Monday, July 19, 2010

Helpful Emails to Public Persons


Category: Typo Alert

Dear Andrew Sullivan,

I'm pretty sure when you wrote "The Party Of Bush-Cheney"--

This quote is quite something:

“There's no evidence whatsoever that the Bush tax cuts actually diminished revenue. They increased revenue, because of the vibrancy of these tax cuts in the economy. So I think what Senator Kyl was expressing was the view of virtually every Republican on that subject.”

Some minor crank? Nah. Just the senate Minority Leader. Bruce Bartlett notes that even Bush-Cheney officials refused to claim as such; and the empirical evidence simply isn't there. But we are not talking about reality-based conservatism here; we are talking doctrine.

-- what you meant to write was "The Party of Bush-Cheney-Gingrich-DeLay-Abramoff-Robertson-Falwell-Reed-Laffer-Nixon-Agnew-Liddy-Haldeman-Limbaugh-Kristol-Frum-Palin-Ingraham-Murdoch-Rand (Ayn)-Rand (Paul)-Greenspan-Savage-Dornan-Santorum-Coulter-Helms-Ollie North-Malkin-Armey-O'Reilly-Archie Bunker-Sean Hannity-Lott-Clarence "What Scalia Said!" Thomas-John "Leave the Oligarchy Alone!" Roberts-Atwater-Reagan (Michael)-Reagan (St. Ronnie)-Glenn Beck-Etc-Ad-Nauseum."

Glad I could help out, and weird how you spent virtually your entire adult life serving their crackpot ideology and never noticed how wrong you were -- and how right Liberals have always been -- until President Cheney kicked you in the balls.

Good thing you don't do public intellectualling for a living, eh!

Yours in Christ,



mahakal said...

Will he ever reply to you? I think Andrew Sullivan owes you a serious response.

driftglass said...

No. I have emailed Andrew several times, putting the same question to him in many ways and never rec'd a reply of any kind. He is quite aware of my site and what I write: hell, he even threw me a link during the '08 Primary season. But this question is one of those genuinely dangerous critiques of Conservatism for which Conservatives have absolutely no reply.

Like the Karate Kid Crane Kick, "When do correct Daniel San, no can defense!", and so year after year they refuse to even set foot into the arena.