Friday, March 31, 2017

Professional Left Podcast #382

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you."  
--  Ray Bradbury, writer


The Professional Left is "sponsored" by...

...and, of course, listeners like you!

President "Never Settle" Just Settled Out-of-Court for $1.4B Rubles

From NPR:
Judge Approves $25 Million Settlement Of Trump University Lawsuit

A federal judge has approved a $25 million settlement deal between President Trump and students who paid for Trump University real estate seminars, bringing lengthy litigation to a close.

The deal, which calls for Trump to reimburse the students who say they were defrauded, was struck in November but needed approval from U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel. He signed off on the settlement Friday in San Diego.

Trump doesn't admit any wrongdoing under the terms of the settlement.

You may recall that on the campaign trail, Trump accused Curiel of being biased because he is "Mexican." That claim was false — Curiel was born in Indiana — and even House Speaker Paul Ryan acknowledged that it was "sort of like the textbook definition of racism."...

$25 million dollars to keep his flabby orange ass off of the witness stand where as a defendant he would be compelled to do what he has never been require to do as president:  answer unpleasant questions about the damage his lies and frauds have done to the lives of ordinary people whose only mistake was trusting The Liar of Gothos.

If a Democrat had committed a scandal a fraction of this size, a torch-lit mob of GOP goons would have put a ring of tanks around the White House by now and demanded his or her immediate and unconditional surrender.

But since it's a Republican buying his way out of being held responsible for screwing working-class Americans out of their money and their hope, the Pig People will just yawn and snivel and cope with this latest example of Republican depravity the way they always do...


Behold, a Tip Jar!

Ross Douthat Doesn't Understand the Difference Between "Libido" And "Albedo"

From Wikipedia:
Albedo is a measure for reflectance or optical brightness (Latin albedo, "whiteness").

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12th Blogiversary Festival DayTwo is Also Tom Waits Friday

"Big Face Money" is a bonus track found on the  Australian, New Zealand and Japanese editions of Mule Variations -- an album (do we still say "album"?) which should really be part of your permanent collection

Behold, a Tip Jar!

David Brooks Is Feeling Guilty So We All Have to Pay

My 12th Anniversary Fundraiser (Day Two) brings us the two subjects Mr. David Brooks of The New York Times loves to obsess over far and away more than any others: guilt and Both Siderism.

Because collectively they encompass the contents of his mingy little soul.

So you know he's having a helluva day when he decides to take these two moldiest ingredients off the shelf, shove them in a blender, purree them into mud and them wallow in it for 800 words ("The Strange Persistence of Guilt".)

And since this is a David Brooks column, once again the collective "We" are the problem.
We have words and emotional instincts about what feels right and wrong, but no settled criteria to help us think, argue and decide.
Sure we do.

Just look past your own navel, Mr. Brooks, and you'll see that over here on the actual Left and not the one you invented out of whole cloth to make your toxic Both Siderist claptrap balance out, the principles that scare the shit out Conservatives and Both Siderist -- facts, reason, history, science -- are still well regarded and used as our common currency every day.

 The problem, as Mr. David Brooks fucking well knows-but-will-never-say is that his Movement and his political party and his propaganda engines  have all gone straight to the devil, on purpose. They're all nuts. They have Brexited from the Enlightenment and they no longer honor the coins of that realm.

But of course Mr. Brooks' is so deeply in hock to that Movement and that political party and that media that he cannot even hint that any of this is true. So he must lie continually (hence the obsessive Both Siderism) in the full knowledge that he is lying (hence the guilt.)
Secular philosophies that grew out of the Enlightenment have fallen apart.
No they haven't. For the last 30 years they have been taking a shit-ton of incoming fire from the ghouls and con men who run Mr. Brooks' Republican party, but the fundamentals of the Enlightenment aren't going anywhere.

And here comes the Both Siderism...
We haven’t entered the age of milquetoast bourgeois relativism. Instead, society has become a free-form demolition derby of moral confrontation: the cold-eyed fanaticism of students at Middlebury College and other campuses nationwide; the rage of the alt-right; holy wars over transgender bathrooms; the furious intensity at every town-hall meeting on every subject.
Got that?

Students protesting "Bell Curve" Murray at one campus = "campuses nationwide" = the American fascists who now occupy the White House.  And "holy wars over transgender bathrooms" = millions of Americans who are terrified and furious that the Randites and fascists who now run the government of the United States are trying to strip them of their health care.

This is the kind of filthy false equivalence which Mr. Brooks has traded in ever since he ducked out of the "George Bush is an economic and military genius" scam back during his Weekly Standard days.  He gets paid for this, kids,  Paid a lot of money by three different American media corporations to dismiss your righteous fury over the rise of the American fascist party as nothing more than the same kind of ruckus raised by America's most depraved Christopaths,

Which is why Mr, Brooks never lets his handlers book him into any venue where anyone might actually ask him any tough questions.
We’re living in an age of great moral pressure, even if we lack the words to articulate it. 
We don't lack the words, Mr. Brooks.  We have plenty of world.  Millions of words.  I myself have 12 year's worth of words piled up om this little blog.  Sure a lot of them are "fuck", but there are ten dollar college words in there as well.  Picture too, at no additional charge.

