Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Your Moment of Bush-Regime Dead-Ender Zen: Update

One middle-aged Bush Regime dead-ender with a permanent media sinecure at The Washington Post...

...praising the paean of another middle-aged Bush Regime dead-ender (with a permanent media sinecure at the Atlantic)... a book that yet another middle-aged Bush Regime dead-ender (with a permanent media sinecure at The New York Times) has written about his midlife crisis.


Update:  I'm going to pull this comment by Andrew Johnston onto the main page because it is so on-point regarding how, even when they're trying to be gracious and uplifting, these people absolutely cannot stop themselves from rolling the same old, utterly gratuitous, Both Siderist bullshit into every single fucking thing they write:

My favorite part (emphasis added):

Certain orthodox Christians will be uneasy that Brooks voices doubt and is uncertain about the physical resurrection of Jesus. Certain people of the Jewish faith will be hurt because they believe he is leaving the Jewish fold. And certain progressives—particularly of the cynical and woke variety—won’t like the fact that he finds Jesus a more compelling figure than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

This is my favorite part about that afterglow that follows the release of anything by Brooks or his ilk. Even as they talk about how his teaching are lifting them to some higher plane, they still can't help but take cheap shots. You saw the same thing with The Road to Character with people using it as an excuse to sneer at those Kids These Days With Their Darn Smartphones, even as they claimed to be above such attacks.

The unspoken truth is that these folks only want to be the bigger man because the height makes it easier to shit on people.
It is just not in them to stop being assholes, no matter how hard they pretend.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Unknown said...

He's on the PBS NewsHour every Friday. Why I don't know.

Neo Tuxedo said...

"It was like some some fucked up Escher painting, 'The Perfect Eternal Jackass.' It's like a jackass drawing another jackass in front of a mirror, forever. There were layers of meaning there I couldn't begin to interpret."

jp said...

Peak Bobo.

Andrew Johnston said...

My favorite part (emphasis added):

Certain orthodox Christians will be uneasy that Brooks voices doubt and is uncertain about the physical resurrection of Jesus. Certain people of the Jewish faith will be hurt because they believe he is leaving the Jewish fold. And certain progressives—particularly of the cynical and woke variety—won’t like the fact that he finds Jesus a more compelling figure than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

This is my favorite part about that afterglow that follows the release of anything by Brooks or his ilk. Even as they talk about how his teaching are lifting them to some higher plane, they still can't help but take cheap shots. You saw the same thing with The Road to Character with people using it as an excuse to sneer at those Kids These Days With Their Darn Smartphones, even as they claimed to be above such attacks.

The unspoken truth is that these folks only want to be the bigger man because the height makes it easier to shit on people.

Robt said...

Good old pals like Pete Wehner at the Atlantic can be counted on.

Still need to get paid for using his cred.

From what I can tell they didn't pay him enough if Gerson has to get a cut of the action break out the toilet plunger. To bring it back up.

To bad they didn't get that military survival training like Ex General John Kelly. While at Homeland security setting up the contracting and pricing for immigrant holding camps. As he left the the Trump employ. He had a sweet executive job and pay with those contractors.

Not sure if this job showed up in the recent jobs report. But hey, Kelly created a good paying job for himself in the private sector and doesn't have to rely on a Gerson or a Pete Wehner.

joejimtree said...

My book cover endorsement for this humble saint:

"Brooks writes like Thomas Merton, if Merton hadn't been a spiritual adept with an affectionate wit, and had and never gone to a monastery."

"Brooks has the credibility of the Dalia Lama, without the renunciation, or the treasury of secret practices he learned in constant study from boyhood, and if the leader of the Buddhist world had advocated for a massive war to teach some folks a lesson."