Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Sunday Morning Comin' Down: Will Saletan Edition


How useless is Will Saletan?

So useless that he has been installed as the "You're so right, Charlie!" housebroken Liberal at The Bulwark, where he regularly plumbs the depths of finding new ways to excuse the inexcusable like so --

-- but not before putting on his hair shirt and lecturing us naughty Liberals about our bad behavior.  

This time, he that lecture came from Saletan peering deeply into the cesspit that is the Texas Republican party and noticing that some of the regular MAGA turds float a little higher in the muck, while the superMAGA turds sink deeper in the muck.  From this he invented a cautionary fable about what we naughty Liberal must not do.  You see, they call all of us Democrats dirty commie, terrorist-loving scum.  However we must be better than that.  We must recognize the subtle gradations in turd buoyancy between regular MAGA turds and superMAGA turds and take pains not to paint the entire GOP with such a broad brush.

Liberal Tone Police at the MAGA turd pool is a helluva way to make a living, Mr. Saletan.

While Saletan was oozing with praise for Welker's Meet the Press clusterfuck, the rest of the sentient saw something very different happening on NBC on Sunday Morning.

Take it away Jay Rosen:

Admittedly a little lazy of me to copy/paste the opinions of the estimable Mr. Rosen, but honestly I have little to add.  

I wrote my own breakdown of the Sunday Gasbag Cavalcade for [takes off shoes and socks to count that high] 16 years, and began tapering off a few years ago because by that time it was long past abundantly clear that the political reportage of the networks was completely fucked in the head and that it would never change but only get worse because the networks believed they were doing a terrific job.

I wrote dozens of posts specifically pointing out that when NBC had finally used up and tossed out the odious David Gregory, they took pains to hire someone exactly as terrible in exactly the same ways in the person of Chuck Todd.  Todd came right out of the gate awful and only got worse, which should have told anyone paying the slightest attention that the executives at NBC actually, explicitly want someone just like that in that chair every Sunday morning.  That the gender, skin color or hair style of that person is secondary to their willingness to carry on Meet the Press' rich tradition of being a steaming pile of craven Beltway bad habits and cliches.

That once they had finally used up Chuck Todd and were getting ready to tossed him out, the thinking of NBC executives went no deeper than, "Can we get a Chuck Todd-type...but in a dress!"

And the halls of 30 Rock rang with the slowly-rising, awed cheers for this stroke of wild, out-of-the-box genius.  

Burn The Lifeboats


Jon Sitzman said...

Good morning DG and BG.

There's a series of Tad Williams novels called the Otherland books. They're good. You've probably read them.

There's a character in this series, one book in particular, who is based on the Scarecrow of the Oz stories. He's filled with hot air, and if he ever springs a leak - PHHSSSSS, he'll fall flat and empty. At one point this happens, and (in the midst of other Seriously Bad Shit, if memory serves) there's a minor comedic moment where the Scarecrow character is trying to keep himself inflated. (Bear in mind this person isn't one of the Good People.)

Anyway, Trump is rather like that Scarecrow. Without constant, usually favorable (or at least carefully slanted) media coverage - PHHSSSSS, he'll fall flat and empty. Far more useless (and unsightly) than a shed snakeskin.

So what does the media do?


Of course, this is also true of Chris Christie's worthless arse. Those two and many other Republicans.

They are media creations. And there is no doubt in my mind at least that the media absolutely knows this.

Do they keep doing it for the clicks, eyeballs and dollars? Do they have a political/tax-break agenda in mind (hey, that 100-foot houseboat ain't gonna buy itself, y'know!)?

I can't say, not being a mind reader. But given the results, I don't need to know. I know the US mainstream media is friendly to conservatives and hostile to liberals - and more importantly, to a whole bunch of normal people, who loosely understand and support liberal policy ideals but don't really follow politics.

The US MSM is, by and large, on the side of the wealthy and powerful against the common people. Why they've chosen that side matters less than that they have.

I don't have a hopeful peroration to close with. Just more thanks for all you do. Please keep this accurate (and witty) chronicle for as long as you see fit.

Stay safe.

dinthebeast said...

Same old. My friend Carson, back in the eighties, used to call it "Press the Meat"...

-Doug in Sugar Pine