Now, our problem is that we represent an existential threat to both the Right and Mr. Brooks' Fake Center, Which means that no one is ever going to gift us a New York Times/Meet the Press/NPR-sized platform from which to enunciate our words to the world.

But like Super Chicken, we knew the blog was dangerous when we took it.

And yet we have no clear framework or set of rituals to guide us in our quest for goodness. Worse, people have a sense of guilt and sin, but no longer a sense that they live in a loving universe marked by divine mercy, grace and forgiveness. There is sin but no formula for redemption.
So where the hell does David Brooks get off speaking for "we" and "people"?  Because if Mr, Brooks'  long career has demonstrated one fact beyond dispute it's that he hasn't the first fucking clue what anyone outside of his tiny, cloistered world thinks about anything.    No, this reeks of a middle-aged man projecting his own, immeasurable guilt onto the rest of the world.  Guilt over moralizing for years about God and Marriage and Family even as he was dumping his wife to take up with his young assistant.  Guilt over spending his entire career paving the way for the monster that now occupies the White House.  Guilt which Mr. David Brooks is too morally polluted to admit, so "we" get one more sermon on "our" collective naughty behavior.

So bend over, because here comes more Both Siderism!
We see events through the lens of moral Marxism, as a class or ethnic struggle between the evil oppressor and the supposedly innocent oppressed. The moral narrative of colonialism is applied to every situation. The concept of inherited sin is back in common currency, only these days we call it “privilege.”
And even more Both Siderism!
As the political scientist Thomas U. Berger put it, “We live in an age of apology and recrimination.” The conflicts on campus take on a Salem witch trial intensity. In the Middle East, the Israelis and the Palestinians compete for the victimhood narrative. Even America’s heartland populists see themselves as the victims of the oppressive coastal elites. Steve Bannon is the Frantz Fanon of the whites.
And then Mr. Brooks sticks the landing with a final, steaming pile of his barely-sublimated guilt:
I notice some schools and prisons have restorative justice programs to welcome offenders back into the community. They tend to be more substantive than the cheap grace of instant forgiveness. I wonder if the wider society needs procedures like that, so the private guilt everybody feels isn’t transmuted into a public state of perpetual moral war.
This from a man who has made his fortune trafficking in the cheap grace of Whig fan fiction and Both Siderist fairy tales.  Because, as one cold-eyed Liberal fanatic put it a couple of years ago... is not merely a boo-boo or two or a misstep or two from which Mr. Brooks is trying to separate himself: he is seeking to annul thirty years of well-documented facts.

He is filing for divorce from his own past, and factual reality does not grant such requests.

And so, like Henry VIII, Mr. Brooks has had to invent a brand new church which would grant his divorce.  A church from which history and causality have been excommunicated in favor of cheerful fairy tales.  (from Mr. Brooks today, "Goodness and Power")
Maybe once upon a time there was an environment in which ruthless Machiavellians had room to work their dark arts, but we don’t live in Renaissance Italy. We live in a world of universal media attention. Once there is a hint of scandal of any kind, the political world goes into maximum frenzy and everything stops.

We live in a world in which power is dispersed. You can’t intimidate people by chopping your enemies to bits in the town square. Even the presidency isn’t a powerful enough office to allow a leader to rule by fear. You have to build coalitions by appealing to people’s self-interest and by luring them voluntarily to your side.

Modern politics, like private morality, is about building trust and enduring personal relationships. That means being fair, empathetic, honest and trustworthy. If you stink at establishing trust, you stink at politics.
Three words: Bengahaaazi!Bengahaaazi!Bengahaaazi!

Also death panels and birth certificates.  

Also Vince Foster and "It's been pretty well confirmed..."

Also a thousand other very real atrocities which Mr. Brooks' Conservatism has committed against the common good but which have been exiled from Mr. Brooks' new church for unrepentant cowards and con men: a church which purloins the language of morality and humility from honorable faiths in order to cobble together an infinitely flexible dogma of ouchless redemption without confession or atonement for Mr. Brooks and the rest of our loathsome media elect.

The Church of Lyin'tology.

Behold, a Tip Jar!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Blogversary Festival Day One: Lieberman Is No Longer a Name. It's a Title.

I'm a little out-of-it today, so allow me to reprise this summary of long and ugly political history of Holy Joe Lieberman:

With the passage of time, it can become easy to forget what a hollow, craven shit-heel Holy Joe Lieberman really is.  For example, here are just a few of his greatest hits from years gone by (for good measure, here is a link to a dramatic recreation of the moment when Holy Joe went out of his way to stab the Gore 2000 campaign in the back (embedding disabled on video.)

Combining the cartoonishly greasy fake piety of the lowest god bothering Elmer Gantry with the moral compass of a bus station pickpocket, Lieberman has become famous as the ambulatory embodiment the Beltway Both Siderist's Id...

