Friday, September 07, 2012

Professional Left Podcast #144


“The first lesson that you must learn is that, when I call for statistics about the rate of infant mortality, what I want is proof that fewer babies died when I was Prime Minister than when anyone else was Prime Minister. That is a political statistic.”  
-- Winston Churchill



Da' money goes here:


Unknown said...

Great show this week! I love when you guys go long. Meanwhile, the vaunted NYT continues to peddle it's centrism, even going so far as to actually refer to the DNC and the RNC as "equivalent" as in: "But like its Republican equivalent last week..." - Just see page 2 for more nauseating comparisons:

Habitat Vic said...

Speaking of the false equivalence meme, Maher and Vanden Huevel on Real Time last night actually stopped both Schmidt (not pretending to be centrist) and particulary Vander Hei of Politico. After Katrina and Bill railed about the Republican lies at their convention, VDH states that Democrats are just as "fact-free" as Republicans, and that Dem strategists are looking forward to being able to lie.

Maher literally said "I call bullshit on that" and challenged him to come up with one example of equivalent Dem campaign lies. VDH backtracked, mumbled, switched to "I'm just reporting opinions" and more or less STFU. link here:

Sadly, this pushback is rare, and Maher usually lets this crap slide. Still, one can hope this becomes a trend.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it, Habitat Vic...Maher really does annoy with his kid glove treatment of guys like Brooks and Sully, who are perhaps the most egregious promulgators of the "both sides do it" bullshit...

Anonymous said...

As to your comments about using Teh Google to do actual research, there is a very poignant way to get that across, the site “Let Me Google That For You”:

You type in search terms in a Google front-end, hit “Search”, and you get a link:

You get a nice javascript front-end that operates Google for you.

Oh, and the second hit on the death camp one is something about psychic attacks by the CIA causing people to dream about concentration camps.
