Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Every Time I Hear Another Recently-Former Republican Explain How None of This Was Their Fault...

...I am reminded of Jake Spoon's excuse-making last scene in Lonesome Dove.

A man who'll go along with Republican lies and treason through the Bush administration and Republican slander and sabotage during the Obama administration, takin' his leave a little slow.

Burn The Lifeboats


Robt said...

I call it the villain Victimhood......

They have no self awareness.

I swear Donald , when he saw Goldfinger 007 in his hunger day. Found himself idolizing and

Identifying with the Goldfinger character in the movie.

Here are some reasons I put forth to prove my point. They are several YouTube links to Goldfinger clips. (copu and paste to watch. Let me know if you disagree?

1) He has a overwhelming compulsion to always win. Even when he loses.


2) They both fancy themselves as Golfers who will cheat to win and cannot control their lust for gold.


3) Strong desire to be in control of other people’s lives and has little regard for others. Again, loves gold more than anything.


4) Likes to have his secluded Club house and he know the best people. Demands loyalty but does not give any.


Batocchio said...

Jake Spoon at least feels some regret and ultimately accepts his fate, which can't be said of the people who eagerly work for Team Evil for years or even decades. (And he actually faces judgment.)