Tuesday, November 07, 2006

"This is Ken Mehlman. "

"I'm calling for Don Karleone, at his request."

Now -- you owe your Don a service. He has no doubt that you will repay it. Now -- he will be at your funeral parlor in one hour. Be there to greet him.

Don Karleone: Well, my friend -- are you ready to do me this service?

Brit Hume/Kathleen Parker/David Brooks: Yes -- What do you want me to do?

Don Karleone: I want you to use all your powers -- and all your skills. I don't want his mother to see him…this way...

(then, after the Don uncovers the blanket, revealing the midterm results)

Look how they massacred my boy...


Anonymous said...

Halle-fuckin-luyia. Now I want to see a heap of investigations, many indictments, plenteous convictions, and beaucoup jail time comin' down.

A special thank-you to you Drifty for keeping the campfire warm out there in the political wilderness.

I hope you don't get any softer on the bastards from now till '08.

Anonymous said...

Our work has just begun.

Anonymous said...

USB - you said it.

30+ years of dismantled/raped Constitution does not repair in a year, or even ten. 2008's just around the corner, let's (collectively) keep it rolling!

DG, you brilliant SOB, here's hoping the salt mine doesn't wear you too worn to keep dishing the inspiration. Slainte'


driftglass said...


Probably will vaca from da blog for a awhile in awhile.

+800 posts while working several gigs takes a toll.

Anonymous said...

great GatsBees - a DG1000th episode is breaching the atmosphere. Querazzi!
(put the mac down, step away from the mac...)

A little Dave Brubeck can be chicken soul soup
