Friday, August 24, 2012

Surfing Squirrel

Gettin' it done!

Having read the schedule for the big convention next week, I see that there will be a "Birther" night and a "The U.N. is gonna take our guns away!" night and a "Women who are 'legitimately' raped don't get pregnant" night and a "Climate change is a Commie Hoax" night and even time carved out for a special tribute to all nine Black Republicans, but I can't figure out which night will be featuring speeches from last Republican President or Vice President of the United States?  

You remember, those two gentlemen who were re-elected in 2004 with more votes than any other Republican ticket in American history?  



Anonymous said...

Quick, how many "I built this, Mr. President", "You didn't build that, Mr. President", among all the other variations (oh I'm sure there will be many funny, funny jokes about how Obama didn't build parts of the stage, even the teleprompter!) will there be???

Seventy-five? Two hundred and forty?

Can we have a contest? Who's ever closest gets a bucket of scotch and some anti-anxiety meds.

Also, who will be the first to make the startling observation that Obama is black?

tmk said...

That right there is a Sucker's Bet, Anon.

I say Good Scotch and Prozac for EVERYONE!


Anonymous said...

Squirrel don't surf. Waterski.

Anonymous said...

I live outside Tampa, and... Christ, I dread the next week... The last batch of hurricanes was followed by a spike in flesh eating bacteria infections. Now we have a hurricane *and* the RNC.

My only hope is that there is a massive lightning strike during a prayer or "with G~d as my witness!".


Batocchio said...

To be fair, the waterskiing squirrel did ask more trenchant questions than David Gregory.

Bukko Boomeranger said...

My daughter lives in Tampa. (Temple Terrace, actually, but close enough.) She just graduated from the University of South Florida there with a useless double major in Anthropology (the modern-day equivalent to basket weaving) and Religious Studies (she's not at all religious and walked around for years with a copy of "Jesus Camp" downloaded on her laptop.) Consequently, she's looking for part-time jobs at coffee shops.

In 2008, she was politically enthusiastic (I had sent her a copy of "People's History of the United States" at Christmas the year before) and attended several Obama speeches when he came through Tampa. Now she doesn't know if she can be bothered to vote this year.

It's a damn shame that so many Merkins are so beat-down by the futility of it all that they just don't give a shit. You still do, obviously. I gotta say that I don't; not about Amerika any more, at least. It's good to be an escapee from the Disuniting States.

My kid's only post-college hope was that she and her boyfriend could get a job teaching English in Japan. They drove all the way up to Toronto, on their dime, to do a job interview. (I flew across the country to meet them, and didn't remark on how sucky it is that companies expect potential employees to come to THEM to beg for work.) They got turned down. Freakin' kids these days are so apathetic and resigned to defeat that they didn't even take my suggestion and write the company to ask "Why?" in hopes of sharpening their approach to try again at another similar outfit. Sad thing that for many Americans, the best hope is fleeing from there, like Irish Potato Famine refugees in 1845.

My kid doesn't talk about the "R" kkkonvention. Or the BPoisoning of the Gulf of Mexico. Or anything at all having to do with current events. I have lived 75% of my likely lifespan, but I'm more tuned-in to what's going on in a world where I won't be around that much longer than she is about the planet where she has a longer expected shelf life to muddle through.

I wonder -- when it all comes crashing down, is the zoned-out generation going to give two shits that they're starving to death in cold darkness? And she's not even taking anti-depressants (with their emotional numbing effects) or getting stoned. (My wife and I have better B.C. Bud and hashouvenirs from Amsterdam than she could dream of.) For an age cohort so disconnected, you'd think there should at least be some drugs involved.

marindenver said...

I like your point of view today Mr. driftglass.