Friday, December 21, 2018

Professional Left Podcast #472

“Chaos is a friend of mine."
-- Bob Dylan

Don't forget to visit our new website -- -- for all of the sweet bells and whistles:  there are links to donate to our podcast work at that site, as well as links to our swingin' Zazzle merch store,  our respective blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Kittehs! and much more. Many thanks once again to @theologop for building it all for us!


The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


dinthebeast said...

You know, Blue Gal's explanation of the GoFundtheWall scam (why was it so difficult to stop myself from typing "GoFuckyourself"?) reminded me of my initial reaction to Fergus candidacy: "Wow, people are going to send their money to Donald the fuck Trump. Real people. Real American money. Donald the fuck Trump. I wonder if they can make them quack like a duck while they do it?"
Silly me.
Quacking like a duck would be amateur night, these fucks are begging them to take their health insurance away and pollute the air and water they need to survive and a whole list of crimes against them, just so those same crimes happen to us also.
This may not be in the spirit of the holidays, but fuck those people. Things are hard enough right now as it is, without them making it worse.
That said, we will most likely survive, and I do hope everyone has a good holiday, especially if your circumstances are difficult just now.
Thank you again for the podcast. Briana and the cat (whose picture I will be sending along shortly) enjoyed it also, and our DJ friend Raven told me this week that he's been listening to you guys each week for a while now.

-Doug in Oakland

ervin said...

Listen to the death of Sergei Magnitski with Bill Broder,October 25,2017l Love listening every week to you two.Happy winter solstice.

Robt said...

Did Trump win the war on the Winter Solstice? Kwanzaa? Hanukkah?

Convince me that Russian Bots are behind the Gofundme NAZI Wall of righteousness?

Remember Reagan's infamous words of nonsense.

The MOST scariest words in the English language.

"I am from the government and I am here to help", Ronald Reagan

Did Wall Street run for their lives in the 2007 bail out?

What Farmer used his 2nd Amendment right remedy to stop those AG Subsidies?

What republican Governor refused to accept Interstate Highway funding for the state?

Why did Farmers and Ranchers seek out Trump and GOP (government) to intervene in the free market of their sales to foreign countries? Approve of the the Tariffs to intervene on AG's behalf and anxiously complain and demand the welfare from government to force other people's money to be given to them for these self inflicted foreign marker profit loses?

Why do republican politicians look to other peoples money to provide them and their families health care when they insist other people should be self sufficient and are on the own?

Why do start up small businesses pull themselves up in the business world by their own bootstraps and not look to government for government small business loans or seek government private business partnerships?

Why do they look to government to resolve our borders? Why do businesses look to government courts to resolve their disputes? Why business people plea to government to lobby them to make laws for them or remove laws just for them?

Santa if your listening? What I would like for Christmas is to give the gift of media saturation on this government dependency of those who stand on the rotted fallacy boards on the bridge. Before more of the rotting boards break and send more of them to their peril. Forcing everyone else to bury them.

Robt said...

Late comment,

If you have any notion of doing a yea-rend review.
You ran out of time. Yo' time is up!

Besides, I do not think Big Pharma has enough
Sodium thiopental.
Pancuronium bromide (Pavulon)
Potassium chloride.

or in laymen's words. Execution drug cocktail.

Besides, There is no septic pump truck with the capacity make a difference in the Republican governing septic tank that filled up to capacity. toilets cannot flush anymore. It over flows .