Friday, May 12, 2023

If Only There Had Been Some Warning


Some hint.  

A clue.  

Some whiff brought in on a vagrant breeze that No Labels was a, uh, less than reputable organization.

Like, say, a long blog essay about what a scam this was, published two days after they launched in 2010.

Dead Center

Political Cowardice Now Has Its Own "Movement"!


In case you ever idled away an afternoon screwing around with your old political chemistry set/fantasy football league lineups and wondering what would happen if you took a bunch of Republican primary losers (Charlie Christ)...added in a goonbag of out-of-work and out-of-favor former Republican speechwriters and campaign button-men (David Frum/John Avlon/Mark McKinnon)...the last of the politically arteriosclerotic insider DLC goofs who aren't already drawing paychecks under the Obama Administration's "Former Clinton White House Full Employment Project" (Nancy Jacobson aka. Mrs. Mark Penn)...Republican minor teevee celebrities (Joey Joe Joe Junior Scarborough)...

...and David Fucking Brooks?

And then sprinkled the resulting crime against nature with an assload of money (because there are always, always endless assloads of money available for any horrible idea that reinforces Villager sensibilities)?

What you get crawling out of the Petri dish are things like the autotuned, content-free, sugar-coma-inducing horror that is -- 
-- the "No Labels Anthem"

But nothing we did not expect, right?

I mean, ever since the Republican Base ducked out on paying the tab for a generation of being loudly and catastrophically wrong about everything by putting on funny hats, screaming about liberty and calling themselves "The Tea Party", their sleazy Centrist enablers have been seething with jealously. Quite suddenly the monster they built didn't need them anymore and the skeevy hustlers who had helped create the Racist/Corporatist/Dominionist Confederacy on the bones of the New Deal and the grave of the American Dream found themselves cast out and looking for their next meal ticket.

Preferably a meal ticket under a banner that -- like "Tea Party -- wouldn't keep bringing up their horribly inconvenient past as the sleazy, enabling hustlers.

Hey, kids! I have an idea! Lets peel those the icky, damning labels off of everything and -- presto! -- there is magically no longer any difference between rat poison and apple sauce!

Can I haz my million dollars now? 

It goes on like that.  I've also run periodic updates on the many costume changed this scam has gone through over the years until it reached its present state.


Burn The Lifeboats


Robt said...

yeah, No labels for Trump.

Problem with 3rd party choices can be seen and educational in other countries where it is part of their system in full bloom.

Take Israel where they have multiple parties in their election. They get elected and then negotiate their granted representation off to other parties that have more larger coalition to form a government.
They have not ben able to rid themselves of Netanyahu when they have done what they could in elections.

They never get what they want or expect and the largest coalition always rules.

If the smaller coalitions did not become desperate to gain power in deal making to form the government and give up all they were elected for to have some sort of say while heir voters are sold out. But it doesn't seem to work where the smaller parties can united with their majority.

Name me an independent presidential candidate that ever had a valid shot at winning an election. Sure, get the WAT BACK MCHINE and travel back to Theodore Roosevelt and his Bull Moose party that was a party formed within the republican party for the GOP primaries. Once TR won his primary he was a GOP candidate in the general election.

How does an independent president fantasy work with the House and Senate? Does he caucus with a Senate Majority and then caucus with the Democratic majority in the house.

None of it will do a thing. When money is speech and billionaires with a whole lot of speech can Bribe (Lobby and donate to campaigns) to but their representatives to do what they want and our representatives are legally allowed to sell our representation to the highest bidder. The corruption and obstruction is built in.

It is how the GOP after wild spending and passing the debt ceiling 3 times for their party can now hold it as hostage and say our debt NOW, is too much and a democratic president does not get to govern the country. Now with a democratic president the slight majority in the house e GOP will decide and govern.

Lobbying is no where in the constitution. Speech is and it was a GOP stacked court that made up a rule that money is speech. That bribing and buying loyalty of representing the people can be bought and sold to the highest bidder.
Which leaves "We The People" without representation.

SteveSteve said...

I wonder what Andrew Yang thinks about this!