"I'd like to get back into journalism. I'm hoping someone will offer me a job as a commentator or one of those political analysts that you see on the news shows all the time." -- Jeff Gannon
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal
Ep 708: No Fair Remembering Stuff - Jeff Gannon
04-11-2023 | We remember the gay prostitute, Jeff Gannon, who was a George W. Bush White House Correspondent for two years. More at http://proleftpod.com.
YouTube Ep 708: https://youtu.be/K2ZMJwog9Gs
Opening and closing music: Jumpin Boogie Woogie by Audionautix
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/jumpin-boogie-woogie
Music promoted by Audio Library
Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on Audionautix.com
Jeff Gannon, George W. Bush, security breach, No Fair Remembering Stuff, #NFRSPodcast, #CornfieldResistance, #BothSidesDont, #TheLeftRemembers, #BurnTheLifeboats, Go Postal Unions!, politics, progressive, media, history
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Still early in the cast. Your description of Gannon reminds me of something that, sadly, I can't easily find on the web any more (I'd link to it if I could). Wayback might find it; can't search right now.
If I'm remembering this right (and I may not be), "The Steve Bartko incident," as it came to be called, was a scam in which a Microsoft employee was, to all appearances, paid to impersonate an avid Microsoft fan (but NOT an employee). Under the pseudonym Bartko, the paid commenter boosted for Microsoft on any forum he could get a login for. Obviously the salacious details (porn!) are missing, at least that I ever heard, but it was a bit of a bloody nose for software giant. A small one; it vanished quickly.
The point I'd seek to make is that this sort of thing seems to be common under the rubric of capitalism; if you can't legitimately launder your reputation, just pay a patsy to help you do it.
It is bitterly hilarious that this sort of scam was perpetrated at the level of the WH Press Corps. Absolutely ridiculous - which means it's completely on-brand for the GOP.
And letting something this egregious slide for 2 years is completely on brand for the derelict MSM, so I guess it's champagne all around. (If you're in the club, that is.)
Thanks for all you do.
I can;t really be sure.
Could Gannon have changed his looks and returned as George Santos?
By the way, I think it is time to create a GOP (entire right wing) Lexicon type resource reference.
One reference to Phrases and one for individual words.
Like Covefe, woke, Or " not cuing Social Security", Freedom, Right t bear Arms, and partisan. Even the word communist used by the GOP requires defining of their use of it.
The way Bush is holding that guy's head somehow reminded me of Trump caressing the Saudi Palantier.
There are dozens of synonyms for “noticed that the GOP is full of shit on every issue.” Woke, Marxist, Radical Left, Soros-backed, politically correct, judicial activist, SJW, virtue-signaling, radical feminist, reverse racism, Communist, socialist, antifa, groomer, gay agenda ...
The Gannon story is when I found out that a good friend had lost his damn mind.
He came over and I read him a post that Princess Sparkle Pony, who lives in DC, wrote outlining some of the local meat market sites and Guckert's presence there, and my friend lost his shit and started spouting conspiracy theories about Gannon's mistreatment and childhood.
He's still a friend, but now talking to him is like tiptoeing through a minefield...
-Doug in Sugar Pine
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