Wednesday, March 27, 2024

I Won't And You Can't Make Me

Well it finally happened.

Having covered a lot of stomach-churning nonsense sharted out by cosseted Conservatives on the op-ed pages of The New York Times, at last I have found the place I dare not look --


 -- and found Ross "Chunky Reese Witherspoon” staring back at me.

So nope, nope, nope. 








I'll Need Another Jug Of Brain Bleach To Get Past This


AlbertEShort said...

I literally just saw the headline and had the same repulsion, but at the same time there's that thing that makes you want to smell the carton of milk two weeks after the sell by date.

dinthebeast said...

No Ross, don't Douthat, I just ate...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Robt said...

The lack of confronting the important realities in our social construct of our time.. A news hound that can't smell a story to hunt it down.
So write about something obscure and abstract where you can apply in overlap a strawman and stick pins in him.
I mean Tomi Loren of Right wing banana land is on Douthat level now.

Ross Douthat's concern to try and waste other people's time by wondering around with "his" burning question.

"Has Liberalism found a coherent sexual ethics" ? Douthat asks.

He seems to be lost in the catacombs of his own concubines.

Dave McCarthy said...

C'mon, say it with me: Lord Voldemort