Monday, September 23, 2024

Breaking Protocol

Since the short, turbulent Biden to Harris candidacy transition episode, I've taken a bit of a break from my job as the unofficial Never Trump podcast listening post warden.   You will remember that, during that brief window of confusion, when everyone needed to calm the fuck down and let Joe Biden consult with his trusted inner circle and decide on a way forward, instead virtually every Never Trumper decided that this was the perfect moment for an en masse freakout.  That all of us feckless, soft-headed Democrats needed to immediately shut the fuck up, step aside and let them run things.

Frankly, I got fed up with bottomless sanctimony of this small clutch of media creatures who, in their former exalted positions within the Republican establishment, were so myopic and so pathetically impotent they couldn't even protect their party from an obviously grifting, racist scumbag like Donald Trump.  

And yet, there the were, imperiously presuming to tell us how to run our party.

All of their worst, hardwired Conservative habits-of-mind came right back out into the open.  Fer chrissake, they've been singing paeans to Dick Fucking Cheney and openly dreaming of the Great Restoration, when the GOP shall be returned to the ante-Trumpian state good old days of [checks notes] George W. Bush.

This is who they are, and who they probably always will be.  

However, for purely schadenfreude-related reasons I might listen to this particular Never Trump podcast from 12 days ago:

From the Hindustan Times, because this is now an international story:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. allegedly bragged about intimate photos of journalist Olivia Nuzzi, leading to her suspension after she admitted to sending them.

Of all the bad old Conservative traits these recently-former Republicans have retained, one of the worst is their absolutely terrible taste in what "friends" they choose to saddle up with.   

I Am The Liberal Media

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Despite myself I like Tim Miller and what he has to say. Doesn't take away any of the truth of what you say DG.