In which Ralph Nader (appearing on “This Week” ) laps Pat Paulsen

as the most ridiculously comical perennial Presidential candidate in modern history, as he and Bob Barr each sorta launch their bids for Preznit.
And I am sure that they and their literally dozens of steadfast followers will lend every bit as much trenchancy and relevance to the political process as
we have come to expect from Naderites and Libertarians over the last thousand years. (So very Not Safe for Work)
On “Face the Nation”
Holy Joe Lieberman said very many wrong, foolish, outrageous and self-contradictory things:
Obama is a pussy.
Obama would have turned over Iraq to Iran and al Qaeda.
There would have been genocide.
And while McSame and I disagree on a woman’s right to choose, on the important issues we're tight as ticks.
Iran is beaten and broken…thanks to McSame.
And yet we need to keep troops in Iraq right up until the Rapture, because while it is beaten and broken, Iran is also a fierce and looming threat, forever on the verge of triggering the Apocalypse….but for McSame.
Gibberish to the untrained ear, but, you must understand it’s very simple dialectics.
One through nine, no maybes, no supposes, no fractions. You can’t travel in space, you can’t go out into space, you know, without, like, you know, with fractions.
In other words, another week of Holy Joe playing “Photojournalist”
to McSame’s Colonel Kurtz.
Later, David
Very different that the Wingtard Battle Cry of “We will bury you!” that we screamed at everyone we disagreed with in 2002.
Still there is a process in place now, and it goes to show you what you can get sometimes when you , y’know, actually talk to your enemies.
On “This Week” Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) and Tim Pawlenty (R-MN) nuzzled each other’s arm pits and bit each other's ankles.
While on "The Roundtable", Arianna Huffington, Byron York, Hugh Hewitt (Talk Radio guy AND blogger) and Katrina vanden Heuvel made much chin-music.
On the subject of immigration, Hugh Hewitt shaves himself head-to-toe, slathers on $300 Euros-wroth of that dark, bitter, GOP crude and manages to slither the specter of Iranian nukes into the discussion.
Katrina vanden Heuvel picks up that ball and runs with it:
John McCain wants to make this election about National Security so fucking badly that in his interview in Fortune Magazine (“Conspicuous Consumption Porn for those wealthy enough to buy hookers for their hookers.”) when asked about the “gravest threat to our economy” he didn’t talk about energy, trade, anything.
Said it’s Islamo-terrorism.
Got that: the greatest threat to the economy is the bogeyman who, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, is the Greatest Threat to Western Civilization…
…and on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, is, well,
Hugh Hewitt also thinks that near the top of that short list of vital issue that keep Americans up and tormented are “marginal tax rates”.
If you are flying by our melting planet and want to know why the Last Superpower is so deeply fucked up, all you really need to know is this exchange, wherein Arianna Huffington does the unspeakable by quoting Hugh Hewitt…to Hugh Hewitt.
Huffington: It isn’t just Charlie Black who is spouting off ridiculous, provocative nonsense. This week, Hugh Hewitt – this pale, privileged, crybaby motherfucker sitting right across from me – said that he was trying to get tickets to a game between to USC and Ohio. He said (direct quote):
“...it's probably the last football game we'll ever get to see before the United States gets blown up by the Islamists under Obama.”
Hewitt: That’s the problem with you Leftie Extremists. You distort everything.
Huffington: Hey, Asshat; these are your Own! Fucking! Words!
Hewitt: Do you believe we live in a dangerous world, Arianna?
Huffington: Of course.
Hugh Hewitt: Well, then…
Hugh Hewitt was, is and shall even be a talent-free hack.
Hewitt -- and a hundred more little wind-up Conservative Truckle-Me-Elmos just like him – makes a fabulous living selling the pig people those ridiculous, seditious lies that prop up their degenerate worldview and makes them feel smug and superiors.
Of course, when they get cause outside of the Shield Wall of Hate Radio, their faces ball up like ferrets biting into a dung-covered lemon, the give the “Bush giggle”, and explain that they were being “ironic”.
That the Left doesn’t understand “humor”.
Instead of exercising his First Amendment rights where his talent would naturally land him if we actually lived in a competency-based meritocracy -- namely ranting on a street corner, being avoided by strangers -- Hugh Hewitt is sitting in front of a camera on one of the most influential Mouse Circus teevee shows in America.
