Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The Beltway Curve

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Mr XD said...

This is pretty technical stuff, but after some intense analysis and consulting the I Ching, I think begin to see a pattern here.
HO HO HO and best wishes for the holidaze ~

RUKidding said...

Beltway curve, indeed. Well done.

Happy Everything everyone!

Is it time for the airing of grievances yet?

Meremark said...

Speaking of "pretty technical stuff" Unknown,

In reviewing my 2018 progress my #1 accomplishment is my Big Idea for measuring a person's moral standing
by which I mean measuring one's ethical sense
by which I mean measuring your soul.

The result is a comparative number, like IQ's number, with a value of 100 meaning Normal for your age, ie, 'acting your age.'
Over 100 means better than average morality.
Less than 100 means forgive them for they know not what they do, ie, we don't charge minors with 'adult' crimes and responsibilities, like when a 7yo shoots a 3yo sibling with their household gun left laying loaded on the coffee table by the sofa.

Note that in my design (copying IQ # design) a person's 'score' changes with ageing, ie, you can gain or lose moral value by study, practice, and knowledge learning. Or not.

(Gives new connotation for the personality phenomenon called 'second childhood.')

So today I found this 3wk-old news about Chinese scientists measuring the human soul.
Pretty technical stuff:


I dare all to read it, mildly aware of the busy traffic 'all' in driftglass's comments section.

Finally, if my design for measuring (or, 'weighing,' if you prefer) the human soul, if my design is correct then the design of the Chinese measurements won't work to 'see the soul.'

Bottom line: human moral sense is in the 3rd ventricle of the brain. And somewhat with its association to the 4th ventricle. Put THAT in your Wikipedia search field and blow your mind.

n.b., 'size' of the 3rd ventricle is not the measure of primary value.

Fun fact: 'all' mammals have a 3rd ventricle, few exceptions. Which means whales have ethical, moral sense. But you knew that....

Meremark said...

Speaking of "pretty technical stuff" Unknown,

In reviewing my 2018 progress my #1 accomplishment is my Big Idea for measuring a person's moral standing
by which I mean measuring one's ethical sense
by which I mean measuring your soul.

The result is a comparative number, like IQ's number, with a value of 100 meaning Normal for your age, ie, 'acting your age.'
Over 100 means better than average morality.
Less than 100 means forgive them for they know not what they do, ie, we don't charge minors with 'adult' crimes and responsibilities, like when a 7yo shoots a 3yo sibling with their household gun left laying loaded on the coffee table by the sofa.

Note that in my design (copying IQ # design) a person's 'score' changes with ageing, ie, you can gain or lose moral value by study, practice, and knowledge learning. Or not.

(Gives new connotation for the personality phenomenon called 'second childhood.')

So today I found this 3wk-old news about Chinese scientists measuring the human soul.
Pretty technical stuff:


I dare all to read it, mildly aware of the busy traffic 'all' in driftglass's comments section.

Finally, if my design for measuring (or, 'weighing,' if you prefer) the human soul, if my design is correct then the design of the Chinese measurements won't work to 'see the soul.'

Bottom line: human moral sense is in the 3rd ventricle of the brain. And somewhat with its association to the 4th ventricle. Put THAT in your Wikipedia search field and blow your mind.

n.b., 'size' of the 3rd ventricle is not the measure of primary value.

Fun fact: 'all' mammals have a 3rd ventricle, few exceptions. Which means whales have ethical, moral sense. But you knew that....

Meremark said...

But morality was not what I came to comment. This is:

To a photoshopper who may see, there oughta be a poster of Temp staring down the barrel of a loaded(?) impeachment and captioned, "feeling lucky, punk?"

Is it loaded? Is it empty? Hmmmmm....

That was the comment I came with. I'll just leave it right here

Dr.BDH said...

This is not an accurate use of a bell curve, but it's a lot more accurate than The Bell Curve. Happy Boxing Day!

ChicagoPat said...

More like Kubler-Ross stages!

ChicagoPat said...

More like Kubler-Ross stages!