That broke my heart.
Blogs may be the virtual particles of media -- blinking in and out of existence by the thousands every day, usually unnoticed -- but a few hang on, find a niche and make a lasting impression, whatever the Hell “lasting” means these days.
And now that blogging has been around long enough to have accoutered itself with its own history, lore, folkways, in-groups and all the other accretions that come with growing from revolution to an institution that has survived the loss of some of its founders, I thought the end of this fucked up decade would be an apt time to reflect on some sites which made that cut -- which conjured something out of thin air in a way that made an impression on me -- then, for a multitude of reasons including death and personal tragedy, transmuted into something else.
Pretty much everyone has such a list. And pretty much nobody writes about it, for fear, perhaps, of disturbing the blogosphere’s increasingly establishmentarian equilibrium. Or kicking off an in-house pie fight when our attention needs to be elsewhere.
Or whatever.
But I remember once-upon-a-time days when the blogosphere used to be the place where people wrote about That Which Cannot Be Otherwise Mentioned without guardrails or observing the posted speed limit.
These are the sites I wish were like they were in the days of old. But they’re not. They have moved on, or moved up, or passed away or become another abandoned mall crumbling into digital dust

along some forgotten stretch of the Highway to the 21st Century and for entirely selfish reasons, that makes me sad.
Not angry or recriminatory; they owe me nothing, and anyway, those kinds of feelings are best reserved for actual villains.
Just blue.
1. The Huffington Post: The “Number One Progressive Blog” is now a hard-to-navigate mess groaning under a load of lurid, Drudgian headlines and trivial, T&A reportage with a business model straight out of the WalMart playbook. So go team!
2. Whiskey Bar: Billmon left, and we never did find the next Whiskey Bar.
3. D.C. Media Girl: We all miss you, D.C. Media Girl.
4. Shakesville: The raucous carnival of opinion presided over by one of the blogosphere’s best writers has become less of a well-umpired barfight and more of a chantry. And you really don’t want to be in the wrong pew.
5. Midwest Teen Sex Show: One of the all-time, great, funny, honest discussions about Teh Sex anywhere. Then they decided to go big(ger). More on-camera talent. Different kinds of content. A contract with Koldcast. A pending deal with Comedy Central. They’re good folks trying hard to make it in the cold world, and while I wish them well as they make the long, hard transit between What They Were and What They Are Trying To Become, their loss of focus and bite is palpable.
6. The News Blog: Here we have the first Black President of the United States...still fighting in two wars in the middle east...copping a Nobel Prize...pouring a skazillion dollars into the pockets of Wall Street banksters...and appointing Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. Meanwhile, not one of the criminals that ran the Cheney Administration is in jail, and Jonah Goldberg is rumored to be getting a million dollars for his latest steaming pile of wingnut fiction.
And through it all, Steve Gilliard -- the one guy who could have maybe compassed it ‘round in a way that made sense of it all in an eminently readable form -- has the fucking nerve to remain dead.
7. Jon Swift: Terrific writer. Nudged words around with collimated light. Then tragedy. Then nothing.
8. Wolcott: When the great man was training his cannon at the high crimes and misdemeanors of the Cheney Administration, it was a spectacular, “bombs bursting in air” sight to see. Now he’s back to writing about Colin Firth’s ass, dance and pre-dawn martini raids on the ever-shifting centers of New York’s cultural gravity. The writing is still top-shelf, but y’know…
9. Fafblog: A paragraph of funny –- even very funny -- once every few months is something, but it isn’t “blogging”.
10. Group News Blog: Grew out of the hole that Steve Gilliard’s death blew in the blogosphere. Started with enough infrastructure, hope and goodwill become a major destination blog…but never really pulled it together. Built an impressive stable of writers with impressive titles…most of whom rarely/never post anymore. Still holds fundraisers.
