Friday, January 15, 2021

Mika Brzezinski's Fiancé Has Always Been a Dissembling Partisan Mope

*Note:  I left this in "draft" a couple of years ago and found it while I was looking for something else.  Seems like as good a time as any to publish it.

Five years ago, Joey Joe Joe Junior Scarborough was absolutely, God damn sure of one thing.

"Radicalism" was gonna ruin the two-party duopoly!
Why radicalism will ruin parties’ duopoly
And what was the specific "radicalism" that was going to sink the two-party duopoly?
If you need any more evidence that Washington is radicalized and disconnected from Americans, look no further than the debate over how to limit gun murders.  
But since the radical wing of an interest group opposes what almost every American supports,  this small group of extremists could rule the day. 
And what in the wide world of sport fishing does the fact that the NRA has GOP's yam sacks in a vise have to do with the K'rupt Duopoly?

Well kids, that is one of those question which, in Mr. Scarborough's social circle, polite people never raise.  Instead, over and over again, year after year from every corner of the mainstream media, this was the boilerplate answer we got in response to every single Republican atrocity.
It is pathetic and one more reason why I believe Americans will soon begin rising up in protest against the major political parties and the extremism and partisanship they now promote.
Five years ago, while every sane Liberal in America was sounding the alarm that the greatest threat to American democracy was the fact that Joe Scarborough's Republican party was a raving shitpile of bigots and imbeciles, Mr. Scarborough would hear none of it.  According to him, clearly the US debt was the biggest single problem in the known Universe.  
Voters in gerrymandered districts love hearing their member of Congress ranting on about global warming, gay rights or Benghazi. And while these issues are all worthy of Washington's attention, they do not carry with them the same urgency as the coming crisis that will ruin the economic lives of Americans whether they are rich or poor, black or white, straight or gay.
Mr. Scarborough chose this battlefield because, by simply ignoring the inconvenient fact George W. Bush inherited a large and growing budget surplus from Bill Clinton, Mr. Scarborough could once again boldly laid the blame for US debt on his new favorite boogieman

Both Sides!
U.S. debt exploded $6 trillion under President Barack Obama in his first term. America's debt went up that same amount over George W. Bush's two terms. Because of Bush and Obama's $12 trillion bill to younger Americans, basic budget math tells us that the time for action has long passed. Consider these sobering facts...
The whole debt debate is bullshit for a number of reasons which are a different subject for a different day, but what is hilarious here is how flagrantly Mr. Scarborough omits any mention of the diametrically contrasting reasons why debt went up under Dubya (wildly irresponsible tax cuts for people like Joe Scarborough, an unpaid-for Medicare benefits and two treasury-plundering wars fought on credit) and Obama (saving the global economy from complete collapse thanks the Dubya's Great Recession.).   As if going into debt to send your kid to college was exactly the same thing as going into debt to buy a big pile of cocaine because math!

These were glaring contradictions that a fraud like Mr. Scarborough can never explain so, over and over again, he simply pretended they did not exist.
Trickle-down liberalism and a decade of debt

By JOE SCARBOROUGH 01/27/2013 08:16 PM EST

Big Government Republicanism sunk America $11 trillion in debt. Big Government Liberalism took that bad situation and made it worse...
So five years ago we had an openly-racist, deeply unhinged Republican Party which had long since purged itself of any interest in factual reality and was holding auditions for the role of strutting demagogue who would give voice to their openly-racist, deeply unhinged values... of vituperative, foul -mouthed bloggers screaming into an uncaring mainstream abyss that this was, in fact, the most serious existential threat facing our country...

...and mainstream media goofs like Mr. Scarborough who used their vast and influential corporate media platforms to relentlessly preach that the openly-racist, deeply unhinged base of the GOP was just an irrelevant fringe group.  A round error.  White noise.  And that the real problem was the Debt and the Terrible K'Rupt Duopoly!  In this cause, Mr. Scarborough enlisted no less that the Most Ubiquitous and Respected Conservative Public Intellectual in the solar system:
For GOP, 2 is better than 1

By JOE SCARBOROUGH 01/29/2013 06:55 PM EST

David Brooks makes a modest proposal in today's New York Times. The moderate Republican columnist calls for a split in the Republican Party.

As Brooks explains it, "The second GOP would tackle both problems at once. It would be filled with people who recoiled at President Obama’s second Inaugural Address because of its excessive faith in centralized power, but who don’t share the absolute antigovernment story of the current GOP."...
And as to that the openly-racist, deeply unhinged base of the GOP?
Any Republican in Washington, D.C. that questions the wisdom of Brooks' proposal should look directly south to Virginia to see just how hopelessly divided the GOP has become. The party's potential nominee for governor is an unyielding hardliner who complained over the weekend that conservative legal legend Antonin Scalia is too liberal for his tastes. Previously, Ken Cuccinelli had been caught on tape telling voters that he was considering not getting his youngest child a Social Security number because "that's how the government tracks you."

Maybe this nonsense works in Virginia primaries in off years, but this kind of stridency has twice cost the Republican Party a state that it cannot afford to lose in presidential contests if it ever wants to return to the White House.
And just two years later, what became of this brilliant mainstream media plan of simultaneously denying the existence of an openly-racist, deeply unhinged base of the GOP which was demanding their own, private Godzilla to lay waste to the entire government...

...while telling that non-existent, openly-racist, deeply unhinged GOP base over and over again that, yes, the entire government is uniformly rotten, that the whole K'rupt Duopoly needed to be torn down, and that Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio were just the men for the job?

Turned out pretty much exactly like those degenerate Libtards had been predicted.

And what lessons has Mr. Scarborough learned from this?


None whatsoever.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Nan said...

I assume you mean fiance, not finance.

Larcana said...

I think he means both...ha ha.
Yes well, as you've said they are surprised to find their party is full of republicans.