This has been a completely up-ended weekend, and likely the shape of things to come.
Longer days and nights, even less sleep, then hitting the deck early/early to do it again.
Sincere thanks to everyone who has linked here in numbers I am not used to in recent days, especially A-List Paul Bunyans and Pecos Bills like Digby, Firedoglake and Crooks and Liars.
Catching a friendly Gulf Stream of topicality-syzygy mojoing its magical way through the blogosphere perhaps :-)
Mmmm, syzygy. Perhaps we will even obtain the pleroma.
Sir Driftlglass,
As I like to remind myself, "It's all good."
I surely do love your recaps, for the aboved mentioned snark....and if you watch, I don't have to.
OT: This little sentence in a local letter-to-the-editor made my brain hurt so bad that I must share:
"The idea of spending money you never had is straight from liberal La La Land."
WTF?!?! What fucking planet does this man live on?!?
Drifty, don't worry about us. Take care of yourself.
Your writing has become a valued part of my life. Strength to you.
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