Monday, August 05, 2024

Same Planet, Different Worlds

This is, what?   The 4,000th?  The 5,000th exhibit offered in evidence that attempting to find intelligent life on the Right is a doomed project and a waste of time.

 Byron Donalds is piece of ornamental black Republican brik-a-brak who has traded what little conscience he had in the first place for a speaking role in a party of bigots and imbeciles.  And so, like a patched together May Day float, they roll him out whenever they need a black man to look straight into a camera ad straight-up lie.

One Sunday, the usually invertebrate George Stephanopoulos actually got up on his hind legs and pushed back on Donalds' lies.   It was kinda remarkable.

Above you see the two reactions.  

Aaron Rupar characterized Donalds' as being DEMOLISHED which as silly and wrong as every other ALL-CAPS conjugation of every other term for annihilate, crush or destroy in a political context.  These people don't get demolished, or  annihilated, crushed or destroyed because the only audience they're playing to are the reprogrammable meatbags on the Right.  

And you can see what reprogrammable meatbags saw when they watched exactly the same interaction as you and me and Mr. Rupar.   They saw an "unhinged", tantrum-throwing Stephanopoulos trying to bully a noble, 'umble, Republican man of God.  

But once again the Soros Fake News has failed!  Donalds' went into the very belly of the beast, and heroism prevails!

Like every other Republican killbot, Donalds will shrug it off and move on to the next rally, the next podcast, or the next mainstream media outlet foolish enough to put him in front of a camera.

It's a game, you see.

Democrats in the audience get pretend Donalds got DEMOLISHED.  That there is a larger meaning here.  That some imaginary "needle" will be moved.  But it wont.

Republicans get to feed the entire thing through the Fox News filter and, like magic, exactly what they wanted to hear comes pooping out the other side.

And ABC gets ratings. 

Meanwhile, over on CBS...

What can I say, except...

I Am The Liberal Media


Jon Sitzman said...

G'd morning, DG and BG!

Rep. Donalds went and did his job; spout Republican falsehoods and wave away any negatives about his party's candidate. No minds were changed as a result of that interview. And the beat goes on.

In better news, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are about to kick ALL. THE. ASSES. And it's going to be awesome to watch.


Have a safe day, and thanks for all you do!

Anonymous said...

G'd morning again. Sorry to double post.

Speaking of, "same planet, different worlds," oh look - he did it again.

(This is a Bulwark link. I know y'all don't like the Bulwark; I also don't like the Bulwark. I don't like NYT, WaPo or CNN too much either, but I consume content from all of them several times per week. I feel it necessary. In the case of the Bulwark, it's kind of a "what are our frenemies thinking" sense.)


I'm aware y'all take a dim view of the power of history's judgment - but if there's any justice, Thomas will be remembered as the most transparently corrupt and (one of) the most vindictive and vicious assholes ever to stain the halls of the US judicial system, let alone SCOTUS itself.

Thanks for all you do.

Robt said...

Kamal is working hard for that Walz in the park.