Full disclosure:  My own imaginary interview with Holy Joe lasted 90 seconds -- I listed a few of his greatest quisling hits and he tore off his microphone and flounced out screaming that Bill Kristol would never treat an august personage such as himself with such disrespect.


So why bring this old news to your door today?

Because the Democratic party's two most reliably Liebermanish senate quislings -- Joe "King Coal" Manchin and Heidi Heitkamp -- have decided once again to stab their party in the back and help Mitch McConnell and President Stupid take one more public dump on the legacy of President Obama by completing the theft of Merrick Garland's seat on the Supreme Court.

From CNN:
Democrats Manchin, Heitkamp to back Gorsuch nomination
So now it's officially "bipartisan"!  Yay!

Manchin -- who has a list of betrayals as long as my arm -- is a senator from West Virginia because apparently someone has to be.  And Heitkamp -- who won the North Dakota senate coin toss -- thought it would be a hoot back in 2015 to make it easier for terrorists to buy guns,  And you might remember the ManchKamp teaming up just last month to lay their hands upon the GOP's monstrous climate denial agenda and magically transform that crime against life on Earth into another "bipartisan" win for President Stupid.
Two Democratic Senators Voted for Climate Denial Today
Joe Manchin and Heidi Heitkamp flash Scott Pruitt the green light.
Look, I know Gorsuch is going to be seated.  McConnell is holding a flush and I'm not stupid.  But one of the few luxuries of wandering in the wilderness as an opposition party is that you get to leave your hollow, craven shit-heels by the side of the road.

We can start by calling a spade a spade.

And a Lieberman a Lieberman.

Behold, a Tip Jar!

Ron Fournier Is An Algorithm Designed By An Idiot

A pernicious flu-like bug has laid me low, so I will get back to proper 12th Blogiversary fundraising soon.

Until then, behold the glory that is paid, respectable Beltway "journalism".

Behold, a Tip Jar!

Today In "Movies Which No Republican Has Ever Seen"

Fantasia:  The Sorcerer's Apprentice

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Twelfth Blogiversary Fundraiser: Day Zero

Twelve years ago this Friday I began this little Liberal pie and curio shop at the far edge of town, in the middle of the six-alarm clusterfuck that was the Bush Administration.

Those were strange times. A network called "Fox News" was innovating in the field of blatantly lying to racists and imbeciles. Conservative talk radio had evolved into a bludgeon to beat up on anyone who did not toe the Republican party line.  The Right had settled into a political strategy of attacking anyone who even looked at them funny an "America-hating Libtard traitor". And MSNBC -- the perennial last place cable news network -- was tinkering around trying to find the right formula for success with such programs as:
The Contributors with Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham
Alan Keyes Is Making Sense with Alan Keyes
Buchanan & Press with Pat Buchanan
The Savage Nation with Michael Savage
Scarborough Country with Joe Scarborough
Jesse Ventura's America with Jesse Venture
The Situation with Tucker Carlson
Now, twelve exciting but exhausting years later, with the treachery and fuckery of the Failed Bush Administration being repeated by the Failed Trump Administration but on a much grander scale, 100 times dumber, faster and with more overt malice, greed, treason and contempt the the American people than any presidency in history, I turn on my teevee machine today and what to my eyes behold?

An MSNBC "panel" discussion featuring an unctuous Republican turd-polisher, a Conservative cyborg sent from the future to destroy America and a deadbeat white supremacist.

And what would I have found on the same network yesterday?  (from Brother Charlie Pierce)
This Is a Master Class in How Not to Conduct an Interview
Featuring Professor Chuck Todd.

On his afternoon Meet The Press, my man Chuck Todd hosted Tom DeLay, the former thug who once held considerable power in the House of Representatives and was present at the creation of the epidemic of gerrymandering and voter dilution that has spread across the nation. DeLay has a new book-like product to plug and, as appalling as it may be to anyone who was conscious during the 1990s, Chuck urged DeLay to reminisce about the golden era of legislative genius over which he presided...
The fix is in kids.  

The cavalry isn't coming.

We are the cavalry.   

Behold, a Tip Jar!

Matthew Dowd Continues To Be a Fundamentally Ridiculous Person

Mr. Dowd apparently gave up mirrors for Lent...

I. Can't. Even.

But of course, in Mr. Dowd's world, cronies and fellow-travelers in the right places count for far more than being able to look yourself in the mirror:

Hey, you know what?  This also seems like a good time to "soft open" my annual Blogiversary Fundraiser!

It's true: as of Friday I will have been at gig for 12 years. Longer than anything else I have ever turned my hand to, and after all this time I still have no books full of Both Siderist bromides to offer you or vast networks of media friends and fellow travelers to help me hawk my wares.

What you get for your dollar is me, posting here, every day.

Plus the occasional hand-crafted graphic --

-- and well-curated video :-)

Behold, a Tip Jar!

