“Ah got all the ‘Rights’ ah needs right here.”
Whatever path they travel -- Rapture Road or Bigot Boulevard -- a huge number of wingtards not only believe that the United States will come into its ultimate destiny in some all-out, Hobbsean slaughterfest, but that this denouement is a good thing.
A righteous, Christian thing.
That with the exception of 1/2 of the 2nd Amendment, our most basic rights are as trivial and irrelevant to survival in the Mad Max future of their dearest hydroencephalic wet dreams as snuff boxes and lace cuffs.
And so an amendment drafted to allow a fledging nation to muster up a militia of smooth-bore, muzzle-loaded riflemen at a time when the graves of American killed by a hated Occupier were still fresh...is now affirmed by the Bush Family "Originalist" Court to mean that any mouthbreather with tiny penis issues can wield an arsenal that could have singlehandedly sunk the entire 18th century British Navy.
Meanwhile, right down the street, our most fundamental rights to privacy are traded away for votes like baseball cards and, under a sinister bargain struck between the leaders of the Party of Darkness and the Party of Weakness, absolution will be granted to the Peeping Telcoms before a single trial has even been held, or a single word of testimony has been taken under oath.
A crime has been committed here.
A crime against our Constitution.
A crime whose seriousness and scale dwarfs the offenses that drove Nixon to resign, and yet a crime that fades into the crowd when considered alongside all of those other acts of barbarism and betrayal that have been the hallmark of Conservative rule in America.
But rather that simply doing their fucking jobs -- to protect and defend the Constitution -- our lawmakers have decided instead to rewrite the rules to retroactively let our domestic enemies off the hook. Rather than performing their first and most sacred duty, they have decided instead to squat down and shit a big, fat, steaming load of cowardice and complicity all over the graves of every patriot who ever laid down his or her life to defend our liberties.
It is that simple.
Perhaps one could reasonably argue that grants of immunity would make sense in a Truth and Reconciliation context where, after great harm had been done to the nation by its leaders, those leaders were deposed and coaxed out of their bunkers and gated estates by a simple quid pro quo: tell the whole, unvarnished truth about what you and others did to our country -- in secret and under the color of official authority -- and we will permit you to return to the society of civil humans.
But no such bargain was struck here.
Instead of immunity being used during the course of hearings as a lever to serve the truth, it is instead being used as a lifeboat to protect traitors and obstruct their treachery from public view.
And where have we heard this all before? This nexus of propaganda, an illegal war secretly ginned up by Conservative fanatics, the invocation of national security and executive privilege to cover it up, repeated, breathtaking violations of the Constitution and the rule of law by those same ‘Murrica-luvin pig-people, and Presidential pardons all around when they all get caught with their treasonous asses hanging out?
From Time magazine:
Ollie North's Latest Laugh
Monday, Dec. 10, 1990
By Laurence I. Barrett
Though Iran-contra ranked as the most insidious scam of the mud-spattered '80s, not one of the eight convicted offenders has spent a night in jail. Last week a court ruling made it likely that the two key culprits, Oliver North and John Poindexter, would also see their records scrubbed clean in legal terms. Further, the decision may force Congress to choose between , spectacular public hearings and criminal prosecutions in future scandals.
And from a review of Independent Counsel (Remember them?) Lawrence Walsh's book on Iran/Contra:
For Walsh, a lifelong Republican who shared the foreign policy views of the Reagan administration, the Iran-contra experience was a life-changing one, as his investigation penetrated one wall of lies only to be confronted with another and another -- and not just lies from Oliver North and his cohorts but lies from nearly every senior administration official who spoke with investigators.
Three years later, that immunity came back to haunt Walsh's hard-won convictions of North and Poindexter. Conservative judges on the federal appeals court, particularly Reagan loyalists Laurence Silberman and David Sentelle, exploited the immunity opening to reverse North's conviction. Sentelle, a protege of Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., also joined in the decision to wipe out Poindexter's conviction. [Since then, Sentelle has taken over the three-judge panel which selects independent counsels.]
