Commenter Rehctaw asked...
I'm sure there's a logical explanation why your subsequent posts are no longer visible.
But perhaps it's another, unspeakable reason? What happened to the Supreme Court post?
Are there gremlins in the woodpile? Rats in the wainscoting of Castle Driftwood? Bats in MY belfry?
Likely this last, but would have sworn I saw a puddy tat.
No mystery; the post just kinda sucked.
It wasn't awful or shameful. Didn't violate any core principles. Wasn't gratuitously mean or vicious.
It was undercooked, and rushed to the table while I was wiped out from weeks at a dead run meeting my civilian life obligations.
It did not meet my standards, so I sent it back to the minors.
It's like I always say to, well, a certain big traffic blogger:
"It's your blog."
No explanation necessary, but I love the milk carton. And I'm sure there will be ample opportunity to work in some Alabama vibrators in the future. There always is, trust one who knows.
Wow! we have to take down sucky posts? I'm in big trouble.
I'm thrilled that it was a deliberate act by you and not something less speakable.
and fuck the fucking yankees!
Crosstown Classic tonight on ESPN!
Post, ergo promptly hucked.
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