11. driftglass: Takes fucking days to respond to a simple email. He won’t review my book. He won’t recommend my 17-hour documentary on the history of pee-berries or the noble struggle of the pee-berry pickers. Even though we’ve sent him 221 emails, he still won’t bid on the chair Howard Dean sat in when he called Karl Rove a “poo head” at YearlyKos. He won’t scrounge up enough sofa change to buy a ticket to the Grand Liberal Cruise. He won’t sign my petition to “Call Joe Lieberman on Being a Shitwhistle!”
Also, his stuff it too long. Waaaay too long.
Also writes with too much inflection.
Also he doesn’t post often enough. Somebody needs to tell him that “blogging” is now “aggregation” + Twitter; it is two-sentence links to professionals. Preferably “Media Matters”, Juan Cole, Paul Krugman or “Politico”.
Also what’s with still staying anonymous? That is so 2006!
Also apostrophes are not supposed to “droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven/Upon the place beneath”. They go in specific places and not in others. Look it up.
Also, he also doesn’t take the time to respond to individual comments nearly as often as he used to, which, c’mon Drifty, is what makes blogging blogging.
Also he overuses the word “also” rather severely.
I hear you, DG. I'll bet that was a very hard post to write and even harder to click publish.
It's like a marriage, a band, a high school friendship...people change. Some of the people on your list have died, and with some it just FEELS like they died. For the ones where I know that person is still "there," I weep more openly in my own selfish sense of loss.
I am most unhappy with Fafblog, specially. That kind of talent needs air.
Finally, as one of your few compatriots who is also crazy enough to stay with the tintype of this old medium, thank you for sticking with it, and us. xo
also too. and furthermore what
(1) I went to HuffPo to look at something political that Digby linked to, and I was all like, "Jesus motherfucking christ, what the fuck is this, the TigerWoodsGirlfriendPost!?"
(2) What the fuck happened to Jon Swift? Was it just a coincidence that his last post was about his friend's son dying tragically?
Driftglass, i am a relative newcomer to blogging (1 yr. anniversary in March 2010), but I find it carthartic and oh so satisfying when i can hit the right note of image and text. I am mostly a filter for my small following who really don't pay attention but appreciate my posts for news that they would not otherwise get from the corporate media. I do take off the training wheels from time-to-time and write a little more of my own stuff. BUT, there is no way i can compare to you and the talented folk in my link list. No brown-nosing intended, just the facts. Will I get better? Yes, with time and experience. Please stay with me and all of the folk who depend on independent news and occasional Snark to help us keep sane in the age of Stupid Media. Thanks for all you do. -g
At least 3 of the blogs I linked to (once I got my own blog) or put friends on to have not only ceased "publication" -- they've been deleted.
One of the blogs I enjoyed reading turned conservative after 9/11/01, and for a while it was unpleasant to read. It's not as bad at the moment, but I only check it once a week.
Three astute blogs and Safari did not at all get along, and it may be all right now, but there is a residue of "That'll cause the computer to hang." that means I don't visit those sites anymore.
Some of my dependable sites have veered in different directions.
Totally agree re: Fafblog and Group News Blog.
Thank God for Scalzi.
cha cha and also CHA!
I am saddest about the devolution of the News Blog. I found it to be the bravest, boldest, most humane collection of posts on the internet and after Steve Gillard died, it looked for a while like they might be able to keep it going, with the likes of Lower Manhattanite and Minstrel Boy, but it has become ... less. And continually even less.
Geezus Christ - sounds like a fucking funeral in here. Are we dead? Things change - Fran is right. I say we either move on or get the fuck out of the way. There is a lot of work to do. When the Beatles broke up it broke my heart but I got over it. GET OVER IT. Are we going to give in to the corporate media and just lay down and die because some of our fav blog authors had to go out and get a real job? I understand that some were real friends who may have passed away and my condolences to you, but we need to carry on. HuffPo is a mess but there are still kernels of truth between the naked pics of Tiger's latest mistress. There are many, many blogs that still inform with truth. It's up to you to carry on. Why is it always that the most talented get melancholy just when they are needed most?
