* (I will rarely do a modification to an existing post, but this seemed too sadly appropriate not to add.)
This is a graphic-intensive post, and be advised the last few images are rather strong.
They are tragically nothing you won't see on your local news, but some people may find them disturbing, and my intention is not to be gratuitous.
I'm simply furious.
("Us and Them", from "Dark Side of the Moon" by Pink Floyd, 1973)

and Them

And after all we're only ordinary men


and you

God only knows

it's not what we would choose to do

Forward he cried from the rear

and the front rank died

And the General sat, as the lines on the map

moved from side to side


and Blue

And who knows which is which and who is who


and Down

And in the end
it's only round and round
and round
Haven't you heard it's a battle of words

the poster bearer cried

Listen son, said the man with the gun

There's room for you inside


and Out

It can't be helped but there's a lot of it about



And who'll deny that's what the fightings all about

Get out of the way, it's a busy day

And I've got things on my mind

And for want of the price...
of tea and a slice

The old man died

Fuck these men, and God damn you if you voted for them.
I don't believe for one minute in a petulant and vengeful Deity that murders people to score debating points. However, if I did actually put my faith in such childish superstitions, I think I would be be much less inclined to blame gays for every single bad thing that happens and pay very close attention to the fact that God is at His most wrathful when foolish men in great nations make monsters into kings.
May God forgive us for letting criminals and madmen run our country.
Brilliant...Absolutely Brilliant!
Please forgive me, my sense of humor is dark, ugly, and thoroughly vile.
I just wonder at the inability of these people to understand words like "before," "during," and "after."
Such as "Those ebbil gays... Dat Hurricane Katrina hit New Awleans before dey were dere... since dey weren't dere during da hurricane, de ebbil gays were still alive after da hurricane left."
Which, if they believe in an omniscient, all-powerful invisible friend who hates homosexual devients against His Will For Our Sex Organs, means He Missed.
Maybe there was a Knights of Columbus convention in town at the time?
can you turn this into a .MOV or QT slideshow? It would be awesome!
bizness as usual...
"The Navy announced yesterday that Vice President Cheney's former company, Halliburton, which has handled much of the repair work as well as support services for the U.S. military in Iraq, was hired to restore power and rebuild three naval facilities in Mississippi that were wrecked by Katrina."
"Fuck these men, and God damn you if you voted for them."
I want this permanently tattooed across the sky over America. I want this added to the Pledge of Allegiance and and the Star Bangled banner. I want this reading along every ticker tape display on every TV news show. I want this printed on every dollar bill.
You get my point.
Careful with that axe, Drifty... ;)
The best use I've ever seen of pictures combined with song lyrics.
Btw, congrats for making the Big Time. You merited a mention on Crooks and Liars. But, since you sent them the Lehrer links, I'm sure you know that.
Just taking a breather before finishing my massive Assclown of the Week: Sink or Swim Eedition. The sourcing's a bitch but what're you gonna do?
I caught the very tail end of CNN's Sunday Night tonight. The offscreen voice said something about hearing some ordinary Americans speak. Apparently some callers to CNN.
First one was a woman. She said something to the effect that if Rudy Giuliani had been mayor of NO, this wouldn't have happened. He would have had all resources in place and no problem. Ok, she blames the mayor of NO.
Then came 3 guys in a row I think. Each said stuff like "People have got to learn that government can't do everything and people have to learn to take care of themselves, take responsibility." Etc. Blame the victims.
I waited for them to put on one voice of criticism of the feds or something. Nada. Not one peep.
I think we get the picture of how the spinning will be handled. Remember, this is CNN, whose Anderson Cooper wasn't too bad in his coverage and who raged against the feds earlier this week.
Three years from now, you'll be hard-pressed to find more than 80 or 90 peoplw who will admit to having voted for this craptastic failure, this smirking, giggling hemorrhoid.
Spectacular writing is where you find it. I found this on Daily Kos, and re-post it here with the kind permission of the author:
I want to hang the diminished persona of King George of the Magical Flightsuit around the neck of every Republican for the next fifty years.
