Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Project Very Tass

From Wikipedia:

TASS:  In July 1925 the Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union (Телеграфное агентство Советского Союза, Telegrafnoye agentstvo Sovetskogo Soyuza, TASS) was established by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, and took over the duties of the ROSTA as the country's central information agency. 

Those of use who Remember Stuff have vivid memories of how far the cancer of lying punk Jimmy O'Keefe and his droogies was allowed/encouraged to seep into the bones of the media over the years...and how many times he and his goon squad skated.

But now that his own board of "Project Veritased" lil Jimmy (who will no doubt go on to reconstitute an even more venomous goon squad under a shower of cash from even more depraved underwriters) I must confess that my favorite PV moment came after the final Clinton vs. Trump "debate".  This was when Hugh Hewitt -- who, let's remember, had his own fucking show on MSNBC and who I described at the time as a  "superannuated Sears Menswear mannequin that had been worked over with a bag of doorknobs" -- showed up with a single missionto jam the words "Project Veritas" into the conversation as hard and as often as possible before Joy Ann Reid and Chris Hayes' sheer incredulity forced him to power down. 

Let's go to the tape!  (h/t Crooks & Liars)

And as we go to the tape please note the Free!Bonus!Content!  

For no additional change you also get to watch Michael Steele insinuating that it was really Sekrit Democrats masquerading as Republicans who got Trump nominated in the first place.  This was the 2016 edition of Michael Steele, before he was Resistance Hero/MSNBC contributor Michael Steele, back when he was loyal Republican stooge/MSNBC contributor Michael Steele.

This all took place in late October of 2016, with the election just days away.  And since we're all enjoying this time together sitting around and transgressively remembering forbidden things, let me toss one more bit of pre-Trump memorabilia onto the pile.

Same week, two days later, we find that America's Most Humble and Respected Conservative Public Intellectual -- Mr. David Brooks of the New York Times -- had also decided to go into the business of mainstreaming seedy wingnut hatchet man, James O'Keefe (emphasis added):

Clinton has contributed to the degradation too. As the James O’Keefe videos remind us, wherever Hillary Clinton has gone in her career, a cloud of unsavory people and unsavory behavior has traveled alongside. 
Even as a shotgun was pointed at the head of American democracy, Steele refused to give up being a lickspittle GOP stooge, Brooks refused to set aside his fetish for Both Sidesing every fucking thing, and Hugh Hewitt was still unable to simulate human emotions and facial expressions well enough to disguise the fact that he is a cyborg sent from the future to destroy America.

I Am The Liberal Media!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Extra points for the reference from A Clockwork Orange.