It's up to you to carry on. Why is it always that the most talented get melancholy just when they are needed most?
Dude, you are totally misreading this fucking post.
There are only a few constants in my bookmark folder. Driftglass, the evil orange satan, digby and few others. I used to read Americablog and huffpo, but as DG says, it's gone all commercial. Princess Sparklepony, also no longer active, was another one I read often.
Nobody slings it like DG, and I still miss his use of poo.
+1 on Huffpo.It's turned in to The Enquirer of the 'net.
I get it. Exclusive club. Really didn't think it was going to be this way when I started. Guess I am too much an old time, tolerant, inclusive liberal. Oh, and Comrade - why don't you explain it to me? I am such a dumb muthafucka, but I will listen and learn.
Sparklepony (Petey) is blogging again but in a different vein at
Driftglass, I always thought that "happy hour" was somewhere between 5:30 and 7. Is "become needlessly confrontational hour" between 7:28 and 9:07? I'll set my watch.
From BG to DG, to C&L and GNB, and their list of faves, there is no end to teh awsome that keeps me coming back for more. (WTF is it now? and The Rude One still abide!)
but yeah, things change. Kids grow, life throws curve balls, salad days turn to tv dinners and separate bedrooms.. oyvey
and through it all, Steve still has the audacity to remain deceased, but give the man some credit.
He's lodged in those neurons of yours and still knows how to 'get up in your grill' when the need is right.
I miss Jon Swift and Billmon. Who really knows what goes on behind the blogging curtain? Sometimes it's the not knowing that hurts the most.
Blogging daily (daily kitteh posts not included) is as hard a discipline as sitting on a meditation cushion for an hour a day.
Also, too, death and the feeling of death, the fear is the same. Long live The Platypus Book Store and Free Hot Lunch for all my friends!
Billmon and (especially!) Steve Gilliard I miss the most, being gone. dKos and Huffington are just too "big". Atrios, good as he can be, is one-line cryptic, but always was. There's still some good ones out there
Then there's that flippin' driftglass character...Always griping about Chicago politics and neglecting Tom Waits Friday.
Oh show me the way
To the next whiskey bar ...
Billmon and Steve are the ones I miss the most.
And there really are no words sufficient to express how much I appreciate the dedication of those of you who continue to hack away at the encroaching night with so much wit and style, in the time you can spare between doing the necessary to keep a roof over your head and the pixels pixillated.
I literally owe my few remaining shreds of sanity to you guys.
You're no also ran, Dg.
Whose posts are perfectly inflected and never long enough.
And will never die.
I looked it up.
Thanks for this; I miss Lower Manhattanite (his piece on holding his breath when Obama won the nomination will stay with me forever) and wish Melissa McEwen would quit her blog (what a bunch of crybabies) and write books or get a job as a print journalist (short form/magazine). Your work, dg, is appreciated by this tired worn out democratic socialist.
Yes, things change. How do we find the new voices with enough chops to do the work? Not front page kos, I don't think.
dg, you are not planning on stopping are you? putting your own blog in a list with shutdown blogs is just a little too much for a tin foil hatter.....say it isn't so. please
Hey fucker, don't be dissing on my Driftglass.
You hear me Drifty?
This is THE one Blog that I absolutely fucking love.
God DAMMIT, who else makes me go to the web for a dictionary?
Who else puts up a post like Us and Them?
HuffPo is a money maker with no intention of being any thing else, unfortunately, Firedoglake is well on it's way to being a clone, although they still try to make a difference. Good on 'em fer that.
So what that you go off and get long and windy?
Dude, you have no idea what an inspiration you are to me.
I lurk here quite a bit without comment and sometimes throw in some accolades but I am here to tell ya, more often than not, you expand my universe and if you even THINK about quitting Blogging, I am coming to Chicago and kick your sorry ass.
Yeah, I miss Steve more than anyone else I never met.