When he dies from alcoholism sooner rather than later, I don't want Zodiac Ronnie's Lovefest dusted off and repackaged in the MSM.
When a bill is put forth before Congress to replace the author of the New Deal and deface the dime with the author of the decimation of New Orleans, I want to take away all their tax-free money and give it to people who will invest it in their children's lives, and not in a 1600 acre "ranch", or in NewsMaxx offshore opportunities.
When some idiots want to add his face next to Wash, Jeff, Abe, and Teddy because he defeated the 9/11 Arabian Hordes in some freepvisionist history, I want these morons and their white robes set afire, and hoisted to the top of the flagpole.
I don't want him gone. I want to trot him out like Willy Horton at Thanksgiving. Wave him in front of the superstitious like an evil spirit. Scare little children with his sooty face, blackened by poisonous coal.
I want him chained in the pits of tartarus, along with his foxglove-murderous wife and whorish twins to be smothered by the boneless liquified remains of his spiteful, arrogant mother, while Pappy sits marooned in the middle of it, dry-nursing the dead fetus of Dan Quayle's common sense.
And after fifty years, I want his stupefying combination of ignorance and entitlement to pass into the realm of myth, where he will be remembered with derision and righteous hatred for eons evermore.
And during the twilight of human civilization, using the last resources at their disposal, I want the doomed children of Earth to build a giant statue of George W. Bush. I want them to launch it into space. And in every language, coding, and equation, I want the inscription to read one thing:
- - The Gryffin
Roxy, dammit, quit mincing words and tell us how you REALLY feel! :)
that's great stuff. please make a slideshow of it and spread it every freaking where
Simply Beautiful Drifty, simply beautiful. My friends and I are huddled around a computer, and to read this is not only unnearving, but it is amazingly true.
I promise-the second we take up arms against our opressors, I will mount my horse, and lead a charge.
Fuck em all! Let God sort em out!
Great post.
I've been asking similar questions as to WHO ARE these Remorse Buyer's who selected this despicable fuck-up on their "single issue" choice - those who now "disapprove" (along with the rest of us) of the insentive and incapable mental CRETINS they've left us with to run the country.
Impeachment is the least of the things I'd like to do with Gee Whiz and Traitorus his cronies.
I'll put it simply. So it's their own responsibility? Great. Let's even it up then.
No more of this structural unemployment bullshit, just to keep wages down and profits up. No more of that at all. No more in keeping a crappy infrastructure that makes our most vulnurable even more vulnurable.
No more of that at all.
I want a full employment program. The reconstruction of the Gulf Cost to be run by a government created NON-PROFIT group, with strict bi-partisan monitoring to eliminate graft. Paying very good wages, and health care to boot. Train people for what you want them to do.
Oh, and when rebuilding? Design it for public transit. As well, every building. EVERY BUILDING should have fibreoptic lines running into it, with affordable ultra-high speed internet, to be run, by yet again, a non-profit group.
Let's make that area a true beacon of the 21st century. It'll never happen, of course. Because of the immorality of all the people who think that family values are "I got mine so fuck you" (Which they really are..in reality..family values are a code word for I'm a selfish self-rightous prick)
Because that would take SACRIFICE. And I'll be honest. The religious right are the religious right for one, and one reason only. They just don't want to do sacrifice. Everything in their religious beliefs, is about me or you sacrificing so they don't have to, and they can feel good about themselves.
Well fuck them. They're who put Bush in office, and they're who are responsible for EVERY SINGLE DEATH down there. And if other more liberal Christian groups don't want to really condemn them? Well fuck them too. You're just as responsible.
Their fucking around has cost several thousand lives. Enough is enough. It's time to get seroius.
Drifty,I love you man.Stunning,I'm blown away.
From a country way below sea levels it amazes me to see what's happening in New Orleans and other cities nearby. Fortunately our government invested in watermanagement after a similar disaster in 1953 that killed over 1800 people. I´m sorry my government supports your president who was obviously 50 years late learning from what happened in the world around him.
Great post!
Arjan, The Netherlands
