Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Who Loves Ya Baby: Mark Halperin Edition

I don't know about you, but I keep a few cards in my wallet for purely sentimental reasons.  For example, I have an ancient Illinois Education Association/ National Education Association membership card proving that I was, indeed, a card-carrying union thug back when I was teaching at Columbia College.  My "active" status on the front.  Member bennies and the small "union bug" on the back.  

Nice memories.  

I am also in possession of a rare prototype "Chicago One-Stop Career Center" membership card from back in the day when evaluating various swipe-card system that would track client service usage across Chicago's huge workforce system was one of my many, many responsibilities at the City of Chicago.

Both cards are long since expired because they came with expiration dates.  Just like virtually every other civilization-navigating piece of plastic in my wallet and, presumably, in your wallet, purse, or fanny-pack too.

There is, however, one exception.  One very rare and extremely valuable bit of kit that grants you access to all kinds of benefits denied to the rest of us peons, and which apparently never expires.  

This card:

If you are a proud member of this exclusive club then no matter how perverse your behavior has been or what a godawful dog's breakfast of Both Siderist hackers and GOP taint lickery your work has been, if you are ever bounced from The Club, with the rarest of exceptions, your cronies and fellow travelers who remain in good standing inside the The Club will never stop moving Heaven and Earth to get your membership restored.

For example, today the once ubiquitous Mark Halperin was back on non-NewsMax cable teevee, baby!

Well, sorta.

After an epic and richly deserved fall from grace which one wag described as a... plummet from the chopper to the chipper had reached its nadir. Once the runaway leader in workplace sexual predation, Beltway hackery and straight-faced, monotone Conservative talking-point recitation, in less than four years Halperin been reduced in station to an audio animatronic pitchman for NewsMax, "interviewing" the twice-impeached traitor Donald Trump for the titillation of that propaganda outlet's thousands of mouth-breathing idiot viewers. Hamperin was smuggled back into the set of Morning Joe in video form.  Because of all the tiny focus groups in all the towns in all the world, Squint and the Meat Puppet just hadda pick Halperin's to masticate on-air in search of elusive electoral wisdom.

I shall spare you the lived experience, but it went a little something like this:

And now, to cleanse your palate, we bring you Mr. Telly Savalas celebrating the glories of [checks notes] Duluth?

Really?  Duluth?  Duluth Duluth? 

Well, OK then.

Roll it Jimmy!

I Am The Liberal Media


SteveSteve said...

Ugh, ugh and double ugh. I'll say it again. MSNBC is not our friend. Morning, Afternoon and Evening Joe.

Ian said...

Great writing DG! If you are into good news, the NYT has a story about Fox getting sued for more of Tucker's bad actions.