Monday, April 01, 2024

Hey Nineteen

OMG, my little blog is all grown up!

Yes, this is my blogiversary.  Actually it was yesterday, but since yesterday was officially "Wingnut Mouthbreathers and Bigots Get Bent Outta Shape Over Trans Day of Visibility" I thought I wait a day.  

Anyway, are a few snips from a thing I wrote and published 19 years ago today.  

The date was April 1.

The year was 2005.

And as an exercise for the class, see if this doesn't sound a whole lot like the political party which would -- to the stunned, bug-eyed disbelief  of all the recently-former Republicans who have since colonized cable teevee -- nominate and elect Donald Trump to the White House:

Now a credulous four-year-old or an average GOP voter might find this persuasive – like missing cookies and milk on Christmas Day “proves” Santa Claus was taking his Elf Union Authorized 15-minute break in your living room – but what about what Paul Harvey used to call, “The rest of the story?”...

This sort idiocy rests at the bewildering heart of the Hard Right.

Why is the Hard Right always so predictably, drooling eager to believe such a torrent of half-assed nonsense, half-truths or outright lies? Why they are so invincibly incapable of even a moment’s reflections on the faint possibility that they might be wrong?

Why they are so willing to believe any ragged, crazy shit that is pulled out of Limbaugh's or DeLay's or Coulter's nether-regions like The Amazing Fecal-o producing mile after mile of shit-stained handkerchiefs out of thin air?

The answer is Fundamentalism: the belief that the Bible is the literal and inerrant Word of God. To believe that One Big Lie that undergirds an entire cult movement that, in turn, owns and operates the Republican Party, you must be willing to trade your soul and free will for faux certainty. You must declare yourself openly and eternally at war with Science, Fact and Truth and once you travel down that road, you are lost. Well and truly fucked.

Then again, without the slack-jawed credulity of the Big Dumb Right, endlessly emptying their change-purses into the coffers of Solar-Corona-Haired Poltroons and getting their mental health treatments by the Laying of Hands on the teevee and praying extra special hard during Jack Van Impe...

... the market for Petroleum-Based Jesus Trinkets, Virgin Mary Douche (For that Immaculately Fresh Feeling) and Velvet Artwork would surely crash...

...hucksters and whores by the thousand would be driven from their Mega Churches and 700 Club sofas and Congressional Seats into cardboard boxes under bridges, begging for scraps. Reduced to turning Two Dollar Indulgence Tricks on the street-corners. Leaning into open car windows at three in the morning, hawking their shabby wares: “Hey Baby! Wanna do some Forgiveness?”...

This is why Liberals cannot be allowed anywhere near the Beltway Media's adult table.  We are the glitch in their matrix.  We are the inexplicable anomaly that makes their whole "No one coulda seen this coming" fairy tale go *poof*.

Because we did see it coming.

And we said what we saw out loud and in public.  And in doing do, in defiance of the dogmas of the Lords and Ladies of the Beltway media and Conservative media, we pretty much killed any possibility of a career as professional opinion-havers.

But the fact remains, we amateurs and autodidacts were right.  And the professionals were wrong.  Horribly, catastrophically wrong.  And they went right on being horribly, catastrophically and confidently wrong until it was far, far too late.  

And that, brothers and sisters, is why they still loathe us and will not abide us being anywhere near them in any public forum.


Yes, The Blogiversary Fundraiser Tip Jar Looks Just Like 
The Every Other Day Tip Jar


Fritz Strand said...

Type 3 fastback. Cool. But kind of nerdy.

Jon Sitzman said...

G'd morning DG and BG!

Here's a little feel-good for today.

Too little, too late, too small a venue? Maybe. Maybe this will be a meaningless spatter of rain on the windshield of the bus as it careens off the cliff in November.

I'm choosing to hope not. I'm choosing to believe this is a light in the dark wildlands of mass media complicity, a beacon that at least one other newshead can look at and say, "Wait a minute - maybe we should do this."

I'm also very appreciative that the author took the time to call out political leaders and media figures in the context of relevant history, as well as directly calling Republican lies lies, something the media is only now beginning to do in earnest.

I don't know what if any effect this will have, but I'm hoping it's more than "none." Someone, somewhere, has to hold up a mirror to the media and say, "Folks, enough." I'm hoping this is the first of several, if not many, such raisings of the mirror.

Anyway! Fuck April fools. We're living in a shitty enough timeline without shitty stupid jokes making it worse.

As always, thanks for all you do.

Habitat Vic said...

Fritz, I agree as to the VW. But what about Drifty?

Well, Drifty is COOL (goes without saying; raise a single malt to that) and given the sci-fi knowledge, plus all his programming background ... yep, he is NERDY as well. Simultaneously! A floor wax AND a desert topping, if you will.

Jon Sitzman said...

Following up on my earlier comment - more from Digby's blog.

Word's getting out.

Anonymous said...

Type 3 fastback. Cool.

"It ain't no joke..."