Drift, I am glad, very glad, that you like some of the things I put up, because that gives a little more weight to my saying that no one does it like you do.
And Roxtar, thanks.
Gryffin, that's some hot shit!
You go...
Drift, is there a way you can set up so that we can email your stuff to multiple addresses at the same time?
It would really help get you some more readers.
This post will be given a place of honor over at my blog. You're brilliant. Words fail.
Hasn't W been treating us sort of like he said Saddam was treating his people.
Truly stupendous!! -- I listened as I read -- this should move even a stone to action!! -- you are a genius!!
driftglass - that is just incredibly moving.
Amazing post.
You're amazing, driftglass. Just amazing. ::bow::
You should show this to the guy over at Blah3.com, if he's still around. He'd turn this into a video.
This needs to be made into a TV commercial, funded by MoveOn and/or some other 527, and broadcast as widely as possible.
"I don't believe for one minute in a petulant and vengeful Deity that murders people to score debating points."
I don't belive in one of those either but I DO believe in a petulant and vengeful ex-frat boy who plays at being President that murders people to score debating points."
Voo doo chil´ say I doin´ big bizness in male dolls wid a smirk. Lotsa long mutha stick pins too!
If ever a rage be righteous, this is.
how about posting a picture of jenna bush giving the finger and standing it next to the one of bush.
the family that tells you to "fuck off" together, stays together.
Looking at these pictures, I feel rage. I hope everyone out there feels that to. Not a hot blooded confusing rage. Rather, a cold blooded fury. They don't mean to just take our country, they want to grind it up into bloody sausage. Let your rage focus you, you will need it now and in the coming years. I never knew it until now. THEY MUST NOT ONLY BE STOPPED, THEY MUST PAY. Let your Love for this country keep you sober and sharp my brothers and sisters. Throw you HEART into this battle. As citizens of the most powerful country on earth in it's history, the prize can be no greater. God Bless all.
The fact that you managed to make that while at the same time working to save Katrina victims is awesome. You're the first person I know to get internet access from their flat bottomed boat.
May the Force be with you, Driftglass
This post says it all for me. Magnificent.
I don't know whether to weep or pump my outraged fist in the air. (I'll probably end up doing both.)
Brilliant job, sir!
I'm very proud to say that I voted for him and would do it again. Maybe you could do this little song again and this time use images of aborted babies and draw a contrast between an angry left leaning wacko baby killer and the innocent life they're only too quick to dismiss as inconvenient. Yea, and you like to think you're above scrutiny...think again.
I'm no fan of Bush & Company nor the war(s), but I'm getting tired of this with/without (i.e., white/black) theme that everyone is parading about, as if there are no other groups in the entire world. Why is it that in the two tech companies I work for (300+ people), there is not a single black person? Why is it that most all of the software engineers -- some of the highest paid positions -- are either Chinese or Indian? It's called sacrifice. It's called living in a culture where education is put above all else, and not throwing accolades on thuggish rap 'artists.' It's called not being a perpetural victim. It's when a family will arrive in this country, the father will stay with the family, wash dishes for 5 years while his wife gets an education, and eventually send their kid to a top-notch university. The country opens up like an oyster for anyone -- anyone -- that works hard enough for it. So go ahead and blame The Man for all the woe for another few decades. It's easier to do that than to pass SATs with flying colors.
U know when you're doin it well...
Anon above this comment, I have a high honor University degree. A's in Economics, social science, psychology, english, Comp, women's studies, earth sciences, Astronomy, on n on...
You'd think I woulda been hired and gone far around here... Alas, I'm quite non-deceptive..., will not lie for money! And acause a woman n men get all the brakes, I'm piss poor, op for all, huh?
Keep me readin n lookin, GD job DG
Well said annonymous. Let me give the angry left a bit of simple advice. Start coming up with some useful suggestions rather than running around screaming bloody murder. You're in jeopardy of overplaying your hand once again just as you did in the last election. The people of America are growing very tired of your constant whine. Nobody likes a complainer.
