Friday, February 16, 2024

A Solemn Promise From Me To You

You know, at the end of the day this is really just a small blog out here in the exurbs of media respectability.  Couple dozen or a few hundred readers a day, about which, after 19 years of doing this, I remain amazed and truly grateful.  

And our Professional Left podcast has a weekly listener total that's a mere fraction of The Bulwark's total haul.  And after 14 years, we are also truly grateful for each and every one of you.

We do not enjoy (and never will enjoy) the tens of millions dollars in free publicity and co-sponsorships from major cable news and print media outlets that made The Bulwark's huge listener base possible, so on behalf of our literal mom-and-pop media empire I can't promise you that we will ever be able to hire 30 staffers and production assistants and a dozen writers so that we can crank out three podcasts a day along with ten YouTube short and six newsletters, mostly telling you stuff you already know. 

Nor can we promise you that very soon not a day will go by when you will fail to see an employee of The Professional Left seated at an MSNBC Zoom panel, glaring back at you from your teevee, every hour on the hour.

Can't promise any of that.  

But what I can solemnly promise is that we will never, ever have Chris Fucking Cillizza on as an honored guest as we conduct the latest of twenty different thought experiments and gaming outs and bitch sessions and prattling claptrap roundtables about Joe Biden stepping aside.

Never, never, never, not ever.

And that is a driftglass promise from me to you.  

I Am The Liberal Media


DocAmazing said...

Mr. Her Emails still has a job. You were right: there is a club...

Kevin Holsinger said...

Good morning, Mr. Glass.

And what of Ezra Klein?

Best to you and your loved ones.

Unknown said...

In my meandering about the universe and taking time to watch my grandchildren grow it's nice to drop in here and see you are still rock solid. Way to be Driftglass.

Robt said...

Should Democrats dump Biden unless he too sells gold colored Sneakers?

Biden is old. He is older than me. He has lots of knowledge he doesn't have to learn as he goes or on the fly. Called experience. Ot tales little energy tp recall what you know and fewer brain cells.

For instance, Trump who is no spring chicken, has so many regrettable speaking moments. How he beat Obama in 2016.

Biden will take us into world war ll. How NIkki (not Nancy) failed on Han 6 insurrection. I can go on for a long time because, Trump has been going on for some time.
Biden didn't have to ask if firing a Nuclear Warhead into a Huff cane idea. Trump did.

Biden has a good team put together of very highly qualified and experienced people. He personally is not making weather decisions over a hurricane prediction by the weather folks to grab a sharpie and redraw the hurricane's path as the other old dude did but did it unwisely, foolishly and irresponsibly arrogantly.
So there are differences

Lets indulge, Was Trump too old to give Sloppy Steve a pardon? Was Sloppy Steve too old to accept the pardon?
Is Sloppy Steve too old to rally and froth his NAZI marching band?
Is Trump too old to carry out Hitler's Mein Kompf?
Aren't NAZIs and their whole things like, old. They were popular in WW2 abd just lame old murderous superior race fantasy living Beings from , (Sherman) Get the way back machine.

I mean, Trump is so old, he is reverting back to his glory days of being a shoe salesman.

Raven Onthill said...

snicker snicker snicker