Looking Forward To Those Senate Hearings

President Man-Baby Speaks

Of course, President Man-Baby's supporters can clearly see this terrible injustice being done by "certain media" to their DayGlo fascist lizard king, but only because they all wear those special glasses:

The Gingrich Rules Get a Trump-Era Upgrade

Hey, remember ten minutes ago when "Judge" Andy Napolitano's career as a Fox News button-man was interrupted when President Stupid shone a 20 gigawatt spotlight on one of his routine, throwaway lies, causing it to burst into flames?  At that time I reminded everyone of the basic tenets of the Gingrich Rules:
By and large, the rule for Conservatives who live on the wingnut-welfare teat is, when they publicly step on their own dicks spectacularly enough to displease the money guys, the Gingrich Rules kick in: 30 days on the bench, after which they are reintroduced back to the media ecosystem via some "legit" format during which no mention whatsoever will be made of what got them on bad paper with the network in the first place.
Well it turns out I may have been wrong.

Because now that Duplicity, Racism and Treason have tapped into the speed-force under President Stupid, every horrible aspect of our politics and our media is now happening much faster than ever before.  Including the accelerated rate at which avowed white supremacists are being paroled from pundit gaol so they can resume their paying gigs as Respected Cable News Contributors (h/t Tengrain for pointing this out to me):

And speaking of unspeakably awful wingnut welfare queens who should never be heard from again but will be because that's just the way the cable news business model works...

And of course @MSNBC just can't seem to get enough of Joe "Deadbeat" Walsh...

Because that "Pandering to Racist Assholes" dollar continues to be an excellent dollar.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

More Filth From Valued @MSNBC Contributor Joe "Deadbeat" Walsh

Clearly MSNBC believes that "Racist Asshole" is a profitable demographic that can and should be pandered to.

Broke Burke Mountain

They just can't quit him!

Now that the Party of Reagan has passed through another molting season and shed another layer of fake respectability to become an even more openly depraved version of what it has always been, all the Respectable Conservative Pundits who have spent their careers laying the predicate for the emergence of a party run by con men on behalf of oligarchs to the applause of imbeciles and racists...

...those Respectable Conservative Pundits want to flee from the DayGlo Orange Fascist nightmare that all their hard work and dedication have made manifest.  

But flee to where exactly?

They can't go Left because the Left is dark and scary and full of Liberals.  And Respectable Conservative Pundits have spent their careers preaching the gospel that we Liberals a buncha fuzzy-headed, Murrica-hating maroons who apparently spend most of our time yelling at Charles Murray and ruthlessly enforcing neofascist speech codes and America's institutes of high learning.  

At least that's the hogwash that Respectable Conservative Pundit Andrew Sullivan has been troweling out for the past few weeks. Which is why, when Mr. Sullivan got around to populating the political cosmos with Public Persons Who Have Failed Him --
One of the features of living in Washington is that one is rarely unmindful of humanity’s capacity to disappoint. I’ve long tried to be an optimist in these matters — because Washington contains plenty of individuals who are genuinely devoting their lives to the common good. (I swear. I know many of them, on both sides.) But watching previously rock-ribbed conservatives slowly give in to the pull of utter expediency these past few months has been a truly deflating experience. The grossest are those like Stephen Moore (or Mike Pence!), who were for decades a near-parody of ideological purism, and yet overnight saw the populist light.

But the lamest of the enablers are the anti-anti-Trumpers, those conservatives who know full well the depravity of this president, and yet focus on his opponents (I’m looking at you, National Review, with a few honorable exceptions). So much hysteria, these knowing right-wingers sigh. Ignore the character flaws, they urge...
-- and Public Persons Who Have Performed Nobly --
But there have also been Republican writers who have bravely and clearly stood their ground. Avik Roy risked a lot to come out against Ryancare. Reihan Salam and Ross Douthat have not wavered from their prescient belief in reforming the GOP, while keeping Trump at a clear, distinct distance. My friend David Frum has had a real moment. George Will has been fired by Fox. David Brooks hasn’t caved. I even find myself in the odd position of being smack-bang at Bill Kristol’s side as he resists. Super-neocon Eliot Cohen has pulled no punches. Jen Rubin at the Washington Post is on a roll. Rod Dreher at The American Conservative believes the whole world is ending, but he still won’t acquiesce to Trump. Ditto Daniel Larison on foreign policy. David French, however, deserves a minor medal for this moment of dissent in National Review...
-- the Alert Reader might notice that Mr. Sullivan's political cosmology bears a comical resemblance to Dante's Divine Comedy.    

Especially the Inferno 

Like the narrator of the Inferno, in Mr. Sullivan's political cosmology, he is the Good Man who has perhaps strayed an entsy beentsy bit. but is back on the right path.  And his journey to be reuinted with his Beloved Burke takes him through a hellscape populated almost entirely with Mr. Sullivan's old Conservative cronies and running buddies who have failed to live up to his standards.

