Monday, April 01, 2024

He's Never Gonna FlimFlam Again

Guilty feet have got no rhythm...

Not really.  Just another April Fools joke a man some people only think of as grifting scumbag who trafficks in a little larceny, attempted extortion and doctoring videos in order to ruin Democrat's reputations, and whose importance to the "conversation" was vouched for by no less that than-MSNBC employee Hugh Hewitt, and current-MSNBC-employee Michael Steele.

Take it away Crooks & Liars!

Who was fired late last year by the grifting scumbag consortium he brought together, and whose replacement quit almost immediately when she found out what a shithole of illegality she was walking into

From The Verge:

James O’Keefe’s replacement at Project Veritas quits due to “strong evidence of past illegality.”

O’Keefe, the organization’s founder and Forbes 30 under 30 Hall of Shamer, announced his exit in February while the Justice Department investigated how Project Veritas came into possession of a diary belonging to President Biden’s daughter ahead of the 2020 election. Now his replacement, Hannah Giles, says she’s out too*, as reported by The Messenger.

*But only after she delivered evidence of past crimes to the authorities, according to her statement, included below.

But you and I know a different James O'Keefe don't we?  A theater kid with a dream.  A dream of using his position as the Grifting Scumbag-in-Chief of Project Veritas to finance his dance-sploitations and force his employees to watch.

Take it away John Oliver via Crooks & Liars!

I Am The Liberal Media


stickler said...

Hannah Giles . . . Hannah Giles. Where have I heard that name before?

She should have been well aware that Project Veritas was a shithole, since she played prostitute to O'Keefe's pimp in the Planned Parenthood sting back in 2010, IIRC.

Robt said...

Must be great for O'Keeffe to step aside into the private life of gro0ming the neighbors children.

Think of all that money he can save from paying lawyers and lawsuits. Perhaps he can hook up with Tucker Carlsson and double team Putin in their next Moscow adventures in interviewing Putin.

I am guessing MAGA believes O'Keefe is a mere RINO Libtard..

We would all like to see him content where he goes to live. Texas, Idaho, Oklahoma, Florida. You know, where he will fit right in.

Kevin Holsinger said...

Good morning, Mr. Glass.

He lied. True to form.

Best to you and your loved ones.

Jon Sitzman said...

So in other news of the weird:

RFKjr insists that 5G is a way for "them" to watch every square inch of the planet 24 hours a day. It's a way for "them" to harvest our data and punish our behavior. (Uh, data harvesting and licensing is legal within certain boundaries, and has been happening by the terabyte for years now... did you bother to learn anything about this stuff before you spouted out this braindead nonsense?)

Digital currency will let "them" punish us from a distance and cut off our food supply. JESUS FUCK WHAT IS THIS KOOKERY. I think it's anti-Chinese gabble, but it's hard to be sure (RFKjr is clearly just... nuts).

Vaccine passports (oh Divine Dog here we go)... the minute we take a "vaccine passport" we become a slave to "arbitrary government dictates." Thankfully there were a lot of boos here.

It's sickening that so many cheered for this babbling meathead. I have trouble believing anyone falls for this idiocy. And RFKjr also just announced that Pres. Biden is "arguably" a worse threat to small-d democracy than Donald Trump because First Amendment something something. (He's still really peeved that socmed isn't allowing him to spread his anti-vax perversity far and wide, so of course that's PJB's fault.)

This guy is a fucking loon. I honestly can't tell if he actually believes this odious junk, or if he's just hollering whatever lies get him more campaign donations (see also: Republican). It kills me that everyone can't see through his vomitous dreck. Thankfully some can.

Thanks for all you do.

Jon Sitzman said...

Yikes, sorry - cat was on my desk and I forgot to add the link for my prior comment.