The pundits, as usual, homed right in on the Important Stuff:
The conservative Washington Times and the Wall Street Journal's editorial page fired near-daily barrages at Walsh often over trivial matters, such as first-class air fare and room-service meals. Key columnists and editorial writers for The Washington Post and The New York Times -- along with television pundits David Brinkley and Christopher Matthews -- joined in the Walsh bashings. Walsh was mocked as a modern-day Captain Ahab.
More seriously, the congressional and media attacks effectively limited Walsh's ability to pursue what appeared to be other false statements by senior administration officials. Those perjury inquiries could have unraveled other major national-security mysteries of the 1980s and helped correct the history of the era. But Walsh could not overcome the pack-like hostility of official Washington.
And, in the end, that unholy alliance of media and power, helped a Republican cabal of degenerates and True Believers who raped the shit out of Constitution make a clean getaway:
But the cover-up likely could not have worked if the other institutions of Washington -- Congress, the courts and the press -- had not helped. Those institutions aided and abetted the White House both directly, through decisions that undermined the cases or reversed convictions, or indirectly, through incessant heckling of Walsh's investigators over trivial complaints.
And, in the end, as we watched the Conservative traitors drive away in limousines, laughing at our quaint belief in the Rule of Law, we swore – we swore! – we would never let it happen again.
MORAL-Get a gun, protect yourself, and die doing so.
Ollie North and the Iran/Contra were not the first travesty's of our nation's leaders to infect us.
And this round, is likely not to be the last, either.
Why that is so, I just can't comprehend anymore other than the usual suspected reasons I'm SO tired of hearing about yet keep posting and reading from others.
Game's rigged.
Big Bro has it all.
We are fucked.
Only a HUGE economic crash can lever the playing field, and we MAY be coming to that, given our hubris.
And of course, there's that mama nature thang staring us down, as I watch Northern California for 7+ days now, covered with smoke filled skies, like nothing I've ever seen . . . . the sun is red at midday.
For a week or more. Fires galore, and no winds to blow it away out of the Central Valley. Fires from San Diego, to San Luis Obispo, to Santa Cruz, to Sonoma and Napa Valley and up at Lake Tahoe.
So, as bad as it is? For us all?
It's got to get MUCH worse, before we have any clout to stop the 1%.
And my take is, the MUCH worse is on its way . . .
Buy a gun. You'll need it to hunt skwirrels for food, and to save yer ass when the rabbles come to ravage whatever you got left.
Hell, buy TWO guns, buy four. Buy SIx!!!
A Winchester 30:30. For hunting.
Or an Uzi or AK47.
The Winchester will be better for hunting, the Uzi/AK for rapid fire crowd control when yer outnumbered.
A shotgun, preferably a 12 guage pump.
Two types of hand guns.
One, a semi-automatic like a 9mm Glock.
The other, a second .38 for your boot.
We don't got no stinking rights, and the one's we have left are goin fast.
In two years, the internets might be regulated, and PRIVATIZED so we get charged per use, and we also get arrested if we DO post anti government notions of freedom and fairness issues for all.
Drifty, love your post and it's only the beginning of the losses . . .
Get some ammo, too, while yer out there . . . LOTS of ammo . . .
Me? I don't like the idea of having weapons in my house . . . I'm a city kid. And I'm pretty much screwed, as is my wife, cuz of that . . .
I just need 20 years . . . it might be time to change citizenship . . . . the Canuck's are a friendly lot.
With less restrictions than we have, but they are struggling, too . . . . the whole planet is . . .
Yeah, we got phooked on the FISA.
But it's same o same o, for a long, long time now.
And NO swing back has got us what we lost, from the right swings of this here historical pendulum.
We're so far right, the left looks like Pluto, AFTER the rename. The center is somewhere inside the orbit of Pluto . . . it's certainly not here, on Terra Not So Firma, no mo . . .
Bad paragraph structure, The NSA would not be amused.
They very carefully weaved gun restrictions and the over arching premise of armed revolution by a pissed off populace out of their arguments.