As he ascends through Purgatorio we meet the Late-Repentant --
The Late-Repentant includes (1) those too lazy or too preoccupied to repent (the Indolent), (2) those who repented at the last minute without formally receiving last rites, as a result of violent deaths, and (3) the Negligent Rulers. These souls will be admitted to Purgatory thanks to their genuine repentance, but must wait outside for an amount of time equal to their lives on earth.
-- which, in this case, is basically every other Conservative Mr. Sullivan has ever hired or been on a panel with.

And being an Alert Reader you will also not fail to notice that Liberals in Mr. Sullivan political cosmology are much like Irishmen in Dante's Inferno: they simply do not exist (although, as I alluded to earlier, one suspects that in Mr. Sullivan's imagination, Liberals are to be condemned to a minor malebolge deep in Hell's eighth circle where "The Bell Curve" is read aloud by Laura Ingraham on an endless loop for all eternity.)

Nope, not a single Liberal in the bunch.  Because there can't be.  Because once you start down that road, you quickly end up having to acknowledge that the Left had been right about the Right all along, and the world would have been much better off of the entire Conservative movement -- from Rubin to Sullivan to Moore to Brooks -- had all been fired into the sun decades ago.

And speaking of David Brooks...

Despite expressing open horror last week at the unholy health care Repeal-And-Fuck-You monstrosity that his Republican party pushed and sweated and tried to give birth to --
I opposed Obamacare. I like health savings accounts, tax credits and competitive health care markets to drive down costs. But these free-market reforms have to be funded in a way to serve the least among us, not the most. This House Republican plan would increase suffering, morbidity and death among the middle class and poor in order to provide tax cuts to the rich.

It would cut Medicaid benefits by $880 billion between now and 2026. It would boost the after-tax income for those making more than $1 million a year by 14 percent, according to the Tax Policy Center. This bill takes the most vicious progressive stereotypes about conservatives and validates them.
-- this week Mr. Brooks is back flying in formation.  He simply cannot give up his toxic Broke Burke Mountain fantasy that behind the bestial insane Republican clown posse that now controls all three branches of the federal government, there is some other, invisible Republican party that yearns to  rally and pivot and reform and get right with Conservative Jebus:
Can Elephants Learn From Failure?
And what better way to  rally and pivot and reform and get right with Conservative Jebus than to all come together and, for the good of the country. strike a deal with Moderate Democrats to cut David Brooks' taxes!

Sure there might be risks.  The way ahead may be fraught with peril.
By the time legislation is crafted, probably in early summer, the good basic framework could transmogrify into something completely ugly — a bill that explodes the national debt while handing massive benefits to the rich. Then we’d be back where we were with health care reform, with a bill that benefits very few and which no one likes.
But really, isn't the prospect of cutting David Brooks' taxes and putting a win on the board for David Brooks' Republican party and it's DayGlo fascist halfwit leader worth that risk?
Tax reform probably won’t survive if the Republicans try to do it the way they tried to do health care — staying within the lines of Republican orthodoxy while veering over to the extreme right in the hopes of winning the Freedom Caucus. Tax reform will probably only pass with bipartisan buy-in, if there are enough potential yes votes that you can afford to lose some off on the extremes.
Because it turns out that cutting David Brooks' taxes and putting a win on the board for David Brooks' Republican party and it's DayGlo fascist halfwit leader may be the last, best hope for our Land of the Free!
Tax reform is one of the few issues where Republican and Democratic thinking overlaps. It’s one of the few ways to significantly boost growth. If Republicans can learn from their errors, they can get this done. If, on the other hand, tax reform fails, the G.O.P. majority is forfeit and Washington will descend to utter dysfunction. 
Of course, as any honest citizen could tell you, Washington descended to utter dysfunction long ago.  It was led there step-by-step by Mr. Brooks's Republican party, aided and abetted every inch of the way by the sleazy little con men of the High and Holy Church of Both Siderism.

A guy named Barack Obama got himself elected president several years ago and tried his damnedest to lead Washington out of it's deep, Republican-induced dysfunction but his every effort was gleefully sabotaged by the same party that just made a DayGlo fascist halfwit the leader of the free world.

So no, Mr. Brooks, and no, Mr., Sullivan.  There are no "good" Conservatives left in the public square and there are no "good" Republicans left in the Party of Trump.. 

There are merely Conservatives who are so desperate to survive the political implosion that Liberals have warned them was coming for decades, that they're now willing to steal the vocabulary of those of us they were calling "traitors" just a few years ago while never even acknowledging that we exist.  

Behold, a Tip Jar!

Monday, March 27, 2017

It's a Trump!

File under "Once again, Liberals were right about the Right all along."

Trump’s Trainwreck

For seven years — seven years — Republicans thundered about the evils of Obamacare, yearned for the day when they could bury it and vowed to do precisely that once the ball was in their hands.

Last week proved that this had all been an emotional and theatrical exercise, not a substantive one. The ball was in their hands, and they had no coherent playbook. No real play. They scurried around the Capitol with their chests deflated and their tails between their legs.

