As every proud Liberal who voted for you damn well knows, if you're really, heart-attack-serious about real health care reform, among other problems you will have to deal with are the seven Blue Dog members of your own Party who are trying to sink your flagship program with a thousand tiny icebergs.
And as someone who very much wants to see you succeed, let me be clear that when I say "deal with" I mean "break a foot off in their ass".
Because while the Congress somehow managed to blast through the most radical subversion of American legal rights and democratic traditions in living memory -- the 342-page USA Patriot Act -- a scant 45 days after September 11, 2001 with virtually no review or debate because they were bulldozed into believing every, stinking paragraph of it was "urgent"...when it comes to a subject the nation has been ruminating over for more than 60 years --
Health reform under President Harry S. Truman (1945-1953) was inspired by former President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Truman supported a national health insurance program and made his stance clear during his presidency; in 1945, he addressed the nation and recommended an establishment of universal health insurance program, federal funding to propel medical education and the construction of hospitals, as well as increased monetary aid for maternal and child health services.
Truman's adamant support for health care reform, established early in his presidential term, continued to be expressed throughout his time in office. In his 1947 State of the Union, Truman stated "[o]f all our national resources, none is of more basic value than the health of our people." In his 1948 address, he said "[t]he greatest gap in our social security structure is the lack of adequate provision for the Nation's health.".
for some reason the Blue Dogs in your own party need just a liiiiiittle more time to ponder it. Just a little more time to hem and haw. Just a little more time to stall it to death playing this game (From "The Lion in Winter"):
Henry: You know me well enough to know I can't be stopped.
Eleanor: I don't have to stop you. I have only to delay you. Every enemy you have has friends in Rome. We'll cost you time.
And as every single Liberal knows from years of bitter experience, the only way you are ever going to budge these fuckers off the dime is to stand on their political necks
until they pop.
Fortunately, I believe you've got a guy tailor-made
for the job.
So either cry "Rahm-bo!" and let slip the Dogs of War already, or quit asking the Liberals who spent their precious time and money getting you elected to take you seriously on any other issue again.
I'll second that.
Keep up the good fight!
On a completely random note I did a bit of digging on YouTube and found something I thought was lost to the dustbin of time - Bumbledown : Spitting Image on Reagan.
Somewhat discomfiting to see an actual earned mandate get pissed away trying to appease cut-price stealth conservatives, after enduring 8 years of Junior's First Playskool Dictatorship.
Well said Brother Lib. There are times when party discipline has to be observed. This is one of those times.
My, my.
yep ive just about had it with him -- truly noninspirational, after all that audacity of hope ... daily it gets closer to the paucity of hope.
I have already lost whatever tiny scintilla of hope I might have fostered that 'thePrez' actually meant to restore the Constitution, abort the Bushevik agenda, and begin to work for the benefit of the rank-and-file Murkins.
I now suspect Obma was installed to give the Right a scapegoat on whom to hang all the Bushevik clusterfucks, and thereby to 'cleasne the palate' of voters in preparation for the installation of the next "Bush."
He's a tool, like all the rest of 'em, and partly pathetic because either he cannot see what his fate clearly is (i term) or he's so completely in denial that it amounts to the same thing.
Yes, I vote YES YES YES Driftglass.
And take ALL the watered down amendments out of this thing. There's NO appeasing these asses. And take out the thing where it is left to the states to do single payer..... that won't work.
I'm a little tire of having to AGAIN fight this battle. We made our preference KNOWN already dammit. The blue dogs have NO standing to override the NATIONAL vote of the people.
How much would income dip if prescription drugs didn't go to assholes like the bloviator who don't have a prescription? And how much more would it dip if there were no doctors who wrote prescriptions for anything as long as they are paid enough?? Is Rush too stupid or too cheap to buy himself a doctor? I see how great the system is today.
"He's a tool, like all the rest of 'em, and partly pathetic because either he cannot see what his fate clearly is (i term) or he's so completely in denial that it amounts to the same thing."
Either that, or he's happily playing out his own corrupt role in this sad state of affairs with his eyes wide open. Obama's not a stupid man, after all. But what would he get out of such a deal?
Well, he does get to be President, and the very first African American President, at that. One-termer or not, history will always remember him for that not-so-little fact alone. A tempting goal for any of the narcissists in our modern day political class, no?
We can't go after Cheney, because that would be "looking backward"
We can't bring the troops home, because "we have to stabilize Afghanistan;"
California and the other larger states are on their own financially, but "AIG is too big to fail,"
We can't get rid of DADT or establish marital rights for Same sex partners because "marriage is a sacred bond"
We can "begin to close Gitmo" but we can't really stop the abuses that went on there, and we can't hold anyone responsible.
We can have healthcare reform but it has to bear a striking resemblance to what's already here?
Where's the "change" we were promised? Its beginning to smell a lot like Shrub-ness.
Excellent! You hit it right on the nail.
Cool Obama pic! :o)
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