I guess I'm left, but I'm definitely angry! My first constructive suggestion would be to impeach the president for high crimes and misdemeanors---this would reduce the deathtoll of fellow citizens (left and right) abroad, and now at home. After that I would investigate Halliburton, and the related "vendors" who are raking it in over the dead bodies of our soldiers, force them to disgorge war profits and jail 'em were appropriate (starting with the VP). Third (and this could be done more quickly than 1 & 2) I would fire "Brownie", and let him go back to managing horses. Managing horses is just fine. You actually need specific expertise to run an outfit like FEMA. I don't have that expertise, but I'm not pretending I do either. I would nationalize the security in airports, I would investigate the oil companies, regulate them into building adequate refinery capacity within environmental strictures, and institute an excess profits tax. I would roll back the tax breaks for the top half of one percent who are Bush's true "base". I would stop trying to turn the courts into activist bastions of conservative wreckers. I would make sure contraception, including morning-after pills, and abortion are easily and freely available to any women who decide that is what they need for their bodies, regardless of income level. I would build a national health policy and process, and get the 50+Million people who have no coverage covered.
That would be a good start. Just a list of suggestions, I'm not whining.
C'mon, all you self-identified rightwingers, I believe in your right to hold whatever opionions you like, but can't you pretty much agree that a force 5 hurricane is the kind of thing we invented the federal government to deal with? I mean, they deal with national defense, right? Isn't this the most fundamental case of national defense you can imagine? We don't expect you to suddenly change all your opinions, but---call a fraud a fraud.
Excellent post! Btw jurrasicpork, shame on you for not telling me bout this blogger! :) Had to find out thru other means. tsk tsk tsk. :)
You would impeach the president because why? Because he lied about wmd? Actually, the big lie here is that he lied at all. Every democrat under the sun was spouting off about saddam and his wmd while Clinton was in office and the need to do something about it. Nearly EVERY democrat also voted to go to war in Iraq using the same intelligence Bush used. Blame faulty intelligence if you'd like but also remember that the CIA was cut during the previous administration.
The Left can't simply say they no longer support the war simply because it's gotten more difficult. It doesn't work that way. Sure, we can pull out but what are you left with? Look no further than New Orleans for your answer. I don't consider that an option.
It's shameful, I do admit, but I just god damned love it when the righties squeal and rant and vomit bile for miles in every direction and think that kind of douchbaggery is going to distract anyone from their absolute moral bankruptcy any more.
By all means keep diggin', bitches. Keep diggin'!
For somebody who's party couldnt beat GEORGE W BUSH in 2004, you sure do like to talk a lot of shit. I mean really, that took talent to find the one guy who'd loose to him.
guy who'd loose to him.
You're the ones that "loosed" him on the world.
This is what you wanted; this is what you got.
Why anyone would actually take pride in the fact that they chose this crimial idiot is beyond my comprehension.
"I just god damned love it when the righties squeal and rant and vomit bile for miles in every direction"
You're funny! I'll have to come here more often for a laugh. The only group squealing, ranting and vomiting bile is the group who continues to lose at the voting booths and will continue to lose because this sort of talk energizes people like me.
I was hoping to see some unity amongst us all after this tragedy called Katrina. It didn't take long for the Left to start slinging as much mud as New Orleans could offer up and turn this horrible nightmare into a source for political gain. The people of America will see this for what it is worth.
It's a lie to say that something is certain when it isn't. It's mendacious to come up with an hypothesis, select and amplify all the data that agree with it, and dump all the data that don't.
Some Democrats are culpable, but they never reached the level of exaggeration Bush's people endorsed as a matter of policy. A data-point is useless without a valid uncertainty associated with it, a retrospective statement is useless without a specific time period for it (as in "We know that Saddam has actively sought nuclear weapons," when referring to 1980 through 2003, during the second half of which he didn't).
And, of course, it was very easy to have the gutlessness to support that anti-Saddam act in 1998[?] because
