Thursday, May 23, 2019

How The Mainstream Media Feeds The Wingnut Ecosystem

Without being fed a steady stream of legitimacy from Respectable Beltway Media, the wingnut media ecosystem would still be a swamp of bile, racist and paranoia, but it would look very different and would not wield anything the outsized influence it has over our national political conversation.

Keep that in mind that when you see that today was a fairly typical day for groveling Trump apologist and Cyborg Sent from the Future to Destroy America, Hugh Hewitt, on his rightwing hellscape radio show.  And on this fairly typical day Mr. Hewitt fielded both a New York Times columnist and the host of Meet the Press to appear on his show
Bret Stephens, Senator Jim Talent, and Chuck Todd On The Blowback Against Elites
The Respectable Beltway Media and the wingnut media are two drunks that remain standing by propping each other up.

And the ruinous fallout from this toxic symbiosis are in evidence all around us every day.

Behold, a Tip Jar!

1 comment:

Robt said...

Sort of like Neegan of the Walking Dead. Who kept a bunch of loyal zombies around for the purpose of feeding them those who got out of line.

keeping those punished into being a dead walker for the rest of their death.

A nice reminder to follow the leader rules.

Sort of like road signs to obey or get a ticket.