Half a victory with these pricks though, is a victory indeed.
coming soon: pardons for every member of the white house staff.
that's ONE lesson junior learned from his daddy.
When the Marines and Infragard finally invade Indiana and the other 49 states for real, when posse comitatus is finally repealed for good, when the soldiers of Christ fan out and tell us that Big Gubmint is God and recite Romans Ch. 13 by rote, when martial law is declared and the box cars with shackles built by corporations and the KBR detention fscilities begin to fill up...
...this decision by the Supreme Court may very well prove to haunt the government. They have just said in no uncertain terms that we can reserve the right to arm ourselves. That is now officially, in their view, our Constitutional right.
So they will have no right to be surprised when the shooting and the insurrection starts.
Ahem. Some of us are doing more than just hand-wringing and bunkering down with bullets.
Nearly 30,000 of us got on the horn to Senator Weasels ... telling them to do the right thing and stand up for Sen. Russ Feingold's filibuster of the FISA bill granting TeleComm Immunity to willful lawbreakers.
You know ... that FISA Bendover bill passed by the Ever-Nutless-and-SinOvaries House of Reps?
For whatever reasons, the Senate vote on this truly stooopid immunity bill is delayed until everyone has their self-congrats fireworks and nitrogen-laced hot dogs for 4th of July.
The ACLU and Center for Constitutional Rights just keep jamming ... on habeas corpus and overturning offically-sanctioned torture at Gitmo et. al. They aren't simply screeching about the sky falling ... which it has been doing for YEARS. They keep pushing back.
Tidbits of Irony: John Poindexter, freed felon of Iran-Contra, was the worm behind the FBI's Carnivore database profiling program ... even after the Congress in its former better days outlawed the secret profiling program. What Shit Goes Round Is What Shit Comes Back to Haunt ...
I emailed my Senator -- allegedly OK Schumer -- to support the Feingold filibuster until TeleCom immunity is deep-sixed. (No senator wimps were answering their phones last week ... pesky questioning constituents.) And I got an auto-reply back thanking me for giving Senator Schumer my thoughts on funding NIH health programs.
???? So, even the allegedly "good" senators are brain dead now. Just going thru the motions of listening to the electorate.
Still, I'm not making lists of beans and first aid kits to bunker down yet. We've got Impeachments to do. Let's get going on the important stuff.
The only right the gun nuts seem to give 1/2 a shit about is the right to bear arms.
Anon, yer half way to paradise, and halfway to a clusterfuck of a confusion. But I'm tryin to hear ya.
And that's pretty much where our nation has been headed, for a long, long time. Half way to a cluster fuck.
N WHY the fuck do you think that is?
To SCREW US! To reduce the numbers of the dissenters, to reduce their voice, to break them job wise, money wise, living standards wise.
To eliminate an informed and capable body politic capable of voting for themselves.
Even the VOTE is useless, for the most part, as two National Elections have proved!!!!
Democracy is a living and evolving, or devolving, thing. And this one is SO devolving!!
Anon, despite the work of Act Blue, Blue America, FDL and any or other similar so called progressive orgs, they can't BEAT the 1%!
I LAUD the efforts to date. It's a HELL of a change from the complete and abject misery I've seen for 30 years.
However, when I see in a year or two that the MONEY they solicited and used, is effective, and supports my views, I'll try and kick in money wise.
And I'll believe that anything that you posted is really in play . .
The only way out of this is to see the 1% broken and bent, and then the masses can rebuild locally, regionally . . . and then maybe a new union of states will be formed.
I just don't like the way the planet's headed, or how our nation is headed . . . I don't see enough change in place or purpose to save us all from the downslide into a broken economy, a broken and fractured USA . . . . and it will be global, likely.
Show me why this won't all fracture, starting with USA doing Iran, or doing and enabling a false flag incident upon our OWN USA turf . . . . before the election, or before the next elected president takes power . . . show me . . . *G*
This IS depressing.
Not least that it looks like Obama, himself, has caved.
This was a litmus test. That he failed it, is just...depressing.
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