1.)it was going to pass anyway,
2.)a vote against it would be twisted into an endorsement of Saddam in the next election (since to the reptile brain, either you support someone or kill them)
3.)everyone knew Clinton wasn't going to do anything about it---he was a fairly reasonable Republican.
If I could type thru the tears I'd say more.
Moving and beautifully heart wrenching.
The way I feel
If I could type thru the tears I'd say more.
Moving and beautifully heart wrenching.
The way I feel
If only we'd stop the ceasless blaming of our government, it's humans in service and all those who support America, and commit to investing ourselves wholly in being a positive part of finding lasting solutions, imagine what would be possible. Imagine what we could accomplish. Imagine.
But no - it's more important for us to point fingers, blame our government and damn to hell our fellow Americans who don't see things exactly OUR WAY.
What a tragic waste of effort in continued vilification of "the other guy" and continued ignorance of the capacity and responsibility we ALL bear for healing our collective problems (none of which begin or end with the curent administration).
Oh, I take precious little pride in our current administration, believe you me. I just think that the only thing sadder than the party that ran Bush is the party that couldn't beat him.
Drifty--I may not have the quote exactly correct, but I think John Stuart Mill said: "It is not true that a majority of conservative people are stupid; however, it is true that a majority of stupid people are conservative."
From the swamps of Arkansas, IBW
I got to this very late. All I can say is, beyond awesome.
Send this to The Daily Show!!! I am sure that Jon and fans would really get a kick out of it!!!
Some people are poor because they want to be. The federal government can not step in to any situation without being asked. They got there with troops and supplies 2 days after the flooding. Not too bad when you analyse it
How long have the people of New Orleans poor and in poverty? I bet ever sense the Liberals have been running Lousiana. How come the Liberals can get them all rides to the polls so they can vote for the Liberals to keep them poor but, where they when these people needed a ride to safety
Two days? No... it took FIVE DAYS after the leves broke, SIX DAYS after the storm to get food and water to those poor people in the Superdome and Convention Center! Did you not see the "Hannity & Colmes Show" on Friday 09/02/05 with Geraldo Rivera and Shepard Smith down there in the Hell that was the Convention Center? I did... I saw it live and it was heartbreaking. I had been watching all the news channels since the storm began and watched as the horror unfolded in front of all America. And to see an icon of Fox News break down in tears on live TV was the moment, I think, that America realized that it didn't matter whether it was a republican or a democrat in charge, people were suffering. American citizens were suffering... and DYING from dehydration and a lack of medical attention. That it was NOT being handled well! And when someone in your company drops the ball this bad then you FIRE THEM! Who gives a F**CK what political party they belong to! If we don't have accountability in our government then we have Mussolini's Italy, Hitler's Germany, or Stalin"s Russia. It's time for them to start answering the questions asked...
Can you tell I'm pissed?!
Who are all these poor people who "want" to be poor, anyway? I mean, hell, I'm poor... have been since about 2001, when the dot-coms died and the world stopped hiring software engineers. I sure don't like it much. None of the people I know here in this subsidized apartment complex like it. The people I knew in the homeless shelters, in the food banks, the folks I met in the welfare office the six months I was on welfare... nobody liked it at all. Being poor sucks, and we all know it.
Yes, remember when Reagan blamed it all on someone buying Vodka with food stamps? Sure is a shame they never caught that guy.
Every time I see bush, cheney, rice, rove, or rumsfuck on TV, I extend my middle finger (or sometimes shake my genitalia, if I've just gotten out of the shower or something). If bush is on for an extended period of time, and I continue to want to watch for some reason, my arm gets tired. However, I will not take my arm down and allow any of those people to be on TV without my most vile hatred being directed at them. They must not go undetested. Even as we speak, there is a new level of hell being built for them--I hope they like each others' company...and that of their own boiling urine.
Bush lifts his kiltie up at McDonald's Playplace in New Orleans, Uncovered underneath.
Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in
