Friday, August 24, 2012

Professional Left Podcast #142


“You've got to have something to eat and a little love in your life before you can hold still for any damn body's sermon on how to behave."   
-- Billie Holiday

Da' money goes here:


jim said...

In the public realm, assigning the moral high ground in the matter of abortion is guided mostly by labels. "Pro-Life" versus "Pro-Choice" creates an obvious bias in one direction ... & not only is the framing false but it's referring to two completely different subjects.

Why not rather frame the debate in terms of the real immediate result of each position? "Pro-Dead-Women" versus "Anti-Dead-Women" brings both sides into lucid correspondance with the essential subject of the primary consequence of their position - & it makes the matter of who REALLY has the moral high ground crystal-clear.

Anonymous said...

The term "slut shaming" is based on what you describe.

Pro life and pro death penalty are both based on punishment. The former for women thinking they can let their vaginae go free-range, and the second for "bad" (read: "urban", "at risk", "minority") people.

Going even simpler than what you say, pro-freedom vs. punishing freedom gives the moral high ground.

Then again, I'm inclined to agree with driftglass. I work in IT, so I constantly see how people cling to ignorance to protect their egos. Ultimately, this is not a matter of what is right. It's a matter of people not having the psychological fortitude to be, or appear to be, wrong.


14All said...

Thanks particularly for the film recommendations. I watched "To Kill a Mockingbird" again with my parents last week. They are from Georgia and still harbor some old-timey racism of their own, but at least have come to a place where they regret that they do. In any case, we were as awe-struck as if we had never seen it before.
One of the most beautiful aspects of the film, to me, is to watch Scout and her brother struggle to emulate their father. In many ways, the movie is a treatise on good parenting (with an aside on the importance of help from the larger community). A truly great parent is one who sets a great example by doing what is right both bravely and humbly. I know that your girls are getting such an example because, in spite of your job-hunting and financial struggles, you both continue to spend a prodigious amount of time, effort, and probably some money to work for what you believe in. Thanks so much for doing that.