The boys and girls at "The Daily Show" (From TDS, July 15 and July 20 2009 respectively)
Are fans of the blog

From "Sunday Morning Comin' Down", June 15, 2009 and this post from July 19, 2008 [w/ graphic recycled from previous post] respectively ) :-)
Fair enough, but you have to appreciate how Obama still look regal even when pulled by undead demons.
You could get a writing gig with those guys.
I wouldn't at all be surprised.
You already know they read C&L. They cited a comment regarding Lindsey Graham's tantrums.
They should at least attribute.
Definitely you should get a footnote. It is too close for comfort or....are you telling us you are a writer and contributor to The Daily Show!
Just goes to show that you never know who's watching, so make sure you're wearing clean undies.
Hey there, OM, saw you over at Margaret and Helen's place too!
wow, Drifty, I always knew you'd make the big time; just not as the brains behind a ripoff, and screwed out of writer's royalties and the benefits of union membership...hmmmm...
Maybe you could get a job with those guys.
of course they read the blogs and you are...ahem...the best individual blogger of 2008, bar none! But someone should point that out to old Jon, huh?
You're old school like that.
They know where the top shelf stuff is and are keeping it secret.
I tend to share.
I can hear the gaggle of writers scanning your tube remarking "hey good idea, glad we thought of it!"
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