Monday, January 08, 2007

For Billmon

Wherever you are.

Take 'er easy, pard.

You did the work of ten and moved the hearts of thousands.


Anonymous said...

Interesting clip, Drift.

Cher has an unusual voice; low-pitched enough that Sonny could sing that high baritone with her, and get their "sound"...

She's some sweet, leggy, poon...


¡El Gato Negro! said...

I am, as of yet, uncertain that there can ever be another bloggerro such as Billmon.

By the time another writer/analyst has that talent combined weeth that set of circumstances again, blogs as we know them weel be long gone.

¿...y tambien, Bérubé?


On another note,

Spocko and the Mouse King

a Scottish Blogger's Fairytale, with helpful heents for sticking eet to el Raton een the nicest way possible.


Anonymous said...

From the Ray Rayner era:

Hercules, hero of song and story!
Hercules, winner of ancient glory!
Fighting for the right, fighting with his might;
With the strength of ten, ordinary men!
Hercules, people are safe when near him!
Hercules, only the evil fear him!
Softness in his eyes, iron in his thighs;
Virtue in his heart, fire in every part of
The Mighty Hercules!

Billmon will be missed.

Anonymous said...

I MISS him - still check every day to see if he's there. His was the most rational voice on the net -- Billmon for president!!!!

Anonymous said...

Jezz Anon'! Thanks for the memory - used to catch the old Hercules cartoon show every morning just before hitting the door on the way to school. **sigh** - the halcyon days of yore - childhood lost.

Anonymous said...

Billmon, recycle yourself back into the dialog somehow. You're good at it.


Anonymous said...

Yea, I refer to the feast of Cana when Christ's mother, Mary, just told him that more wine was needed. She didn't assume to know where He was going to get it. She just told Him more was needed. So this is to Billmon: more insights are needed. We don't assume to know where you're going to get these insights, but more are needed. What more can we give you than a half-ass comparison to Jesus. So quit belly-aching, and come back. We all have reasons to be negative, but the secret is to keep looking for reasons to be positive! We're waiting.


driftglass said...

Like it or not, we must let the weary rest.