Sunday, February 16, 2025

Today We Remember the Glory Days...

...of Republican competence and civility.  

The era they brag about and pine for.

From 16 years ago.

And where is professor Abu Yoo these days?  

Over at Fox Business, pimpin' for Donald Trump. 

Trump is trying to 'restore the energetic executive that our founders wanted': John Yoo

No Half Measures


Robt said...

Our constitution founders gave extensive considerations when writing our constitution. They all took important roles in developing it. James Madison played a more than average part.
But James Madison or any of the other founders did not have political parties, Did not have billionaire lobbyists, Billionaire want to be oligarchs that hated the constitution, especially th Pre Amble We the people, for the people by the people part infuriates them to this day.

They did not have billionaires forming Federalist exclusive society to stack the court with their paid executives to rule in their favor and make it sound legalese. To make law from the bench as Citizens United to further their obsessed control over the judicial, to make the republican party addicted and dependent on their money and to use that money to take over the press, to feed propaganda to breed people brainwashed to support their every whim. Even dismantle our government and shred the very constitution they have always said they cherish.
Like the Bible thumper who does not read the Bible but preaches it. Like the minority southern plantation slave owners who convinced the mass to fight for slavery when they did not own slaves themselves and were almost as poor as a slave.

Those and other additions like money purchasing a criminals election as president. Who has no clue to what the founders inspired.
In simplified form, the system Madison and his compatriots came up with that summer gave the power to create and fund government agencies (including the federal court system) to Congress (Article I), the first among equals.
The responsibility of the president was to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed” (Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution); in other words, to manage the institutions of government envisioned, authorized, and funded by Congress.
And the role of the Article III Courts was to make sure neither overstepped their authority, and independently arbitrate disputes between them. Their decisions must be final for the system to work.

Since Gingrich, since the freedom caucus and the Tea party where billionaire held a third of the house to stop anyone else from doing the people's will. Tis republican political ownership by billionaire has grown exponentially. It is what they called their purges.

Anonymous said...
