Monday, September 23, 2024

Joe Scarborough Has Always Been At War With Eastasia

“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.” ― George Orwell, 1984  
 "Eating granola bars at the base of a windmill." -- Joe Scarborough describing the alternative energy component of President Obama’s “all of the above” strategy to Fracking King Ed Rendell.

You will remember that, about a year and a half ago, the Professional Left did a whole No Fair Remembering Stuff episode on Joe Scarborough.  If you're interested, here are few of the sources we cited on that show detailing the what a reactionary, Liberal-bashing asshole Scarborough has always been, his deep complicity in the rise of Trump and, generally, what a cheap, malignant blight he has been during all the decades MSNBC has employed him.

But above all else, Scarborough is a living, smirking example of the power ot teevee.  Specifically how, if you control the cameras, and who gets to sit in front of them, and what they are allowed to say -- you can obliterate and rewrite the past as many times as you wish and you'll keep getting away with it as long as you employers permit it.

Of course, Fox News has been doing exactly this every day for decades, which is one of the principle reasons why the Republican base are now a mob of reprogrammable meatbags.  But this happens all the time on "liberal" cable teevee too.  

The MSNBC Republican Reputation Laundromat (as one disreputable wag refers to it) runs all day long, every day and has whitewashed the disgraceful histories (with varying degrees of success) of such odious creatures as Michael Steele, Matthew Dowd and Steve Schmidt, and reintroduced these creatures to their audiences as Heroes of the Resistance.  They've also begun to slide shit-for-brains Chris Cillizza back into the rotation, and they're still trying to sneak skeezy sex pet Mark Halperin back on the air.

You also might also remember that both Greta Van Susteren and Hugh Hewitt were given new paint jobs and marketed heavily to the MSNBC audiences, but those were two bridges too far.

And now Scarborough is exploring the limits of his power the Etch-a-Sketch the past away and redraw it to his new specifications.  You see, Morning Joe has just now discovered a disturbing thing going on in the corporate media.  It seems that some in the corporate media are trying to create some sort of "false equivalence" between the two candidates for president.  

Some sort of Both Sides Do It thingy.

And by God and Saint George, Joe Scar will not let this stand!

This was followed on social media by a veritable avalanche of "Thank GOD,  FINALLY someone has said it!!!!" comments with lots of All-Caps and exclamation marks.  

And for which I can find only one adequate response:

Burn The Lifeboats


Jake formerly of the LP said...

A more fitting avatar is a bloodied Bruce Willis yelling "WELCOME TO THE PARTY, PAL!", in honor of all the Coastal Insider media realizing that there is a double-standard in competence and decency when we talk about GOPs vs Dems.

Joe really wants us to forget that he and Meeka are Manhattan Millionaires who only care about the danger to the country from bad GOPs because Trump insulted them and put them on his hit list.

SteveSteve said...

"The Truth with Olivia Nuzzi" coming soon on MSNBC!