Monday, July 19, 2010

If I read this correctly...

I believe Christopher Hitchens...

...just called out David Brooks...
Mel Gibson seems to fit the narcissist model to an eerie degree. The recordings that purport to show him unloading on his ex-lover, Oksana Grigorieva, make for painful listening, and are only worthy of attention because these days it pays to be a student of excessive self-esteem, if only to understand the world around.

The story line seems to be pretty simple.

...for being a mealy-mouthed shitwhistle.
And now, in the wake of a Niagara of cloacal abuse directed at the mother of his youngest child, in which we were spared nothing by way of obscenity and menace and nothing by way of paranoid and sexualized racism, there have been those who diagnose Gibson's problem as a lack of anger management skills, combined perhaps with a touch of narcissistic personality disorder.

This is extraordinary. We live in a culture where the terms fascist and racist are thrown about, if anything, too easily and too frequently. Yet here is a man whose every word and deed is easily explicable once you know the single essential thing about him: He is a member of a fascist splinter group that believes it is the salvation of the Catholic Church.

In other news, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.


doodahman said...

Seriously, did you really have to show a picture of the wretched Mr. Hitchens in the shower? I mean, I understand the power of shock value, but in this case, the revulsion axis is way too dominate.

driftglass said...

Yes. Yes I did.

JoeMax said...

No, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still seriously dead.

Roket said...

And St. Ronnie of Trickledown also is still dead too. Not even Sarah of Weeweedup can refudiate that facsimilistic farct, or something.