Spouting horseshit.
Because we do not live in a competency-based meritocracy. In fact, the Right -- for all its sloppy, dimwitted tongue-kissing of Ayn Rand and stiffy-popping dreams an American landscape ruled by guns and Darwin -- is terrified of the concept of a competency-based meritocracy.
Which they pronounce “elitism”.
Under such pressures, the 27%-ers would vanish from the Earth leaving nothing behind but a slag-heap of scorched mullets, Toby Keith CDs and unanswered letters from the US Army begging them to join up and actually fight in their Greatest War Evah. And so, thanks to them, instead of drinking himself into a coma in a Midland trailer park, Hugh Hewitt’s pal and 27%-er Superhero -- George Dubya Bush -- was anointed and then re-anointed President of the Last Superpower.
Having spent the last seven years serially violating the Constitution and his oath of office, selling out America to benefit his corporate sponsors, and doing more long-term damage to America than any terrorist could dream of, instead of being hauled out of the White House by federal marshals root and branch, Hugh Hewitt’s President will leave his Presidency the same way came to it: a smirking, ignorant, vicious fraud who will stagger off into history, remembered by 70% of Americans and 99.999999% of the rest of humanity as an epic disaster…
…and by the 27%-ers as the Greatest Preznit in History.
And Hugh Hewitt thinks what America needs is four more years of that.
On "Meet the Press" – Govenator Ahnuld made an Ahnuld-like plea for dee pozt-pahtizansheep and such like dat.
By which he means:
My Party spent 30 years lying, cheating, and clawing our way to power and calling anyone who stood in our way a traitor.
To sieze power we methodically annihilated the very idea of political comity in America, and when we were at the peak of Gingrich-fever, we laughing at anyone who suggested that compromise was a virtue.
And once we achieved our goal of running every branch of government, we proceeded to destroy everything we touched. We mocked the dead and dying of New Orleans. Broke whole countries. Bankrupted the nation enriching a handful of plutocrats. Pissed away an international reputation it took fifty years of skill and patience to construct.
And now that we are falling into the abyss we created – now that all the consequence the hated Dirty Fucking Hippies warned us about are coming to pass – we’d like to, uh, move past partisanship and, uh, all get along.
No. Not OK.
In fact, Fuck. That.
I am perfectly happy to welcome any apostate Republican who is willing to beg forgiveness for being a fucking tool, and who will work as hard to bring the Bush Crime Family to book as he or she was willing to work to impeach Bill Clinton for trivia.
Other than that, I believe Conservatism is a disease. One that almost killed this country.
And it needs to be treated as such.
Later, Tom Brokaw notes that there has been some scurrilous stuff out on the blogospheres about Barack Hussein Mao Tse Stalin Obama.
Proving yet again that you just can’t sneak nuthin’ past Brokaw.
re: Nader as perpetual nominee
Remember Harold Stassen's quadrennial runs? He always found someone to place his name in nomination. "Thank you for your inattention." Classic.
Ruh roh. NBC promises Brokaw he shall wear the invincible mantle of the now sainted Punkin' Haid for five months straight, but they forget to tell'im one eensy lil' detail...the Driftglass Sunday Morning Comin' Down smackaroo.
Thank God.
FUCK THAT, in spades, capital letters, bold and italics.
I had to take a break.
The looming Depression has me scrambling to do what I can to be just a wee bit more prepared than the 27%'ers who whole heartedly believe Stupie is a Demi God and that nothing bad could ever happen while he still lives and breathes.
I can't even work up a half way decent rant anymore.
It will come back to me, I know it will but I am just fucking burnt out at the insanity running amok in this country right now.
It is, insanity, undiluted and in my face crazy motherfuckers. Nice job Drifty,another excellent filleting of the mud suckers.
Good one -- and thanks for the Big Jim McBob & Billy Sol Hurok reference on an early Monday morning!
Any Dem that tries to reach across the aisle to these people should have their arm broken.
My dear Mr. Glass, you stood up on your hind legs and said this right out in front of God and everybody: "I believe Conservatism is a disease."
That, Sir, is the long and the short of it; the Alpha and the Omega. The only thing which need be added is that it's usually fatal. For details, see Aristide's Haiti or Pinochet's Chile.
"Oh, Magoo...you've done it again!"
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