woods

There is a bear in the woods.

For some people, the bear is easy to see.

Others are busy fellating the bear on the world stage.

Some people say the bear is our very best friend in the whole wide world!

Others point to the bear's paw prints all over our elections and the bear's money stuffed into the pockets of Republican politicians and say, "Are you out of your fucking mind?"

Since it's really clear who’s right, isn’t it smart to get rid of the the guy who's sucking the bear's dick?

Because there is definitely a bear.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


wibble said...




Pagan in repose said...

We're down to one functioning political party while the other party is a cruel, money grubbing, self destructive collective of chicken shit boot licking sociopathic bates motel offspring shoving the car full of dead bodies into the lake while setting the lake on fire in the hopes of building a new resort to make the diplomats from other countries to stay at while they reap the personal profit from it. All the while letting a no nothing raving idiot lead the marching band down a dead end street, while being paid by us to run this headless clown act.

"The revolution will not be televised" Credited to Gill Scott Heron for those not familiar with his great work.

Pagan in repose said...

Also, survival of the fittest no longer applies, it is now survival of the idiot that applies, and no need for a roadmap to guess where that leads.

Pagan in repose said...

Speaking of the idiot Trumpoff, I hear he will personally be on the beach at mar-go-largo to beat back Dorian and his so called hurricane. Now that would be some real live TV to watch. Whether or not he will be sucking the Bear's dick at the same time is not known at this moment. But stay tuned to your local Fox network to find out.

Mag7 said...

Man that's well said.