Wednesday, March 20, 2024

$454 Million Fine

No Half Measures


Anonymous said...

Ha!The only thing that could make it better is the "billionaire" had his empty pockets turned out...

Jon Sitzman said...

Aww. Jonathan Chait's article is so cute.

I mean, credit where due. Trump is a crook, and Chait calls that correctly. That's the bare minimum.

However, Levin is a lying gasbag. His raising the question of rich someones saving Trump isn't "earnest;" it's the same outrage-porn that hate radio (of which Levin is an enthusiastic participant, I've listened to his show) is premised and profitized around.

Chait manages to miss the most salient point, one that his own article creeps right up to but fails to confront:

>>> Trump has built his entire business career on the premise that laws are merely suggestions. The method has generally succeeded. When the government tried to make him allow Black people to live in his father’s apartment buildings, he defied the law and repeated Justice Department efforts to force compliance. He and his father funneled millions of dollars into his pockets illegally via a tax-fraud scheme of shell companies and phony paperwork. He repeatedly and habitually refuses to pay contractors for services rendered. He boasted that he could buy off public officials, a belief that, correct or not, explained his brazen willingness to cheat and steal.

This phenomenon, this thinking, is hardly unique to Trump. Avoiding, abusing, and manipulating US law is the standard MO of Republicans and their funders, hard stop. (Should we talk about the NADA for a moment? NRA?)

Now I'm going to wander into speculation here, so take this next part with even more salt than the above.

>>> And while those wealthy Republicans are happy to vote for Trump again, their calculation is that he will get into office and enact a tax cut that will make them richer. If doing so requires them to loan money to a crook who lies about everything, including his finances, that changes the proposition. They would absorb the risk that there are other fraudulent evaluations in Trump’s portfolio, and that Trump might stiff them as he has previous lenders. In short, this would mean supporting Trump would probably lose them money, which is the opposite of their intent.

Nope, wrong again. IMO, someone(s) absolutely is, eventually, going to step up and fund Trump, for a few of reasons. One, they do want those standard Republican tax cuts that are so sweet for the filch and so filthy for the rest of us. Two, they worry that if Trump sets a precedent of being actually held accountable for rampant crime, corruption and malfeasance, some of their own legal near-invincibility might slip. And three, most odious - whoever saves Trump owns Trump. The guy overtly talks and acts like a mobster, and that means he knows favors and how to give them. If someone saves his ass financially, they'll have his ear and favor for his entire term if he wins.

Again, the last part above is speculation.

Thanks for all you do.

dinthebeast said...

So let me get this straight: Fergus is having trouble getting anyone to lend him a half billion dollars for decades of loan fraud?
How can this be?

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Robt said...

Have to say,
America's Billionaires are not rugged individuals at all. As we have been told all the self made fairy tales about.

The are really have soft tender underbellies that require socialism to survive.
It is why they are so against any "socialism" Government using tax dollars of tax payers to improve tax payers lives".
Because they are so afraid there will be less for them.

Note: With so many corporations not having to pay taxes today (thanks GOP), where is the law to ban any corporation that does NOY pay taxes from receiving any bail outs, any tax credits, these of the state Dept to work out business adventures in foreign countries? This should be a no brainer for the no brains GOP . It has two elements they hate. socialized entitlements and safety nets. You know, suckling on the teats of government/