Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Professional Left Podcast Episode #787: No Fair Remembering What Trump Said Yesterday

“Liberals say that felons deserve a second chance.  So why are they mad that Donald Trump is hiring Paul Manafort?”
-- New York Times Pitchbot 


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andy said...

A+ for this "No Fair Remembering Stuff"! Extra kudos to you both for mentioning and *reading* from "They Thought They Were Free." It's a book I read during the dark days of 2018, and have lent it out to friends over the years. You can probably do an episode alone on the "nice" Nazis who burnt the synagogue down--covered in the beginning of the book--and then went back to their jobs and lives as if nothing happened. And thank you for pointing out the myth of fascism being an phenomena of the working class. It.is.not. There has been so much written about the middle class's attraction to fascism starting in the 1930s/40s. Fascism has been called anti-capitalism for small business owners--without socialism's Jewish connections. It's amazing how many home improvement contractors were among the J6ers. It's a group that has escaped (barely) the working class -who they hate!--but can't quite make into the upper-middle class and live the lives they see on the TeeVee. While the working class gets identity and power from unions, and the upper middle has status and money and cool jobs, the lower middle has no or limited group associations. Fascism/Trump gives the middle a chance to throw punches and do some male bonding. It's very similar to the attraction the SA (brownshirts) held for young Germans back in the day

End of rant. Keep up the amazing work!

Robt said...

Republicans' would sue you over this.

Whenever unfairly using Texas women as Molly Ivins or Ann Richards to bitch slap verbally, right wing misadventures in government..
But I enjoyed it. Nice touch.