Except for maybe Molly.
ah Drifty -- once again you hit the nail square on the head. I've been reading you since your second month blogging. You just get better and better. But you and Digby are the only regulars I still call regulars. Huffpo just blows. I check in with shakesville ever so often but dayam, it's not what it used to be either. And the Group News Blog -- I know Jesse tries to keep it going and Maggie is a great writer, but I miss Lower Manhanttanite & Minstral Boy. When I do click over and there is a post from LM, I read it too fast and then have to go back and savor it. But NOBODY compares to you. If you quit, I'll only be using my computer to pay bills and buy things. You not being the 'next Royko' is one of the crimes of the century, this one and the last.
i wish i could have found something to argue with you about...especially your assessment of GNB...i can't...can't....
fuck, it's my assesment too....
dg ----
too many to read - too little time - but this is one i never miss -- i wish i had half the writing skills that you have.
i cant tell you how mant times i want to stop because sometime i cannot figure out why i even do this - because in the end all the anger, snark, education, news, righteousness doesnt seem to change a thing - we are still a mess, only more people know we are a mess. and i wonder how much do i contribute?
but o plod along - and i am glad you and hundreds of others also keep going.
ps - Huffington Post really sucks, not only have they gone tiger woods, their headlines are completely from the "headless body in topless bar" school of non-journalism - they are more than misleading, they are often just wrong. as for kos - the political correctness and obama-worshipping over there is nauseating, as is everything being breaking and destroyed.
all i can say is thanks
I read Huffpo like I do my local is a total piece of crap..but I need to know which of my neighbors homes were burglarized and which of my high school classmates went to jail this week.
But beyond you and C&L..there is really no place I go on a daily basis anymore....except maybe Jesus General and the Rude Pundit.....
So hang in there please....there are still people I have to send links to...who have not yet been sufficiently offended...and you do it that with such elegance
Hey, Drifty, I long your longer posts the bests.
What you point out here is for true. It appears that blogs are also subject to the circle of life.
Steve Gilliard was indeed a marvel. His was a voice of sanity in the dark.
But now is different than then. I think a lot of people are probably like me in that, having suffered through eight years of Bush, are feeling despondent at how little really has changed with the new administration. In my opinion, it would be better had Rahm Emmanuel not been appointed Obama's chief of staff.
The blog that has disappointed me the most, however, is C&L. The writing there is terrible, no one seems to even read through their posts a second time before hitting "publish." The atrocious writing and the hysteria got to be too much, so I took them off my blogroll and stopped visiting months ago.
But the wheel of fortune continues to spin and I have found other blogs to provide informative, insightful commentary. My current favorites are Perrspectives blog, Scholars & Rogues, Bad Attitudes, and in a category all it's own, Stinque.
Keep up the good work, kid. We're counting on you! I live for Sunday Morning Comin' Down!
Yeah, well, talking about not reading a second time ...
Actually I did but I should have read a third time.
That should be "I LOVE your longer posts the best."
I get the putz award this morning. But my point about C&L still holds.
Karen Marie as an editor and contributor to C&L I appreciate the feedback...Jon Perr of Perrspectives and um, Driftglass of his eponymous blog, write for C&L too. Distributor Cap, Jesus General, and many others small bloggers have been given space and exposure at Crooks and Liars--indeed that's one of the cornerstones of that blog--to share the love and give a boost to bloggers who would not otherwise have an audience...
While the focus at C&L has always been video rather than exposition, we've got plans at Crooks to expand the writer's pool by a very large amount next year as well. Perhaps you'd care to join us? Watch my blog or C&L for details.
Don't forget the glorious granddaddy of them all:
The incomparable mediawhoresonline -- still anonymous after all these years.
I truly miss "The Horse"
-Upper West
"Also, his stuff it too long. Waaaay too long...
...Also he overuses the word “also” rather severely."
Yet, is still my favorite morning read. A day without Drifty is...well...a day without Drifty.
