Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I Understand

Somebody has a new book out.

No thanks; I already saw the movie.


Pink Collar said...

Finally: print for the
Presidential Library...
(Artist's rendering from here.)

Pink Collar said...

Oh, and thanks for the link... That said it then, as it does now.

In the better sphere: just found this - Phil deGruy - Blues For Rod Serling

Anonymous said...

It ultimately beneficial to remind people why the Republicans were turned out in '06 and '08.

Anonymous said...

The great "regurgitation" begins.
I bet it was tough for them to keep this sociopathic ego suppressed for almost 2 whole years.
How long we will be subjected to the ultimate smirking tour? Until the coffers are replenished.
Turd polishing elevated to a fine art. The primary vocation for all republicans.

Grung_e_Gene said...

For aparty which hates Lawyers and Judges Bush the War Criminal sure relied on them to steal him an election and tell him he could rub men's balls with electrodes.

blader said...

Sociopath? Yeah, of course, but there is a new wrinkle. His facial expressions and body language ever since Obama's inauguration tell it all, eyes darting here and there, sort of a forced relaxation of the mouth, a feigned coolness and nervous agitation.

I honestly think he knows he fucked up...fucked up in the way a frat boy getting caught leading a gang rape, and then getting away with it fucked up. And that he can't stand knowing that everybody knows that he fucked up.

I think he can't wait to slither back into the shadows once he completes his fiduciary obligation with this nonsense memoir. I don't think we'll hear from him again, or at least in the way Nixon, Carter and Clinton never really left the scene. At least a man can hope, can't he?

Anonymous said...

Fantasy bestsellers list:
1) Twilight
2) Harry Potter
3) Decision Points by George W. Bush

annamissed said...

In my opinion, best photoshop to date. Jaded as I am this one required the whole bottle of iKlear.