Thursday, June 06, 2024

Professional Left Podcast Episode 810: Seeing The Republican Fascist Matrix

"Churchill didn't dance around the Nazis; he called it fascism." -- Michael McCaul


The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


Jon Sitzman said...

Good morning DG and BG!

It's surreal to hear y'all discuss "last year's" Derecho because... wasn't that just like a month or three ago?

(I've been listening to y'all for a minute.)

OBTW did you hear that Torture Johnny, John C. Yoo, is now advising Republicans to just prosecute Democrats for anything and everything? Actual relevance is, you know, irrelevant. Just prosecute.

He's such a stand up guy.

I mean, second Trump election, sure - but seriously, why does anyone trust the US in the first place? Too many of the citizens here are straight-up insane. As you've said many times, Trump isn't the leading edge of the curve - he's the trailing edge. This rot and insanity has been here for decades.

Volksverhetzung, y'all.

Thanks for all you do.

Neo Tuxedo said...

They think they've taken the "red pill" when they clearly just like the steak Fox and Newsmax are feeding them.

This reminded me of alt-right blogger Curtis Yarvin, in the "Gentle Introduction" to his Unqualified Reservations (where he wrote as Mencius Moldbug), declaiming that his "genuine red pill is not ready for the mass market. It is the size of a golf ball, though nowhere near so smooth, and halfway down it splits in half and exposes a sodium-metal core, which will sear your throat like a live coal. There will be scarring."

My homegirl Elizabeth Sandifer quoted this burst of braggadocio, which she professed sincerely to love, in the title piece of her self-published 2017 collection Neoreaction a Basilisk: essays on and around the alt-right (an essay whose print edition I had helped kickstart a year earlier when Sandifer, as Lilly and Lana Wachowski had once done, wore a younger man's clothes). "The problem is," she went on, "once we get our golf ball-sized reality distortion pill home, put on some Laibach, and settle in for an epic bout of Thanatosian psychedelia, we discover the unfortunate truth: we're actually just huffing paint in an unhygienic gas station bathroom. Jesus, this isn't even bat country."

dinthebeast said...

Europe is worried about us reelecting Fergus because we have priors. They were flabbergasted when W got reelected in '04. We need to give them a different example this time, and live up to all of that D day stuff Biden spoke about at Normandy the other day.
The 80th anniversary of D day was a milestone in our long struggle against fascism, and it would seem that our turn has come around now. At least that's how I see it. Rishi Sunak apparently didn't think it was that big of a deal, and now he and his Tories are taking political fire from all sides. Nobody takes political advice from the likes of me, but even I could have told Rishi not to disrespect WWII veterans in the UK. Before D day, they were the last ones standing against the march of fascism, and fucking bombs were falling on London.
The WaPo has bigger problems that even that, now that the newsrooms are being handed over to a bunch of goddamn wingnuts. Democracy dies in darkness my ass.
Rainy day fund? Yeah, Jerry Brown pissed off a bunch of lefties by demanding that a larger percentage of the general fund be allocated to the rainy day fund, and guess what? Now that we have a state budget deficit in the tens of billions, the schools here will be largely unaffected because of that rainy day fund. There's being a politician, and then there's running an economy. Gavin Reptile is a dandy politician, but Jerry Brown knew how to run an economy.
Thank you again for the podcast. Audio issues are a pain, and all of my audio equipment was lost in the last move, so I feel you on that one. I have Audacity on this laptop, and have a guitar interface that plugs into the USB port, but I haven't done much with them because I already had a huge chunk of this drive full of practice recordings that Briana made with her phone. I pretty much had to ditch them all to an external drive because this one was filling up and slowing down this already decrepit machine...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Robt said...

I was inspired by others to create this little story

Moral of the story

During a class of the 10 commandments at a religious school.

A student asked the Nun instructor of the class a question.

Student- Sister Mary, What is adultery?

Sister Mary- When you have sex with someone other then the person you’re married to.

Student- you mean like president Trump with porn star Stormy Daniels and the playboy bunny Ms. McDougal?

Sister Mary’ I guess so. Can we return to the 10 commandments now.

Student- I thought Adultery was one of the commandments .

Sister Mary- guess it is but lets not judge too harshly.

Student- If I grow up to have sex with a porn star and a playboy model with my wife at home nursing our new born son. Can I be chosen by God, worshiped by Christians and become president?

Sister Mary- Lets now open our Bibles and start reading the story of Jonah and the Whale.