Gene in Stockholm
I appreciate your response, Fran, and I understand the focus on video, which I have in the past appreciated. My complaint is with the thunderous applause for things which fall far short of deserving it and cries of horror at pretty mundane things coming from the right. My life is not long enough to bother with the site to find the occasional nugget. It is a particularly bitter pill b/c I had considered C&L something of a home-away-from-home between 2004 and 2007. If I'm looking for snark, there are far better places to find it, and C&L's commentary reads like it was written by a bunch of high school students.
Just saying.
I miss 'em all too. But for words that get the blood up, for sheer old-fashioned invective like mother used to make, drifty is still away up there.
I constantly miss Gilliard.
HuffPo is unreadable.
Billmon does any occasional diary at the GOS, but it's way too infrequent.
And I'd add your fellow CHicagoan, The Mighty Reason Man, to the list. He occasionally drops something, but not nearly often enough.
Just re-read your post.
With regard to Wolcott: totally agree. No one -- and I mean no one -- of any consequence to me or mine or anyone that doesn't know Graydon Carter personally gives a rat's fat ass about the Monkey Bar and if Wolcott writes about whatever appetizer he was served there one more time I am going to take a hostage. This guy is supposed to be knocking down poseurs, not building them up.
Eschaton has gone off the rails, too. Not because of the proprietor, who is still consistently doing his thing (albeit with a bit more focus on urban planning), but because of the near-constant troll infestations and the inability of just enough commenters to ignore their bullshit.
Aravosis has gone to CrazyLand, too. I totally get why gays are pissed at Obama, but Aravosis has written one too many of his patent-pending "BARACK OBAMA IS DESTROYING THE LIVES OF [INSERT AGGRIEVED PARTY/GROUP HERE]" posts for my taste.
All of this aside, maybe blogs are supposed to be a temporary phenomenon, i.e., live fast, die young. Maybe the form lends itself to a brief and brilliant career.
For the ones I've given up, there are replacements: Coates at the Atlantic, John Cole, Felix Salmon for the 'nomics, and Pareene at Gawker. Pareene is especially fun.
Well I'll be damned.
Ya struck a nerve it seems.
I shit you not, you make a difference in some peoples lives old man.
Thought I was kidding too, didn't ya?
You know you have when Blue Gal is on yer case.
Smooches Fran.
As a constant lurker and occasional commenter here, I add my voice to those above to say you DO have an effect beyond what you might expect DG. The beauty, I think, of blogging is that, while there is some expense, all you really need is some time and the guts to throw your thoughts out there for consideration. As Bartcop says, a modem and a smart mouth.
This is going to sound like ass-kissing, but, so be it. I also enjoy your long posts, and, in addition to the "DAMN, I wish I'd said THAT" factor, I find your work striking the same notes with me as that of our old friend Hunter Thompson. Now, Hunter was one of a kind, never to be duplicated, but above all he was a lover of the language, and so are you. Like him, you have a way of making your point and making me laugh at the same time. This is a rare and valuable gift.
I know that you are no more immune from the vagaries of life than the rest of us, but I do hope you will continue as best you can. Your work is treasured every day far more than you know.
The News Blog lacks a center. Steve's seven-league boots just plain haven't been filled, and it shows. But I don't know where you find that red-hot, continuously challenging, continuously educating and entertaining amalgam of anger, synthesis and explanation.
Frankly, I question if even Driftglass, who I would dearly love to see take Steve's place, could maintain Steve's pace.
Part of the problem is Real Life. Steve gave a fair chunk of Real Life up to a continuous exposition the likes of which we miss oh so dearly.
Real Life has a way of chewing some of us up and spitting us out, or worse yet, never letting us go. I had a taste of that personally just as blogs came into being, and am fortunate to have made it through in one piece.
Others weren't so lucky. The loss I feel most keenly in the blogosphere is of Just a Bump on the Beltway - of what could have been, and of what was instead.
Sara Robinson is still around, often on Orcinus. Billmon provides occasional dairies on Kos.
But I don't want to end it like this. Please, list a blog that you think deserves a shout out that you rarely see mentioned or referenced, that deserves a little extra exposure.