For the entirety of his campaign, Donald Trump crowed about his peerless ability to make deals, one of which, he assured us, was going to be a replacement for Obamacare that would cut costs without leaving any Americans in the lurch.

Last week proved that there was no such swap, that he hadn’t done an iota of work to devise one and that he was spectacularly unprepared to shepherd such legislation through Congress. As his promise lay in tatters at his feet, he gave a delusional interview to Time magazine about what an infallible soothsayer he is, then tried to shift the blame to Democrats, who, he said, would soon be the ones hankering for an Obamacare replacement.
I don't know about you, but if your "Once again, Liberals were right about the Right all along" file is getting as vast as mine, we're all going to have to start investing in warehouse space, forklifts, and OSHA certifications sooner rather than later.

Before Your Next #Resistance or #Indivisible Meet-Up, Watch This

(h/t Alert Reader Andrew)

Learn to fight effectively or learn to love losing, because there is no third alternative,

Sunday Morning Party Line

"Ordering off the nouvelle cuisine menu" Edition.

When it comes to the business of breaking bread, while I don't need a Flintstone's car-tipping slab of ribs, on most occasions I would like what is on my plate to resemble, y'know, a meal and not a Willard Wigan micro-sculpture.

And yet, on other occasions, a small but elegantly presented main course is just exactly right,

And so, in this Sunday's recapitulation of the Gasbag Cavalcade, you will find in two short exchanges that perfect crystallize of everything that has been irredeemably horrible about the format for decades now.


CHUCK TODD:  Welcome back, panel is here. Tom Brokaw, Grand Poobah of NBC News here. Eliana Johnson of Politico, Joy Reid, host of MSNBC's AM Joy, and always a joy to have you here. And Hugh Hewitt, host on the Salem Radio Network. Alright, Hugh. I'm gonna start with you because this is what the Washington Examiner headline is: GOP Cave on Obamacare Repeal is the Biggest Broken Promise in Political History, was the top of, I believe, Phil Klein's, analysis. Is he right?

HUGH HEWITT:  No, it's overstated. We had a very good week with Neil Gorsuch, he's going to change the balance of the Supreme Court for 30 years and so President Trump has a huge win to put on the table this week. It was a big loss, but I agree with the autopsy that Director Mulvaney just put out there - that loss isn't on the president, it isn't on Paul Ryan...
Nothing Hugh Hewitt just said there true.  It was the worst week any president has had possibly ever, and it is entirely Donald Trump and Paul Ryan's fault.

And while is was nauseating enough to see this psychologically malformed freak smirk into the camera and lie and lie and lie before the election, since the election he has abased himself so completely on behalf of his new Dear Leader -- has become so fully Donald Trump's creature -- that it is positively creepy as fuck to watch.

But it is also important to remember that America's Most Famous Cyborg Sent From The Future To Destroy America is doing  exactly what NBC is paying him to do (with emphasis tossed in here and there):

CHUCK TODD:  Charlie Dent said that, Hugh. He basically said this was just all about trying to finance a $2 trillion tax cut hoping that they could make it deficit neutral.

HUGH HEWITT:  Charlie, who is a friend of mine, lives in a marginal district. He has to be very careful with every vote. The half of the Freedom Caucus that killed this live in very safe, red districts. Obamacare is the timeshare that the Democrats bought that they cannot admit the cost of, that they keep telling themselves was a good idea. It is in a death spiral. Joy and I have had--

JOY-ANN REID:  Is not.

HUGH HEWITT:   --many disagreements about that.  But it is in a death spiral.

JOY-ANN REID:   It is not.

CHUCK TODD:  It's not the definition of an economic death spiral yet.

HUGH HEWITT:  The New York Times yesterday pointed out that there are, and the president of Aetna, that you will lose coverage in many places in America for everyone. And that is, to me, a death spiral for those people. Joy disagrees. I know she should jump in here.

JOY-ANN REID:   Yes, yes.

CHUCK TODD:  She wants to, but I appreciate her reticence.

JOY-ANN REID:  And let's not take Aetna's word for it. Because we know that Aetna lied. We had already a federal judge say that they lied. Aetna wanted to do a merger with Humana. They were told no. They pulled out for other reasons. Insurance companies raise premiums. It's what they do. That's what they're in business to do. But the Congressional Budget Office made it quite clear the Affordable Care Act is not, not collapsing, not in a death spiral, just not.

CHUCK TODD:  I want to quickly get to Paul Ryan here...
No, Mr. Hewitt, it's not that Joy-Ann Reid "disagrees" with you.  It's that she is telling the truth and you're simply lying.  


And to complete the farce, rather than stand up for the integrity of his own house and his own profession (and before the presence of scary facts make Mr. Hewitt go all Devil's-Rain-melty-face) our moderator intercedes to "quickly" move on to some other subject!

Because these staged Sunday morning disputations are really nothing but political kabuki in which.a fake "moderator" pretends to referee a series of vignettes between carefully selected liars (who will never be allowed to lose) and carefully curated truth-tellers (who must never be allowed to win.)

