Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Helpful Emails to Public Persons, Ctd. (UPDATE)


Category: Netroots Nation

Dear perky "activist@netrootsnation.org" autobot masquerading as "Karen, Mary, Navi, Nolan and Raven!":
For the 332nd time, let me remind you that as I am currently broke and unemployed, I will not be attending NN this year.


Therefore it is very unlikely that you will "See (me) next week!" Or see me at all given that you are a little plastic cube on a server farm somewhere and have never responded to one of my replies in the past.

However your many cheerfully oblivious, automated messages telling my broke, unemployed ass where to go and what to do -- so reminiscent of the Ray Bradbury story about an abandoned, planet-wide computer system that keeps tormenting the last man on Mars with false hopes of rescue -- do make me smile.

I eagerly await your next missive and hope it arrives full of mass-produced upbeatness.

And singing, "Daisy..."

Veeeeeeery slowly,

Yours in Christ,


UPDATE: The Netroots people have contacted me and assured me that they are A) not robot assassins from the 23rd century sent back in time to irritate me for some inscrutable reasons of their own (but of course what else would you expect time-traveling robot assassins from the 23rd century to say?) and, B) they thought it was "witty".

Which was very decent of them.

On the other hand, the deep, emotional trauma I suffered at their allegedly-carbon-based hands would heal a LOT quicker if they were to send a couple of plane tickets, the price of a hotel room and a couple of comped NN registrations packages my way.

Then...maybe...I could begin...to learn to...love again.


Denny Smith said...

"For the 332nd time, let me remind you that as I am currently broke and unemployed..."
Driftglass, my heart breaks for you and millions of others like you fucked over by the top 1 and 10%. Yours is not the easy path.
For the first time in my life, I'm glad I'm "old." I don't believe in Jesus or shit, but I pray you hit a pivot point that slingshots you into fame and fortune. Anyone that can conjure up the word pictures you do is destined to succeed-by accident if not design, but succeed nonetheless.
My Best.

daver said...

'Pay the Writer' is all good and true, altogether fitting and proper....

But this post of yours comes closer to an appeal more of your readers may relate to. It's this:

If progressives are sick and tired to death of corporate media lies, self-serving propaganda and trivial-distractions-that-sell...

(and we are)

...then we must come up with an (economically) viable alternative media. And noone else will do that; we must do it ourselves.

The blogosphere is the obvious candidate, and has actually made many good inroads. It's the best news of the last decade, really. But...

We progressives must support alternative media if we want a high-quality, trustworthy alternative media to grow. We must give it a few bucks. We must come up with the economic structure ourselves.

Support Alternative Media.

(also too...:)

Send This Kid to Nanu-Nanny Kamp!

Denny Smith said...

Agree with the "Alernative Media".
But with the looming advent of "net neutrality", of which most are clueless, even that is about to be destroyed by the corporations. We are quickly running out of viable options.