the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen
acknowledges that the government under which they live is lying and
corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it.
"To take action in the face of a corrupt government entails risks of
harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender
one's self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have
the courage to face that choice. .............Hence, most propaganda is
not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral
cowards an excuse not to think at all. . . ."
please google search "The Franklin Coverup Scandal"
I hope you dont mind. I took the liberty of taking your photos and adding a few as well. I have set it to the music intended.
It was very insightful, and I felt moved to do this. If you dont like, let me knwo and I will remove it.
You can find it at http://www.livejournal.com/users/taps7734/46567.html
How about a few pictures of people shooting at their rescuers. . .or some pictures of people running around with a dozen pair of looted tennis shoes. . . or people sitting on their asses at the Superdome waiting for a government that has supported them all their lives to do what they should have been doing for themselves, which is getting the hell out of New Orleans.
People love to be the victim. Thank you very little for helping them.
How I hope that there are more like you out there, rabidly and loudly foaming on about "those people" and how they deserved what they got for a long LONG time to come, horrifying the hell out of the Moderates who still don't believe that the core of the Modern Conservative movement is composed of pea-brained racists.
So keep on diggin' bitch. Oh, and thanks for all the votes!
That was damned nice of you, and you are in good company. Commentor Joe Max also put forth that kind gesture. So, if you don't mind, I'm going to tout your efforts topside.
The Republican party travels on the legs of their contributors.
Boycott them.
Good grief, people. Grow up. BOTH parties primarily exist to keep themselves in power. For BOTH of them meeting the needs of the general public, particularly the poor and needy, is secondary, at best. Don't bury your brain in a pile of partisan poop. BOTH parties are to blame for the problems in this country and WE, THE PUBLIC, are to blame for allowing them to do so. It's easy to sit here and anonymously bitch and moan but it's much harder to take the time, THE TIME, to get involved in your community and make a difference. Less talk more action.
So you just decided to drop by and inform us all that, since blogging and social activism are somehow mutually exclusive activities, we're all just jabbering do-nothings who need your hectoring to lead us out of our poor, apathetic darkness.
Male or female, I assume you are strikingly attractive, because without that to make up for such an unbelievably supercilious, arrogant attitude, I assume you have never, ever been laid,
"The cost of rebuilding New Orleans has been estimated at close to 200 Billion Dollars, roughly the same as the cost of the Iraq War. Remind me, which one have we already spent it on?" -John Stewart, The Daily Show. The amount of good that could have been done with that money is remarkable, issues like education, poverty, and social security were all discarded like old Now 2 CD's. Nothing like Bushwhacking to pass the days away.
Unfortunately, g*d has cursed us with 'them'. Karma would be nice (necessary to my way of thinking) but the more things change, the worse it seems to get. I hope we see the wrath before the rapture. Keep fighting. http://truthsurfer.blogspot.com/
Wow. Once the pornographic spammers come out, you KNOW you've hit a nerve with the right-wing nutballs. Kudos!
I think your photo/lyrics post is dynamic, and could be expanded into a regular feature.
I've been listening to some of my favorite subversive music lately as I drive to and from work, and I imagine contemporary photos or video clips that could accompany their lyrics. I would love to see what you or someone else might do with the following:
"Life During Wartime" - Talking Heads
"What A Day That Was" - Talking Heads (this one fits the Hurricane Katrina debacle beautfiully)
"Masters of War" - Bob Dylan (duh, guess who)
"Ballad of a Thin Man" - Bob Dylan (you could call it "Ballad of a Spent Man" and feature our Dear Leader)
"Crown of Creation" - Jefferson Airplane ("In loyalty to their kind/They cannot tolerate our minds;/In loyalty to our kind/We cannot tolerate their obstruction")
"Time Has Come Today" - Chambers Bros.
If I were more graphically- and video clip-inclined, I would love to work these up. Perhaps food for thought?
The more things change, and so forth.
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