The Decider
Wednesday night the Decider is scheduled to announce his plans to hogtie more of our children to the altar of his boundless ego.
Plans for yet another round of grisly auto de fes to his personal pantheon: Oedipus, Ares, Vanity and Imbecility.
Plans to announce it in broad daylight, on national teevee. Right out in front of God and everybody.
It will be more useless butchery. More graves. More widows. More families with a ragged hole that will never heal blown through them. More crippled Americans. More men and women -- sons and daughters -- wives and husbands -- lined up to be physically, mentally and emotionally mutilated.
And for no reason. As has been true for every aspect of this debacle since the day is was cooked up in its Neocon Petri dish, since there is no way this latest sacrifice the military and their families are being asked to bear will achieve the results the nation is being promised, the whole murderous waltz is all being acted out almost…fetishistically.
All of us, incarcerated by the stupid, hateful half of us inside the sodden nightmares of a weak and vicious idiot. Forced to watch as he walks us right off one cliff after another to the squealing cheers of the pig people.
And all of it now being done as reflexively -- as mechanically -- as an industrial robots doing vehicle underbody welding on a Toyota chassis. So fucking ritually , to serve the demented motives of a bestial leader and his mad gods as sure as if our children were to be stretched out across a slab of blood-caked granite and have their still-beating hearts carved from their chests.
A nightmare where every expert -- every 'commander on the ground' -- is ritually listened to and then ritually sacked if he does not obediently regurgitate the Wisdom of the Decider back at the Decider's feet.
But this is no dream, and the Gods the Decider worships are DT phantoms slithered into his skull by his regent, and kept fed and flattered by his bootlickers and pet pundits.
And now somewhere in the neighborhood of 8-out-of-10 Americans damned well know it.
On this issue we are the minority no longer, so the question is this:
What are we going to do about it?
You forgot stealing Iraq's oil.
When Tom Waites was here(Down Under)recently he said in an interview on radio that the Decider(a barely noticeable earphone coached him to say he was the decider) was "mentally ill". Doesn't your constitution let you impeach him for that?
Funny, but I just watched the original Lugosi "Dracula" back-to-back with "Dead, and Loving It".
Wednesday, I won't be imagining Vlad facing the camera but Renfield. I hate to mix monster metaphors, but it's time to break out the torches and pitchforks and clean up this fucking village...they'll never know what hit them.
The autonomic nature of current events deepens my perception that we are witnessing a kind of Passion Play, a large karmically influenced dance that is, in some ways, beyond the mere players. It involves a deeper shift within a large group of people (eg. our nation), but when in the midst of the event it is very difficult to divine where the whole thing is going.
Driftglass, at every turn your prose is as precise as a scalpel. It does seem like some kind of slow-motion, demented theater: we all know he's crazy, most of us want it to stop, we just changed the Congress and tossed the bums out, but he still does what he wants to do right in front of everybody, despite the polls, the advisory groups he dismissed, the warnings from generals he dismissed. It's like he stood up in front of America with a big chip on his shoulder and said "Brush it off. I dare you."
You ask the same question that Cokejob McTrustfund does: "What are you going to do about it?"
I think, collectively, the American people will answer back "Duh? Nothing."
us blues is right, but look back to the first ten years of every century and you find the same madness somewhere, sometimes spilling into the next decade, and the next before the people get a grip.
A big clue is that the people have lost control of the language. The sources of meaning have always come from the common usage but now meaning is delivered by puppetmasters. That has changed us.
The painful thing is that we're screwed if we continue on the same path in Iraq, and we're screwed if we don't. The Bush idiots have put us in a place where virtually all paths lead to further chaos and pain, and all we get to do is to choose between various forms of woe, e.g., fewer U.S. kids in uniform killed vs. more economic ruin if we abandon the Middle East to the even-crazier-than-Newt-Gingrich Iranian mullahs.
Being an adult means making life choices that are intelligent enough so that one doesn't end up in a place where all the remaining choices are awful. Thus Bush (and the entire modern GOP) are not adults, because the myriad messes that now face our nation are all of their construction, and result entirely from their own ill-considered and ill-informed choices.
And their current direction (namely, doubling down on their stupid bets and then backing up their "legacies" by hurling some made-in-Amarillo-TX nucular throw weight around the Persian Gulf when they lose ground in Iraq) provides for even worse outcomes than what we've seen so far.
I still believe that we'll emerge better-off on the other side of this insane stretch of GOP rule, but getting there ain't gonna be easy or pain-free. I suspect we won't be driving our SUV's to the other side of this mess, tho.
Hope we're all ready for an object lesson in just how much the U.S. economy depends on cheap supplies of oil.
Great post, as always... Thanks for taking the time to write your thoughts for us!
Superb commentary!
Well said, US Blues. My thoughts exactly.
And great post, Drifty. Someone I know (a young man in the local National Guard) is about to willingly stretch himself out on the sacrificial slab and volunteer himself for a tour of duty in Iraq. The way things are going with this talk of Surges and going into Sadr City all guns blazing, I have a bad feeling I'm going to be seeing this guy's picture in the newspaper in the not-too-distant future.
Some years ago Bill Kurtis wrapped up an epesode of Investgative Report on Waco with the coment, "Should we look so hard for agendas and conspiricies when simple incompetance can explain it so well."
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