Wednesday, September 11, 2024

I See Team Trump’s Meme Game Is Running Just as Smoothly... the rest of his dumpster fire campaign.

Burn The Lifeboats


Robt said...

So did Trump sway anyone with his answer to repealing the ACA with after all these years since he and GOP voted to repeal and replace. Realizing "who would have thought health care replacement would be so hard". I mean the smartest greatest republican to ever walk the earth doesn't have a plan. The chosen one by God (he claims) with all the healing hands of religious moral starvation on his shoulders So he could receive God's word on health care replacement.
To this day, he has ideas of a plan to replace. Oh, and he will release that finalized plan next week. But understand if he doesn't, he is a busy guy. Victor Orban and Putin have him very busy with their issues.

Neo Tuxedo said...

"Shit! I picked the cute one. Heat must be getting to me."