I appreciate Ms. Reid's persistence and think she is currently the most credible, critical thinker anywhere on cable teevee.*

But Hugh Hewitt is not an asset.  He does not represent a legitimate political point of view.  He is simply a stooge who, in a healthy democracy, would have has no business on the public airwaves.  Another dead-eyed, dissembling log in the road, placed there by NBC corporate to create scripted, artificial conflict.

*Thanks for the catch!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

President Stupid Tries To Hide Behind Fox News Lady. Sad!

Suddenly President Stupid needs a Fox News crackpot stalking horse to do his name-calling for him.


From HuffPo:
Judge Jeanine Calls For Paul Ryan To Quit — Hours After Trump Plugged Her Show!

“How could you possibly misjudge this?”

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Friday, March 24, 2017

There Is No "C" In "Loser"

From the Washington Post (with emphasis added):
“The beauty,” Trump continued, “is that they own Obamacare. So when it explodes, they come to us, and we make one beautiful deal for the people.”

My question for the president: Are you really willing to wait to reengage on health care until the Democrats come and ask for your help?

“Sure,” Trump said. “I never said I was going to repeal and replace in the first 61 days” — contradicting his own statements and that of his own adviser, Kellyanne Conway, who told CNN in November that the then-president-elect was contemplating convening a special session on Inauguration Day to begin the process of repealing the Affordable Care Act...
And, for good measure...

A pathetic and pathological liar to the end.

Ron Fournier is a Fundamentally Ridiculous Person

America's Sad Clown of Centrism is Sad.

Thanks to Walt for sending this along (Mr. Fournier blocked me ages ago for pointing out that he is a Fundamentally Ridiculous Person.)


Professional Left Podcast #381

"If your opponent is of choleric temper, irritate him."  
--  Sun Tzu


The Professional Left is "sponsored" by...

...and, of course, listeners like you!

In The Realm of the Shadow King

Our very own Devil with the Yellow Belly is indeed the latest manifestation of a parasite that has been growing inside the American body politic for decades.

It has taken many forms, it has many stooges and now has its own political party --

-- but it's goal has always been the same.

The good news is, we still have what we need to destroy it.

The hard new is, we must stop pretending that it isn't there at all, and we must stop pretending that somehow Both Sides of this war are equally to blame for the rise of our Shadow King:

Pre-Disastering The We-Hate-Obama Bill

All day long these clowns will be burning through what little political capital they have trying to pass a monstrously evil piece-of-shit bill. A monstrously evil piece-of-shit bill, being rammed through solely because the Party of Jefferson Davis and The Bastard President are so frantic to eradicate any trace of the Black President that they will their sacrifice the lives of their own base so they can go Full Sethi:
Let the name of Obama be stricken from every book and tablet, stricken from all pylons and obelisks, stricken from every monument of Egypt. Let the name of Obama be unheard and unspoken, erased from the memory of men for all time.
A monstrously evil piece-of-shit bill that virtually no one but the House Hobgoblin Caucus actually delights in (from Brother Charlie Pierce):
The important thing to remember is that almost everyone in the House majority is motivated by an ideological commitment bordering on a religious fervor that the involvement of government in things like health insurance is fundamentally illegitimate. That isn't going to change no matter what happens in Congress on Friday, and the idea of the United States joining the rest of the industrialized world in offering most of its citizens a decent, uncomplicated healthcare system will continue to be in peril until that faith is abandoned. Nobody involved in this debate is good enough to make that happen.
A monstrously evil piece-of-shit bill that violates every single solemn promise The Bastard President made to his supporters.
"We’re going to have great health care at a fraction of the cost, and you watch. It’ll happen.” -- Il Douche, October 2016

Note: Right now my congressman, Rodney Davis, is on the teevee machine lying rather promiscuously to his constituents about all the wonderful things that will happen with health care under The Bastard President one of these fine days. How costs will come down. How 51 million Americans who are still uninsured or underinsured will all be taken care of. How Trump will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death' or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things will have passed away.

Of course, golly, none of this will happen now. (Or soon. Or ever.)  Now the Republican congress needs to toe the fucking party line and help Rodney Davis pass this monstrously evil piece-of-shit bill because Davis is now fully a creature of The Bastard President.

Yes, we have called.

Yes, Davis' lines are all busy.

No, I do not believe they are busy because of all the "Attaboys!" flooding in from the good people of the Illinois 13th thanking Davis for working so hard to fuck them over on behalf of Il Douche.  

Don the Con Gives GOP Leadership a Pep Talk

Thursday, March 23, 2017

At The Protest Today

A hardy crowd of neighbors and fellow travelers gathered in a steady, gellid rain outside of Representative Darin LaHood's office today to tell their elected representative that they categorically oppose the grotesque tax cut for millionaires his party is trying to ram down America's throat disguised as a cruel and inept piece of health care legislation.