I'll start with two...
Poor Mojo's Newswire ( reminds me of when I was new to high school and doors started to open up that I never knew existed. Of course, some of the doors were opened by classmates or upperclassmen as well as teachers, and they all had their own unique mixes of insight, whimsy and the obnoxious.
After the Future ( is an interesting mix regarding politics, religion, philosophy and groupthink. It raises my hackles more often than not, but in a challenging way that we all need from time to time to keep ourselves sharp, to ensure we can breakdown thoroughly what we really think and believe within ourselves, and why.
My two bits...
Some Days it's not worth gnawing through the restraints.
On such days, borrowing the Driftglass razor cuts through.
For that I am grateful. "You were correct. You ARE correct." Is no substitute when the torture continues despite your best effort.
I'm half-glad that Gilly has been spared the frustration that comes with his brand of practical evaluation of the facts and processes.
This place is a living testament that intelligence has been cast out of our decision making. Please don't go gentle...
People need this broken down Building & Loan if for no other reason than so they don't have to go crawling to Potter.
It's not your fault that others have forgotten their purpose. It's just important that you remember yours.
Drinks are on me.
"Drinks are on me"
oh no ya don'ts, I'm chipping in on that tab too!
"the dead don't get no vacation, the only break they get is to the bone"
Chris Smither Train Home
This broke my heart. I keep explaining to people why I miss Billmon so much, but it's hard to describe. The closest I've come to finding an alternative is A Tiny Revolution.
I'd also add to the list:
TPM. Still has some good stuff, but it seems like it's trying to be HuffPo for nerds. They dinged an oil group for photoshopping black people into a stock photo - STOCK PHOTOS AREN'T REAL. And Orly Taitz. Enough!
The Poor Man. I miss The Editors.
On the plus side of the ledger: Krugman, DeLong, Edge of the American West, Emptywheel and, honestly, Daniel Larison, who deserves all the money and syndication Goldberg racks up.
Fran Langum / Blue Gal,
The party is just getting started.
Comrade PhysioProf,
I love Digby, but she doesn't stray much outside of the Usual Suspects.
Jon Swift...I dunno
You're welcome.
Thank God indeed
Sandy Underpants,
Enough with the potty-talk, Mr. Underpants
Anonymous #1,
What is happening at GNB pains me especially too, (also but less so the "Fighting Liberals") because while most blogs have to hack out a place in the wilderness, GNB started so far ahead of that curve with a built-in legacy, mission, readership and several miles of goodwill. It need not have happened.
A poo tree has been planted in your name in my next post.
Anonymous #2,
Good writing will always b e missed.
prof fate,
I gave my last shreds of sanity to a guy in a red suit ringing a bell and collecting mental health in a "Shreds of Sanity for Tots" bucket. I cannot say I have missed them. But then again, I am a notoriously unreliable narrator.
Thank you
Nora asked "How do we find the new voices with enough chops to do the work?"
That is an eternal question if ever I heard one.
dan of steele.
No, not planning on stopping. Am planning on making a few bucks off. About which more later.
Dissers don't hurt, and honest critics are worth their weight in Oban :-)
anniebannie said..."You not being the 'next Royko' is one of the crimes of the century, this one and the last."
A misdemeanor at best :-)
he Minstrel Boy,
Somebody had to say it.
Thank you.
Anonymous #3.
Always happy to offend in style for a good cause.
karen marie,
Thank you.
Gene in Stockholm,
Glad to be of service.
Thank you.
res ipsa loquitur,
Someone one day will chronicle the wildness of the rise and mutation of blogging during the first decade of the 21st century. It will make a great book.
Thank you.
I have come to appreciate the finer points of how tough pace and quality are to maintain. That Gilly managed to do it so consistently is amazing; there are blogs with 5-10 times the number of writers on tap who still can't pull it off. Once upon a time this was made possible by writer's being paid for their work.
Deal. And thanks :-)
The wheel keeps on turning, heedless of our little wishes.
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