Monday, September 10, 2012

The Year I Moved to Chicago Full-Time

Was, as I recall, the year of the last Chicago teacher's strike.

The day I am packing to move out of Chicago for good and all is the day the CTU went back on the picket line.

Anybody else want to piss me off?

Posted between bites at "The Heartland Cafe" while on a break from my cartage duties.


Anonymous said...

Drifty, I'm not getting if you support the strike or not.

RobSPL said...

He's saying that where he shows up a strike starts so don't mess with him

RobSPL said...

He's saying that where he shows up a strike starts so don't mess with him

Anonymous said...

are you staying close? Miss the heartland now (from the left coast).


Bartender Cabbie said...

Coming down to the old Confederacy? Perhaps learn a thing or two about the diversity of America?

Unknown said...

I look forward to your take on the latest bits from Flip-floppin' Mitt! Ha-cha-chahhh!