Looks like, for the moment, we won :-)

The Great White Party

(h/t Alert Reader Erik for pointing this out to me)

Longtime readers might recall that I have been beating on this particular drum since the week the "No Labels" scam was unveiled.

Dead Center

Political Cowardice Now Has Its Own "Movement"!


In case you ever idled away an afternoon screwing around with your old political chemistry set/fantasy football league lineups and wondering what would happen if you took a bunch of Republican primary losers (Charlie Christ)...added in a goonbag of out-of-work and out-of-favor former Republican speechwriters and campaign button-men (David Frum/John Avlon/Mark McKinnon)...the last of the politically arteriosclerotic insider DLC goofs who aren't already drawing paychecks under the Obama Administration's "Former Clinton White House Full Employment Project" (Nancy Jacobson aka. Mrs. Mark Penn)...Republican minor teevee celebrities (Joey Joe Joe Junior Scarborough)...

...and David Fucking Brooks?

And then sprinkled the resulting crime against nature with an assload of money (because there are always, always endless assloads of money available for any horrible idea that reinforces Villager sensibilities)?

What you get crawling out of the Petri dish are things like the autotuned, content-free, sugar-coma-inducing horror that is the "No Labels Anthem"

But nothing we did not expect, right?...

And it was nothing we did not expect precisely because it was all so depressingly foreordained.  

Because even as they they stood in the ruins of the Republican Bush Administration -- even as they watched the Republican Congress labor single-mindedly to lie, slander and sabotage the Obama Administration's Herculean efforts to clean up the ruins of the Republican Bush Administration and get us back on our feet -- nothing could override the frantic-junkie desperation of the Beltway brain caste to go right on pretending that Both Sides Do It.

And they're rich. 

And influential. 

And their bosses are rich and influential.  And the lobbyists with whom they crossbreed are rich and influential.  And the teevee networks that deliver their lies to millions and who depend on never offending anyone are crazy rich and influential.  And the Republican moles posing as "Independents" who knew god damn well that "Both Siderism" is the Big Lie that keeps the Right propped up are rich and influential.  

Which is why there has always been a shit-ton of money and job security available to any unprincipled hack willing to help the Beltway prop up it's foundational Big Lie of Both Sides Do It.

On the other hand, there is no profit or prestige to be found in telling the truth about the Big Lie of Both Sides Do It, for the same reason there is no profit or prestige in telling the Mayor of the "a coastal town in southern Norway" and Chairman of the Baths' Committee that the town's very lucrative spa is making people sick.
Peter Stockmann. —for his own family, as I was saying, as well as for the town he lives in.

Dr. Stockmann. It is I who have the real good of the town at heart! I want to lay bare the defects that sooner or later must come to the light of day. I will show whether I love my native town.

Peter Stockmann. You, who in your blind obstinacy want to cut off the most important source of the town's welfare?

Dr. Stockmann. The source is poisoned, man! Are you mad? We are making our living by retailing filth and corruption! The whole of our flourishing municipal life derives its sustenance from a lie!

Peter Stockmann. All imagination—or something even worse. The man who can throw out such offensive insinuations about his native town must be an enemy to our community.
For the same reason there is no profit or prestige in telling the Mayor of Amity that a really big shark has staked out his town and is making a meal out of his citizens:

The Great White Party has been ripping the guts out of our noble, fragile American experiment in self-government for decades now.  The American landscape is littered with the blood and bones of their nonstop attacks.

And for as long as I can remember, the Left has been trying to explain to the the Mayors of the Beltway using every means at our disposal that the Great White Party is real, that it is getting stronger and crazier and more dangerous every day, and that if they don't do something immediately we will all be on the fucking menu.

And for as long as I can remember, the Mayors of the Beltway have been picked their collective asses and whinged on about how awful it is that the Extremes on Both Sides something something,

But here's the thing.

In the end, even the spineless, craven Mayor of Amity could be shocked and shamed into finding enough civic responsibility lint in his pockets to hire the Sheriff to kill the Shark once the Shark had gone on a feeding frenzy right in front of him and God and everybody in broad daylight on the Fourth of July.  

But the Mayors of the Beltway?

Well sure, now that the Orange DayGlo manifestation of the racist, pig-ignorant Id of the Party of Limbaugh is smashing their little Village to rubble right in front of them they are willing to grudgingly and provisionally acknowledge that maybe -- just maybe -- the Great White Party is actually dangerous.  But only if we also agree that the Sheriff is somehow equally dangerous and wrong. 

By the way, that graphic you see at the top of this post?  That's from me back in August of 2015. Back when the Mayors of the Beltway were confidently asserting that there was no shark, while we despised Liberal commie volunteer sheriffs were screaming that there was indeed a Very Large Shark, that it was bearing down on us fast and that the Mayors of the Beltway had damn well better take that threat seriously or we were all fucked.  

For the record, this is how I ended that post from way back then: 
Once again, the media is slowly being dragged kicking and screaming to the place Liberals have been all along. 
And once again, no matter how much our analysis is vindicated, they will go right on pretending we do not exist.
 And so it goes.