Thursday, September 12, 2024

Professional Left Podcast Episode 837: Good Ol' Fashioned Beat Down

"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face." --  Mike Tyson's


The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


dinthebeast said...

Perhaps healthcare policy is a lot to ask people to understand, and perhaps that does create an opening for political lying about it, but really it's just one more aspect of their media war on basic reality.
No, Fergus doesn't have a concept of a plan, because he is lying about what Republicans really want to do with healthcare, which is to make it available only to people wealthy enough to afford to pay cash for it.
If Republicans wanted everyone to have access to healthcare, there are two ways that can happen: The first, simplest, and most efficient way is to raise some taxes and have the government pay for all of it for everyone. This approach has not so far been politically feasible because insurance companies are quite wealthy and powerful, but some of us enjoy it through programs like Medicare, Medicaid and the military's Tricare.
The second approach is to mandate that those private insurers cover almost everyone, and offer subsidies for people who can't afford it. That is the ACA/ Romneycare model, and it has many, many drawbacks, the arguably largest of which is that it is based around profit making companies that by definition take those profits from money that could have been used for, you know, healthcare. The ACA does limit how much those corporations can milk from the system, and has been wildly successful at getting Americans health coverage.
One of those Americans is me. In 2014 I had cataracts so bad that I couldn't read the top line of the eye chart from six feet.
Medicare, which I have because I am disabled from a stroke, pays for 80% of the surgeries required to fix my broken eyes, leaving roughly $2,000 for me to come up with in order to obtain such surgeries. The Medicaid expansion to 130% of the poverty level that California approved under the ACA paid for that last two grand, which I, as a Californian supporting two adult humans and a cat on SSDI, would not have been able to swing for around two years or so.
Krugman has been writing about this dishonesty for years. There is no alternate Republican healthcare plan because the ACA is their plan. The real truth about Republicans and healthcare is that they don't want a plan, which is what they almost did, but were stymied by John the fuck McCain.
Thank you again for the podcast. Repetition does indeed normalize shit. Ask any musician. If you make a bad mistake that is too noticeable to just ignore, you can just make the same mistake two more times in rapid succession and all of the sudden you are a genius for coming up with it. As with politics, though, if it catches on you can be stuck having to do it every damn time you play for the rest of your career.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Robt said...

Presidential debate,
Dumb ass immature selfish greedy con man loses debate to sane smart intelligent caring and standing for what is worth holding as ideals woman who is not indicted nor convicted and doesn't require SVOTUS republicans to rule in her favor to delay and obstruct.

Now comes the VP debate between Vance and Walz.
I think the reasonable, common sense, intelligent person grasping reality and not espousing government all becoming a theocracy of a cult and not a religion just so you won't be like Iran.
That person in touch with reality is the winner.